Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Tercio Formation
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A Tercio Formation consists of a mix of models armed with pikes/polearms, handguns/crossbows and bucklers. All models are treated as having the same equipment, though you should attempt to model the unit with appropriate equipment as much as possible.

All models in the front rank, both flanks and rear may fire in the Shooting phase, even if they have moved this turn. This means that models in the front arc can fire forward, models in the left flank fire to the left, models in the right flank fire to right and models in the rear rank fire to the rear. Each arc may choose to fire at different targets if they wish.


All models in the unit's front rank fight using hand weapons and bucklers. The remaining models fight using pikes/polearms. All attacks against the unit's front are resolved against the models armed with hand weapon and bucklers.


If the unit has not moved in the last turn it counts as having no flanks or rear for the purpose of Disruption and combat resolution. However, for every flank or rear arc they are engaged in, they suffer -1 to their rank bonus.

Units of Crossbowmen or Arquebusiers within 3" of a unit of Tercios may lend them support fire if the Tercio is charged. This works out like a normal Stand and Shoot reaction, except that they do not suffer -1 To Hit for shooting at a charging enemy. In addition; if they choose to Flee as a charge reaction this does not cause Panic to friendly units.

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