Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Mad Count
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At the start of every friendly turn, Marius Leitdorf must take a Leadership test on 3D6, discarding the lowest result. If passed, he behaves himself and acts normally this turn, otherwise roll a D6 and consult the table below:




Lunatic Ravings: Marius recites poetry, does impressions of the Reiksmarshal and sings bawdy songs about rotund maidens.

For the remainder of the turn, Marius is treated as though he has failed a Stupidity test.


Berserk Rage: The Mad Count's favourite shirt is ruined and he enters an unreasoning rage.

Marius has the Frenzy special rule, and cannot lose it, until he rolls on this table again.


Paranoid Delusions: Leitdorf is convinced that both his allies and his own shadow are out to get him.

Marius immediately makes one close combat attack against a randomly chosen friendly model in base contact (if there are none, treat this result as Lunatic Ravings instead).


Tactical Brilliance: After consulting his warhorse, Daisy, Marius realises his army needs to be reformed at once.

Every friendly unit within 12" of Marius may immediately make a Reform manoeuvre. These units can still move, charge, march and shoot as normal during this turn.


Outrageous Insult: The Mad Count mocks his foe's girth, poor dress sense and find odour.

The closest enemy character to Marius has the Hatred (Marius Leitdorf) special rule for the rest of the game. This has no effect on units that have Immunity (Psychology).


Insane Bravado: Marius believes himself to be invincible and charges off to smite his foes.

Marius is treated as having rolled a Berserk Rage result. In addition he has the Stubborn special rule and must accept any challenge until he rolls on this table again.

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