Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Wonder of the Age
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Something of a poor imitation of a true Empire Steam Tank in terms of sophistication, the Land Ship does at least have size and ambition in its favour, from its bulky armoured hull to its oversized, life-threatening boiler and a steerage mechanism that can only be described as the fruits of an unhinged mind. In battle the Land Ship is an insane sight, almost a mobile fortress in effect towering over the battlefield, discharging its thunderous gun and crushing the enemy underfoot while its crew remain (almost) safe high on the deck above. That is when it works and the wheels don’t fall off, or the boiler explodes or the magazine catches fire…

The Land Ship, lacking anything like the control of a Steam Tank has two modes of movement: slow and full power. The player must declare which they are using before the Land Ship is moved each turn.

  • Slow: The Land Ship may move up to 6" directly forward without penalty or risk, but may not charge.

  • Full Power: The Land Ship follow the rules for Random Movement (3D6). However, if you roll two or more 1's when determining the Land Ships Random Movement, something has gone disastrously wrong. Roll immediately on the Land Ship Calamity Chart and apply the result.




Abandon Ship! With an appalling cracking sound, the main axles snap, spars shatter and the wheels are crushed, dumping the ship unceremoniously to the ground in an almighty crash.

The Land Ship is destroyed but left on the table as an area of impassable terrain. Any unit in base contact when this happens suffers D6 Strength 6 hits.


Arrrrgh! The boiler backfires, sending the Land Ship hurtling forward.

The ship moves the rolled distance and an additional D6", as well as suffering D3 wounds with no Armour save allowed.


All hands to the Wheel! The Land Ship slews perilously out of control.

Roll a Scatter dice and move the ship the rolled distance in the direction shown on the dice. If a ‘hit’ is rolled, the crew manage to drop the emergency anchor and the Land Ship remains stationary.


Boom! Between the over-pressurised boiler exploding and the powder magazine detonating, the Land Ship makes a spectacular fireball.

Everything within D6" of the Land Ship’s hull suffers a Strength 6 hit and the Land Ship is destroyed and removed from play.

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