Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Triumvirate of Blood
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Each of Nazgharoth’s heads bears the visage of a mighty Bloodthirster of Khorne, first among the Blood God’s host of daemons.

After attacking with Nazgharoth each close combat phase (before Stomps), you may pick one of the following effects. You may not choose the same effect in two consecutive rounds of combat.

  • Fires of Wrath: One of the heads belches forth a roiling stream of hellfire.
    Nazgharoth uses a Breath Weapon Attack with Strength 4 and the Flaming Attacks special rule.

  • Furious Ruin: The ground around Nazgharoth’s hooves twists and cracks, molten brass flowing forth and warriors falling to their doom.
    Nazgharoth rolls 2D6 with its Stomp Attack this phase.

  • Enraged Roar: One of the heads draws breath before letting forth a bellow of such unnatural rage that enemies’ heads explode into red mist.
    All models in base contact with Nazgharoth must pass a Toughness test or suffer 1 Wound with no saves allowed.

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