Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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Malus succumbs to Tz'arkan's possession when asleep, and drinks a magical potion to keep himself awake. When he needs the power of the daemon, he imbibes a dark elixir which immediately causes him to lose consciousness, allowing Tz'arkan to take control.

Malus Darkblade may unleash the power of Tz'arkan at the start of any friendly Movement phase. Once the Daemon is released, he cannot be bound back during the battle. If Malus releases Tz'arkan, the following rules apply for the rest of the game:

  • Malus Darkblade immediately gains the Frenzy and Ward Save (5+) special rules, but loses Elven Grace, Eternal Hatred and Murderous Prowess.

  • Malus Darkblade gains +1 Weapon Skill, +1 Strength, +2 Toughness and +1 Initiative. However, friendly units can no longer use his Leadership.

  • Each time Malus Darkblade makes a To Hit roll of 1, a friendly model in base contact (of your choice) is struck by Malus attack instead. Roll to Wound as normal.

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