Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Wrecker Attack
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The chain holding the mighty swinging great censer is let loose.

The Plague Furnace may inflict special attack after all other attacks have been resolved, inflicting an Artillery dice's worth of Hits against a single enemy unit to their front. A roll of Misfire means something has gone wrong; roll a D6 on the Plague Furnace Mishap chart below.




Crunch! The orb comes loose prematurely and smashes into the Plague Furnace below.

The Plague Furnace immediately suffers D3 Wounds and the unit pushing it takes D6 at Strength 5 hits.


Bilious Cloud. A jarring halt releases a particularly potent cloud of warp-poisoned fumes.

Immediately work out a special Billowing Death attack that causes 2D6 hits on any unit pushing the Plague Furnace.


Maddening Fumes! The great censer fails to drop, but instead glows white hot, sending billow clouds down upon the Plague Monks who become possessed with even more unnatural vigour.

Any unit pushing the Plague Furnace makes an additional full round of close combat attacks against any enemy unit in base contact. After this, they suffer D6 Wounds. Any casualties caused count towards combat resolution.

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