Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Purple Sun of Xereus
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Spell Level 6Casting Value: 15+

A colossal orb of purple-edged darkness materialises upon the battlefield. Those who do not escape its touch are turned to inert and unfeeling crystal.

Remains in play. The Purple Sun is a magical vortex that uses the small round template. Once the template is placed, the player then nominates the direction in which the Purple Sun will move. To determine how many inches the template moves, roll an artillery dice and multiply the result by 3. Any model touched by the template must pass an Initiative test or suffer a Wound using the Multiple Wounds (D3) and Ignores Armour Saves special rules as well as ignoring Regeneration. If the result on the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster and roll a scatter dice and a D6. The template moves the number of inches equal to the result of the D6, in the direction shown on the scatter dice (if you roll a Hit!, use the little arrow shown on the Hit! symbol). In either event, in subsequent turns, the Purple Sun travels in a random direction and moves a number of inches equal to the roll on an artillery dice. If a misfire is rolled in subsequent turns, the Purple Sun collapses in upon itself and is removed. A particularly brave Wizard can infuse the Purple Sun of Xereus with more power, so that it uses the large round template and causes Multiple Wounds (D6) instead. If they do so, the casting value is 25+.