Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Lore of Hashut
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The flame of Hashut kindles best in living flesh, and always hungers to destroy.Once a spell from the Lore of Hashut has been cast on an enemy unit, that unit counts as being Flammable for the remainder of the Magic phase.

The sorcerer's malice infects his chosen allies like an insidious malady, spurring them on to ever-greater depths of cruelty and savagery.

Breath of Hatred is an augment spell with a range of 24". The target unit gains the Hatred special rule until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. The Wizard can choose to have this spell target all friendly units within 12". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 12+.

1. Burning WrathCasting Value: 6+

The sorcerer calls on the fires of the deep earth and conjures forth a torrent of burning lava to immolate their enemies.

Burning Wrath is a magic missile with a range of 12" and causes D6 strength 6 hits with the Flaming Attackss special rule. The Wizard can increase this to 2D6 hits. If they do so, the casting value is increased to 12+.

2. Dark SubjugationCasting Value: 8+

Invoking the power of Hashut, lord of tyranny, the sorcerer wields their master's darkly malignant force to crush the will of their foes.

Dark Subjugation is a hex spell with a range of 24". The target unit must pass a Leadership test at -3 or suffer a permanent reduction of -1 to their Leadership for the rest of the game (to a minimum of 2). This has no effect on models with Immunity (Psychology).

3. Curse of HashutCasting Value: 10+

Channelling the malediction that inflicts his own twisted body, the sorcerer turns the dark curse of Hashut on others, causing their bones to petrify and their flesh to grow brittle and crumble to dust.

Curse of Hashut is a direct damage spell with a range of 18". It targets a single enemy model of the caster's choice (even a character in a unit). The target suffers a number of hits equal to 2D6 minus their Toughness value. Hits from this spell Wound on a 4+ with the Ignores Armour Saves special rule.

4. Ash StormCasting Value: 12+

The sorcerer calls down a hellish storm of choking hot ash, scalding and blinding anything unfortunate enough to be caught in its path.

Ash Storm is a hex spell with a range of 24". The target unit suffers -1 To Hit in close combat and -2 To Hit with missile attacks until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. In addition, the target unit may not march or Fly. The unit also treats all terrain (except impassable terrain) as dangerous terrain while the spell's effect lasts.

5. Hell HammerCasting Value: 13+

The sorcerer manifests the power of Hashut as a thunderous ram of roiling energy in the shape of an immense burning black hammer or a monstrous bull's head, which they can unleash across the battlefield with crushing force.

Hell Hammer is a direct damage spell. Extend a straight line 12" within the caster's front arc and directly away from their base. Each model in the way (determined using the line template) must take an Initiative test or suffer a Strength 6 hit with the Flaming Attacks and Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. Any unit suffering casualties from this spell must immediately take a Panic test. The Sorcerer can choose to increase the range of the spell to 24". If they do so, the casting value of the spell is increased to 17+.

6. Flames of AzgorhCasting Value: 18+

Fire leaps from the sorcerer's eyes and mouth as they call upon the most terrible incantations and destruction, the ground cracking open and boiling magma exploding forth in a devastating eruption at their word.

Flames of Azgorh is a direct damage spell which may be cast on any point on the table within the caster's line of sight. Place the small round template with the central hole on the chosen target point - the template then scatters D6". All models touched by the template suffer a Strength 6 hit with the Flaming Attacks and the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rules. In addition, the model directly under the hole in the template must take a Toughness test at -2 or be slain outright with no saves. The Sorcerer may choose to increase the power of the Flames of Azgorh using the larger (5") round template, but if this is the case the casting value is increased to 25+.