Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Lore of the Wild
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With a guttural roar that shakes the roots of the world, the Bray-shaman feeds the rage of the beasts around him.

If a spell from the Lore of the Wild is cast, all friendly units with the Primal Fury special rule within 6" may roll an additional dice for their Primal Fury tests in the ensuing close combat phase and discard the highest dice.

The shaman inflames the Beastmen's uncontrollable urge to rend the foe limb from limb, causing them to surge forward in a roaring, bellowing mass.

Bestial Surge is an augment spell that targets all non-fleeing friendly units within 6". If cast, all units will immediately make a move straight forward following the rules for Random Movement (D6+1). The Wizard can choose to instead have their spell target all friendly units within 12". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 14+.

1. ViletideCasting Value: 5+

This spell calls to the creeping things that nest in the decaying undergrowth, creating a vile wave of spiders, centipedes and slug-beetles that swarm over the foe.

Viletide is a magic missile with a range of 24" that inflicts 5D6 Strength 1 hits. The Wizard can choose to extend the range of this spell to 48". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 7+.

2. DevolveCasting Value: 8+

Delving into his enemies' minds, the shaman magnifies the savage and animalistic parts of their psyche until they are no more than growling beasts.

Devolve is a hex spell that targets all enemy units within 12". All target units must take a Leadership test. If the test is failed, the unit suffers a number of wounds equal to the amount the test was failed by with the Ignores Armour Saves special rule. The Wizard can choose to instead have their spell target all enemy units within 24". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 16+.

3. Bray-ScreamCasting Value: 8+

This spell unleashes a howling roar of such intensity that mashes brains and bursts eyeballs.

Bray-Scream is a direct damage spell. The caster makes a Breath Weapon attack with Strength 4. This may be cast in close combat, following the normal rules for Breath Weapons. The Wizard can choose to instead have the spell be resolved at Strength 5. If they do so, the casting value is increased to 13+.

4. Traitor-kinCasting Value: 10+

Calling out to the war-beasts of the enemy, the shaman drives a red-hot spear of wrath into the wild hearts of the enemy's mounts, causing them to turn upon those who dared tame them with bit, bridle and spur.

Traitor-kin is a hex spell that targets all enemy Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariots, ridden Monsters as well as War Beasts/Monstrous Beasts/Monsters with the Mixed Unit special rule within 12". All affected models will suffer a number of hits equal to the Attacks characteristics of their mount(s), using its Strength. In the case of Mixed Units, only the handlers are targeted, and only by models in base contact (in the case of Skirmishers, calculate this as if the models were ranked up in combat). Any armour save bonuses from the beast’s Natural Armour, barding etc, have no effect.

5. Mantle of GhorokCasting Value: 10+

Ghorok was a legendary Minotaur, ferocious as a storm. His spirit-mantle is terrible but dangerous to the bearer.

Mantle of Ghorok is an augment spell with a range of 12" that can be cast on a friendly Character, including the Wizard itself. The character (but not any mount) gains +D6 Strength and +D6 Attacks (both to a maximum of 10) until the start of the caster's next magic phase. Additionally, if one or more 6s are rolled, the model also suffers a Strength 5 Hit with no saves of any kind possible.

6. Savage DominionCasting Value: 15+

The shaman sends his mind winging into the wilds and possesses the largest creature he can find, storming back onto the battlefield with a vengeance.

Savage Dominion is an augment spell that is cast on the Wizard itself. The Wizard may summon one of the following Monsters: Ghorgon, Jabberslythe or Chaos Giant. Immediately place a model representing the beast, with its base touching any table edge. This model is effectively part of the Beastman army from that moment on. Every time the beast suffers a wound, the Wizard that summoned it must make a Toughness test. If this is failed, the Wizard takes a wound too, with no saves of any kind possible. If the Wizard is killed, the beast wanders back into the forest and is immediately removed from play (it counts as being killed for the purposes of victory conditions etc.). Note that the beast cannot be voluntarily dismissed by the Wizard, or dispelled by the enemy in following rounds. In addition, only one monster may be summoned by the same Wizard at any one time.