Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Cannon of the Sky-titans
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The cannon of the Sky-titans, despite being crudely pressed into service by the Ogres, is actually a very robust and sophisticated example of its kind. It can fire whole clutches of cannonballs at once, allowing it to do a tremendous amount of damage, although the range of such attacks is limited.

Fire the cannon of the Sky-titans in the same way as a normal cannon, using the profile and special rules that follow.

RangeStrengthSpecial Rules

If a misfire is rolled on the first artillery dice, roll a D6 and consult the following table:




Krakabooom! The much-abused cannon finally gives up under constant mistreatment by the Ogres and explodes spectacularly, showering redhot shrapnel and cannonballs in all directions. The Ironblaster is destroyed and all units within D6" take 2D6 Strength 5 hits.


Krrack! The cannon splits along its length with an earsplitting crack. It is rendered useless and may not be fired for the rest of the battle.


Squelch! The Gnoblar attendant, having stuffed several mangled corpses into the cannon to see what would happen, has fouled the mechanism. The cannon may not fire this turn or next turn as the Gnoblar gets the highly unpleasant task of cleaning gore out of the barrel.


Lurch! Moments before firing, the Rhinox pulling the Ironblaster gets spooked and lurches in its harness, bucking and snorting. Roll a scatter dice and turn the Ironblaster to face the direction rolled. The cannon may not shoot this turn.

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