Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Ironfist Mortar
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Most of this weapon's hull is taken up with a huge mortar, whose squat muzzle points ominously skyward. Ironfists don't often venture far out to sea as their principal role is the demolition of enemy coastal towns. Although invented by the scientists of the Empire, Ironfists are used both by and against many of the nations of the Old World, for wherever cities are built beside a river the Ironfist can bring immense firepower to bear from an otherwise inaccessible position.

Ironfists have the following profile and rules:

RangeStrengthSpecial Rules

An Ironfist is fired using the same rules as a Stone Thrower, but with the profile given above and the following differences: An Ironfist Mortar uses the large template, and consults the Black Powder Misfire Chart in case a Misfire is rolled.

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