Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Woodsman's Axe
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The White Lions each carry a heavy axe based upon the native Chracian design of the woodsman's axe. They are extremely skilled in the handling of these weapons, using them to fight bears, lions and even more monstrous creatures as well as marauding Dark Elves.

Great weapon. White Lions may make use of one the following special rules in close combat in the situations described below:

  • Lion Rampant: The axe is used to hold back a charging enemy and blunt the force of his attack. The White Lion uses the thick haft of the axe like a quarter staff to defend himself against the enemy's onslaught.
    Lion Rampant can be used in a turn when choosing "Hold" as a charge reaction. The White Lions gain the Parry (6+) special rule for the duration of the close combat phase.

  • Lion Leaping: The warrior uses the weight of his weapon to barge over his opponent, employing his Elven speed and agility to catch his foe off balance.
    Lion Leaping can be used in a turn when the White Lions are charging. The enemy models in base contact are subject to the Always Strikes Last special rule for the duration of the close combat phase.

  • Lion Claw: This method is employed against larger creatures, and is essentially a killing blow to the neck. The Chracians practice this movement using thick logs, and it is said that a well-aimed blow will cut a tree clean in two.
    Lion Claw can be used fighting against Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Beasts and Monstrous Cavalry. Against these Troop Types, the White Lions have the Heroic Killing Blow special rule in the first turn of close combat.

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