Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Army List: Orcs & Goblins (Abridged)*
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*The abridged version only describes a rule the first time it is listed.

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Based on PDF Version 1.5, Last Modified: 2023 March 29 @ 09:10

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Orcs & Goblins

Based on PDF Version 1.5, Last Modified: 2023 March 29 @ 09:10

Army Special Rules

This section describes all the different units used in an Orc & Goblins army, along with any rules necessary to use them in your games of Warhammer. Where a model has a special rule that is explained in the Warhammer rulebook, only the name of that rule is given. If a model has a special rule that is unique to it, that rule is detailed alongside its description. However, there are a number of commonly recurring 'army special rules' that apply to several Orc & Goblin units, and these are detailed here.

Orcs and Goblins have a special Animosity rule to represent their extreme belligerence – greenskins will fight anyone, even each other! Animosity is a trait that Orcs & Goblins players have to live with – sometimes it can be a pain in the neck, and sometimes it can produce a rather good result. It's just one of those things – the Orcs & Goblins army is nothing if not unpredictable.

This is usually Orcs and Goblins banded together in mobs and they can turn minor squabbles into full-scale riots – especially when in close proximity to other greenskin units.

Animosity Test

Animosity is represented by an Animosity test. This test is taken in the Charge sub-phase after all normal charges has been declared during each of your turns, by every unit that is subject to Animosity, with the following restrictions:

  • Units only test if they contain at least 5 models (there aren't enough of them to cause trouble otherwise).

  • Units that have declared a charge don't test (they're too busy charging the enemy!).

  • Units engaged in close combat don't test (they're too busy fighting the enemy!).

  • Units garrisoning a building don't test (they're too comfortable to quarrel).

  • Units fleeing or currently off the battlefield don't test (they're too busy running or marching).

Roll a D6 for each eligible unit. If the dice roll is a 2 or more, the unit behaves normally this turn. If the roll is a 1, however, the unit has failed its Animosity test and must roll on the Animosity Table.

When a unit fails its Animosity test, roll a D6 on the following table and apply the result immediately.




Get 'Em. Oi! Did yer see that? Them other greenskins is askin' for trouble! Pullin' faces, shoutin' rude insults, hurlin' dung! They deserve a good bashin'!

Inflict D6 Strength 3 hits on the closest friendly unit that has 5 or more models, is subject to Animosity, and is within 3". The victim (if there is one) then inflicts D6 Strength 3 hits back. Neither unit can charge or move in the Movement phase, cast spells, nor shoot this turn. If the victim has not yet taken an Animosity test, then it does not do so this turn. If there isn't an eligible victim, the unit will Squabble instead (see below). Wounds caused by the Get 'Em result never cause Panic tests – Orcs & Goblins find it far too entertaining to consider running away!


Squabble. Ratgut is a filthy lyin' git. As soon as this fight is done he needs teachin' a lesson. Take this and dat, and this and dat, and this and dat, and sum of this!

If it is possible to do so, the unit must declare a charge against the closest enemy unit. If the unit is unable to declare a charge, then a rowdy squabble breaks out and the unit may not move in the Movement phase, cast spells nor shoot this turn.


We'll Show 'Em. Da rest of da army is just a bunch of softies compared to us. Let's go show those pansies how it's done proper. Stomp everyfing into dust. Charge!

Pivot the unit on the spot to face the nearest visible enemy unit, and then make a full (non-march) move in a straight line towards it. If there is no visible enemy, the unit must move straight ahead instead. If it is impossible for the unit to pivot to face the closest enemy, it will pivot towards it as far as it can, and will then move as far forward as it can while still keeping the enemy within its forward arc. After the move is complete the unit must declare a charge against the closest visible enemy unit, if it is possible to do so. If the unit cannot declare a charge then it may carry on with the rest of its turn normally, as if it had not yet moved this turn.

Several units in the Orcs & Goblins army have the option to be upgraded to Big 'Uns. You may upgrade a single unit of these (not one each) in your army to Big 'Uns.

Models with Choppas get the Strength Bonus (1) special rule.

Characters may only join units of the same race (such as Orc, Savage Orc, Black Orc, Goblin, Forest Goblin, Night Goblin or Snotling). Black Orc characters may still join units of Orcs, however.

Models with this special rule treat models from Warhammer: High Elves, Dark Elves and Wood Elves rule as having the Fear special rule.

Models with this special rule treat Goblins and Snotlings of all types as Expendable.

If a Shaman rolls a Miscast, they roll 2D6 on the following table instead of the normal Miscast Table used by other wizards:




FZZZZZZAP! In a dazzling display, bolts of green energy shoot from the Shaman’s eyes as he somehow manages to keep control of the power surge.

Resolve the effects as if the Shaman had cast the Gaze of Mork spell and then deduct D3 dice from the power pool.


"Yuuurgh!" Struggling to control the sudden pulse of raw Waaagh! energy, the Shaman's already tenuous grip on reality is shattered.

The Shaman is subject to the Frenzy and Stupidity special rules for the rest of the game, although he may never lose his Frenzy. He may cast no further spells this turn.


"I've Forgot!" The Shaman’s mind is so befuddled by the dazzling Waaagh!ness of it all that he completely forgets the spell he just cast.

The Shaman may not cast this spell for the rest of the game. In addition, the resulting brainstorm permanently reduces his Wizard Level by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and he may not cast any further spells this phase.


"Me 'Ead 'Urts!" The potent green energy buzzing around the Shaman’s head shoots outwards towards other Greenskins channelling the Waaagh! Power.

All greenskins (friend or foe) within 12" that are capable of channeling power or dispel dice suffer a Strength 4 hit which Ignores Armour saves. In addition, D3 dice are lost from the pool.


"I Fink I'm Gonna…" The Shaman reels around for a moment before vomiting a huge blast of raw Waaagh! Power.

The Shaman suffers a Strength 10 hit and all Greenskin units (friend or foe) within 12" suffer D6 Strength 5 hits which Ignores Armour Saves. In addition, D3 dice are lost from the pool.


'EADBANG! With a colossal bang, the Shaman's head explodes in an incandescent ball of Waaagh! energy and he is killed outright. However, this burst of power will also cause the heads of those around him to explode!

Place the large round template over the Shaman before removing him from play. Any model under the template must pass a Toughness test or also be killed outright with no armour saves allowed. In addition, D3 dice are lost from the power pool.


Orc Warboss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 pts

Orc Warboss463553449

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Orc)

Hand weapon, light armour.

  • May be armed with one of the following:

    • Additional hand weapon (3 pts)

    • Spear (4 pts)

    • Great weapon (8 pts)

  • May upgrade to medium armour (3 pts)

  • May take a shield (3 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • War Boar (24 pts)

    • Barded Grunta (50 pts)

    • Orc Boar Chariot (replacing one of the crew) (80 pts)

    • Wyvern (160 pts)

    • Maw-Crusher (250 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 100 pts

Choppas, Size Matters, Waaagh!

If a Warboss is your Army General, then once per game he may call a Waaagh! The Waaagh! may only be called if the Warboss first declares a charge, and must be announced immediately after making the charge declaration, before any charge reaction takes place. In the turn a Waaagh! is called, every combat involving Orcs (of any type) in the army adds +1 to its combat resolution for the rest of the player turn. The General himself, and any unit he joins, adds +D3 to their combat resolution instead. In addition, every unit that fails their Animosity test this turn add their rank bonus to the result rolled on the Animosity table.

Savage Orc Warboss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160 pts

Savage Orc Warboss463553449

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Savage Orc)

Hand weapon.

  • May be armed with one of the following:

    • Additional hand weapon (3 pts)

    • Spear (4 pts)

    • Great weapon (8 pts)

  • May take a shield (3 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • War Boar (24 pts)

    • Wyvern (160 pts)

    • Maw-Crusher (250 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 100 pts

Choppas, Frenzy, Size Matters, Waaagh!, Warpaint

Models wearing Warpaint gain the Ward Save (6+) special rule.

Black Orc Warboss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180 pts

Black Orc Warboss473553459

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Black Orc)

Two hand weapons, great weapon, heavy armour.

  • May take a shield (3 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • War Boar (24 pts)

    • Orc Boar Chariot (replacing one of the crew) (80 pts)

    • Wyvern (160 pts)

    • Maw-Crusher (250 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 100 pts

Armed to da Teef, Choppas, Immunity (Psychology), Quell Animosity, Waaagh!

At the start of each round of close combat, models with this special rule can choose which of their weapons (including hand weapon and shield) they wish to fight with. If a Black Orc character has a magic weapon, he loses the benefit of this special rule.

If a Black Orc character is in a unit that fails an Animosity test, he immediately inflicts D6 hits at his base Strength on his unit, distributed as shooting attacks. After removing casualties, the unit is treated as if the Animosity test was passed. These hits cannot be allocated to the Black Orc character, and do not cause a Panic test.

Goblin Warboss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 pts

Goblin Warboss453443448

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Goblin)

Hand weapon, light armour.

  • May be armed with one of the following:

    • Additional hand weapon (3 pts)

    • Spear (4 pts)

    • Great weapon (8 pts)

  • May take a shortbow (3 pts)

  • May upgrade to medium armour (3 pts)

  • May take a shield (3 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • Giant Wolf (18 pts)

    • Goblin Wolf Chariot (replacing one of the crew) (50 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 100 pts

Fear Elves

Night Goblin Warboss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 pts

Night Goblin Warboss453443547

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Night Goblin)

Hand weapon, light armour.

  • May be armed with one of the following:

    • Additional hand weapon (3 pts)

    • Spear (4 pts)

    • Great weapon (8 pts)

  • May take a shortbow (3 pts)

  • May upgrade to medium armour (3 pts)

  • May take a shield (3 pts)

  • May be mounted on a Great Cave Squig (50 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 100 pts

Fear Elves, Hatred (Dwarfs)

Forest Goblin Warboss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 pts

Forest Goblin Warboss453443448

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Forest Goblin)

Hand weapon, light armour.

  • May be armed with one of the following:

    • Additional hand weapon (3 pts)

    • Spear (4 pts)

    • Great weapon (8 pts)

  • May take a shortbow (3 pts)

  • May take a shield (3 pts)

  • May have Poisoned Attacks (10 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • Giant Spider (21 pts)

    • Gigantic Spider (50 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 100 pts

Fear Elves

Orc Great Shaman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 pts

Orc Great Shaman433453218

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Orc)

Magic: Orc Great Shaman is a Level 3 Wizard who uses spells from Spells of da Big Waaagh!.

Hand weapon.

  • May be upgraded to Level 4 Wizard (35 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • War Boar (24 pts)

    • Orc Boar Chariot (replacing one of the crew) (80 pts)

    • Wyvern (160 pts)

  • May take magic items up to a total of 100 pts

Choppas, Size Matters

Savage Orc Great Shaman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200 pts

Savage Orc Great Shaman433453218

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Savage Orc)

Magic: Savage Orc Great Shaman is a Level 3 Wizard who uses spells from Spells of da Savage Waaagh!.

Hand weapon.

  • May be upgraded to Level 4 Wizard (35 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • War Boar (24 pts)

    • Wyvern (160 pts)

  • May take magic items up to a total of 100 pts

Choppas, Frenzy, Size Matters, Warpaint

Goblin Great Shaman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 pts

Goblin Great Shaman423343217

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Goblin)

Magic: Goblin Great Shaman is a Level 3 Wizard who uses spells from Spells of da Little Waaagh!.

Hand weapon.

  • May be upgraded to Level 4 Wizard (35 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • Giant Wolf (18 pts)

    • Wolf Chariot (replacing one of the crew) (50 pts)

  • May take magic items up to a total of 100 pts

Fear Elves

Night Goblin Great Shaman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 pts

Night Goblin Great Shaman423343316

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Night Goblin)

Magic: Night Goblin Great Shaman is a Level 3 Wizard who uses spells from Spells of da Bad Moon.

Hand weapon, Magic Mushrooms.

Each time they attempt to cast a spell, after the casting dice have been rolled a Night Goblin Shaman may eat a Magic Mushroom. This adds D6 to the casting result. This dice does not count as a power dice, and cannot contribute to Unlimited Power. However, if you roll a 1 on this dice you must roll a further D6. On a roll of 4+ nothing else happens, but on a roll of 1-3 the mushroom was poisonous, and the Shaman suffers a wound with no armour saves allowed, and the spell automatically fails.

  • May be upgraded to Level 4 Wizard (35 pts)

  • May take magic items up to a total of 100 pts

Fear Elves, Hatred (Dwarfs)

Forest Goblin Great Shaman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160 pts

Forest Goblin Great Shaman423343217

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Forest Goblin)

Magic: Forest Goblin Great Shaman is a Level 3 Wizard who uses spells from Spells of da Spider God.

Hand weapon.

  • May be upgraded to Level 4 Wizard (35 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • Giant Spider (21 pts)

    • Gigantic Spider (50 pts)

    • Arachnarok Spider (replacing one of the crew) 260 pts

  • The Arachnarok Spider may take one of the following:

    • Flinger (30 pts)

    • Catchweb Spidershrine (40 pts)

  • May take magic items up to a total of 100 pts

Fear Elves, Immunity (Poisoned Attacks), Spider Venom

Forest Goblin Shamans may re-roll one dice when casting spells. However, any time they Miscast, they will also count as having failed a Stupidity test (if they survive).


One Big Boss (of any race) in the army may carry the Battle Standard for +25 points. The Battle Standard Bearer can have a magic banner with no points limit. However, a model carrying a magic standard can only carry other magic items up to a total 25 points.

Orc Big Boss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 pts

Orc Big Boss453452338

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Orc)

Hand weapon, light armour.

  • May be armed with one of the following:

    • Additional hand weapon (2 pts)

    • Spear (3 pts)

    • Great weapon (6 pts)

  • May upgrade to medium armour (2 pts)

  • May take a shield (2 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • War Boar (16 pts)

    • Orc Boar Chariot (replacing one of the crew) (80 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 50 pts

Choppas, Size Matters

Savage Orc Big Boss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 pts

Savage Orc Big Boss453452338

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Savage Orc)

Hand weapon.

  • May be armed with one of the following:

    • Additional hand weapon (2 pts)

    • Spear (3 pts)

    • Great weapon (6 pts)

  • May take a shield (2 pts)

  • May be mounted upon a War Boar (16 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 50 pts

Choppas, Frenzy, Size Matters, Warpaint

Black Orc Big Boss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 pts

Black Orc Big Boss463452348

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Black Orc)

Two hand weapons, great weapon, heavy armour.

  • May take a shield (2 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • War Boar (16 pts)

    • Orc Boar Chariot (replacing one of the crew) (80 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 50 pts

Armed to da Teef, Choppas, Immunity (Psychology), Quell Animosity, Waaagh!

Goblin Big Boss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 pts

Goblin Big Boss443442337

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Goblin)

Hand weapon, light armour.

  • May be armed with one of the following:

    • Additional hand weapon (2 pts)

    • Spear (3 pts)

    • Great weapon (6 pts)

  • May take a shortbow (3 pts)

  • May upgrade to medium armour (2 pts)

  • May take a shield (2 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • Giant Wolf (12 pts)

    • Goblin Wolf Chariot (replacing one of the crew) (50 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 50 pts

Fear Elves

Night Goblin Big Boss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 pts

Night Goblin Big Boss443442436

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Night Goblin)

Hand weapon, light armour.

  • May be armed with one of the following:

    • Additional hand weapon (2 pts)

    • Spear (3 pts)

    • Great weapon (6 pts)

  • May take a shortbow (3 pts)

  • May upgrade to medium armour (2 pts)

  • May take a shield (2 pts)

  • May be mounted on a Great Cave Squig (50 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 50 pts

Fear Elves, Hatred (Dwarfs)

Forest Goblin Big Boss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 pts

Forest Goblin Big Boss443442337

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Forest Goblin)

Hand weapon.

  • May be armed with one of the following:

    • Additional hand weapon (2 pts)

    • Spear (3 pts)

    • Great weapon (6 pts)

  • May take a shortbow (3 pts)

  • May take a shield (2 pts)

  • May have Poisoned Attacks (10 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • Giant Spider (14 pts)

    • Gigantic Spider (50 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 50 pts

Fear Elves

Orc Warchanter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 pts

Orc Warchanter443442328

An Orc Warchanter may never be the army's General.

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Orc)

Two hand weapons, light armour.

  • May upgrade to medium armour (2 pts)

  • May be mounted upon one of the following:

    • War Boar (16 pts)

    • Orc Boar Chariot (replacing one of the crew) (80 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 50 pts

Choppas, Frenzy of Violence, Size Matters

Any Orc unit joined by a Warchanter may re-roll 1's To Hit and To Wound in close combat.

Orc Shaman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 pts

Orc Shaman433342217

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Orc)

Magic: Orc Shaman is a Level 1 Wizard who uses spells from Spells of da Big Waaagh!.

Hand weapon.

  • May be upgraded to Level 2 Wizard (35 pts)

  • May be mounted upon a War Boar (16 pts)

  • May take Magic Items up to a total of 50 pts

Choppas, Size Matters

Savage Orc Shaman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 pts

Savage Orc Shaman433342217

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Savage Orc)

Magic: Savage Orc Shaman is a Level 1 Wizard who uses spells from Spells of da Savage Waaagh!.

Hand weapon.

  • May be upgraded to Level 2 Wizard (35 pts)

  • May be mounted upon a War Boar (16 pts)

  • May take magic items up to a total of 50 pts

Choppas, Frenzy, Size Matters, Warpaint

Goblin Shaman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 pts

Goblin Shaman423332216

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Goblin)

Magic: Goblin Shaman is a Level 1 Wizard who uses spells from Spells of da Little Waaagh!.

Hand weapon.

  • May be upgraded to Level 2 Wizard (35 pts)

  • May be mounted upon Giant Wolf (12 pts)

  • May take magic items up to a total of 50 pts

Fear Elves

Night Goblin Shaman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 pts

Night Goblin Shaman423332315

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Night Goblin)

Magic: Night Goblin Shaman is a Level 1 Wizard who uses spells from Spells of da Bad Moon.

Hand weapon, Magic Mushrooms.

  • May be upgraded to Level 2 Wizard (35 pts)

  • May take magic items up to a total of 50 pts

Fear Elves, Hatred (Dwarfs)

Forest Goblin Shaman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 pts

Forest Goblin Shaman423332216

Troop Type: Infantry (Character, Forest Goblin)

Magic: Forest Goblin Shaman is a Level 1 Wizard who uses spells from Spells of da Spider God.

Hand weapon.

  • May be upgraded to Level 2 Wizard (35 pts)

  • May be mounted upon Giant Spider (14 pts)

  • May take magic items up to a total of 50 pts

Fear Elves, Immunity (Poisoned Attacks), Spider Venom


Mounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

War Boar730341313
Giant Wolf930331313
Giant Spider730331312
Gigantic Spider730443433
Great Cave Squig3D640643333

Troop Type (War Boar): War Beast

Troop Type (Giant Wolf): War Beast (Animal)

Troop Type (Giant Spider): War Beast

Troop Type (Grunta): Monstrous Beast

Troop Type (Gigantic Spider): Monstrous Beast

Troop Type (Great Cave Squig): Monstrous Beast

Troop Type (Wyvern): Monster

Troop Type (Maw-Crusher): Monster

Natural Armour (6+), Tusker Charge

A mount with this special rule receives the Strength Bonus (2) special rule during the turn in which it charged into combat.

Creeping Assault, Fast Cavalry, Forest Strider, Obstacle Strider, Poisoned Attacks, Wall-crawler

Unlike other Cavalry, Spider Riders do not have to dismount before assaulting a building, meaning the Giant Spiders are allowed to attack during the assault. Each Spider Rider and his mount count as a single model when determining the number of models that fight in a building assault. Note that Spider Riders still cannot garrison a building.

Models with this rule treat ungarrisoned buildings as open terrain for the purposes of movement. They may not finish their movement inside or on top of an ungarrisoned building – they can pass over obstructions of this kind, but they cannot linger.

Natural Armour (6+), Tusker Charge

Creeping Assault, Forest Strider, Natural Armour (6+), Obstacle Strider, Poisoned Attacks, Wall-crawler

Immunity (Psychology), Loners, Random Movement (3D6)

The only unit a Night Goblin character mounted on a Great Cave Squig is allowed to join is a Squig Hopper unit.

Fly (8), Natural Armour (4+), Poisoned Attacks

Fly (5), Impact Hits (D6), Natural Armour (3+)

Core Units

Orc Boyz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 pts per model

Orc Boy433341217
Orc Boss433341227
Orc Big 'Un443441217
Orc Big 'Un Boss443441227

Unit Size: 10+

Troop Type: Infantry (Orc)

Hand weapon, shield.

  • May upgrade one Orc Boy to a Orc Boss (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Orc Boy to a musician (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Orc Boy to a standard bearer (10 pts)

    • May take a magic standard worth up to 25 pts

  • The entire unit may choose one of the following:

    • Replace shields with additional hand weapons (free)

    • Spears (1 pt per model)

  • The entire unit may wear light armour (1 pt per model)

  • The entire unit may be upgraded to Big 'Uns (normal restrictions apply) (2 pts per model)

    • 'A unit of Big 'Uns with a Standard Bearer may take a magic standard worth up to 50 pts

    • The entire unit may wear medium armour (2 pts per model)

Animosity, Choppas, Size Matters

Orc Arrer Boyz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 pts per model

Orc Arrer Boy433341217
Orc Arrer Boy Boss434341217

Unit Size: 10+

Troop Type: Infantry (Orc)

Hand weapon, bow.

  • May upgrade one Arrer Boy to a Orc Boss (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Arrer Boy to a musician (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Arrer Boy to a standard bearer (10 pts)

  • The entire unit wear light armour (1 pt per model)

Animosity, Choppas, Size Matters

Savage Orcs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 pts per model

Savage Orc Boy433341217
Savage Orc Boy Boss433341227
Savage Orc Big 'Un443441217
Savage Orc Big 'Un Boss443441227
Big Stabba433342227
Big Stabba Big 'Un443441227

Unit Size: 10+

Troop Type: Infantry (Savage Orc)

Hand weapon, shield.

  • May upgrade one Savage Orc to a Savage Orc Boss (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Savage Orc to a musician (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Savage Orc to a standard bearer (10 pts)

    • May take a magic standard worth up to 25 pts

  • The entire unit may choose one of the following:

    • Replace shields with additional hand weapons (free)

    • Replace shields with bows (free)

    • Spears (1 pt per model)

  • May upgrade two Savage Orcs to a Big Stabba for every 10 models in the unit (10 pts per Big Stabba)

  • The entire unit may be upgraded to Big 'Uns (normal restrictions apply) (2 pts per model)

    • A unit of Big 'Uns with a Standard Bearer may take a Magic Standard worth up to 50 pts

A unit of Savage Orcs may be upgraded to include Big Stabbas. This is represented by including one or more Big Stabba models in the unit. A Big Stabba is mounted on two Infantry bases and must be placed to cover both the first and second rank of the unit, but is otherwise equipped like the rest of the unit. Each Big Stabba model causes Impact Hits (D3) with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. Big Stabbas are always the last models to be removed as casualties; the weapons are picked up by other Savage Orcs in the unit (excluding any Command Group models) should they be slain.

Animosity, Choppas, Frenzy, Size Matters, Warpaint

Goblins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.5 pts per model

Goblin Boss423331226
Goblin Jester423331206

Unit Size: 20+

Troop Type: Infantry (Goblin)

Hand weapon, shield.

  • May upgrade one Goblin to a Goblin Boss (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Goblin to a musician (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Goblin to a standard bearer (10 pts)

    • May take a magic standard worth up to 25 pts

  • The entire unit may choose one of the following:

    • Spears (½ pt per model)

    • Replace shields with shortbows (1.5 pts per model)

  • The entire unit may wear light armour (½ pt per model)

  • The unit may include a Goblin Jester (20 pts)

A Goblin Jester is placed in the front rank of the unit he is bought for and may never leave the unit.

Goblins are always encouraged by the presence of a Jester and any unit gains a +1 bonus to their Leadership characteristic and ignores Animosity as long as the Jester is alive.

On the downside however, Goblins are always so distracted by Jesters that they are subject to the Stupidity special rule.

As Jesters are so energetic in battle it is almost impossible to hit the blighter in melee. Enemies must re-roll successful To Hit rolls against them in close combat.

At the start of each round of close combat in which a Goblin Jester is involved, roll a dice and consult the table below:




Oh Dear! The Jester seems to have become rather confused in the heat of battle and is leaping about and getting completely in the way of his own unit!

The unit the jester is attached to suffers -1 To Hit in close combat this turn.


Nothing Happens. No one is particularly impressed with the Jester's antics so the little green chap sulks uncontrollably.

The Jester has no effect this turn.


You Annoying Little...! The Jester performs an amazing display of acrobatics white hollering insults at the top of his squeaky voice.

All enemy units in base contact with the Jester's unit suffer -1 To Hit in close combat this turn. This has no effect on units with Immunity (Psychology).

Animosity, Fear Elves

Goblin Wolf Riders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 pts per model

Goblin Wolf Rider423331216
Goblin Wolf Riders Boss423331226
Giant Wolf930331313

Unit Size: 5+

Troop Type: Cavalry (Goblin)

Hand weapon.

  • May upgrade one Goblin Wolf Rider to a Wolf Rider Boss (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Goblin Wolf Rider to a musician (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Goblin Wolf Rider to a standard bearer (10 pts)
    May take a magic standard worth up to 25 pts

  • The entire unit must choose at least one of the following:

    • Spears (1 pt per model)

    • Shields (1 pt per model)

    • Shortbows (1 pt per model)

  • The entire unit may wear light armour (1 pt per model)

Animosity, Fast Cavalry, Fear Elves

Night Goblin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.5 pts per model

Night Goblin423331315
Night Goblin Boss423331325
Night Goblin Fanatic2D6--5313*10

Unit Size: 20+

Troop Type (Night Goblin): Infantry (Night Goblin)

Troop Type (Night Goblin Fanatic): Infantry (Night Goblin)

Hand weapon, shield.

  • May upgrade one Night Goblin to a Night Goblin Boss (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Night Goblin to a musician (5 pts)

  • May upgrade one Night Goblin to a standard bearer (10 pts)

    • May take a magic standard worth up to 25 pts

  • The entire unit may choose one of the following:

    • Spears (½ pt per model)

    • Replace shields with shortbows (1.5 pts per model)

  • The entire unit may wear light armour (½ pt per model)

  • The unit may be upgraded to include Netters 25 pts

  • The unit may include up to 3 Fanatics (25 pts per model)

    • Any Fanatic may be upgraded to carry Twackwheezer Puffshrooms (free)

A unit of Night Goblins may be upgraded to include one or more models of Netters. This is represented by including one or more Netter models in the unit. Netters are equipped and may fight like the rest of the unit. At the start of each round of close combat, the Netters must attempt to entangle one of the units they are fighting in their front arc. Roll a D3 for each of the first three ranks of 5 or more models in your unit; the result is the number of enemy models has become entangled (distributed as hits from shooting, but only affecting models that are allowed to strike). However, for each natural 1 rolled on these dice, the Netters have managed to cast the nets amongst their own ranks and entangle a member of their own unit instead. A model that has been entangled suffers a -1 penalty to their Attacks (this applies to both the rider and the mount) until the end of the close combat round.

Twackwheezer Puffshrooms replace the Fanatic's normal Strength 5 Hits. All models Hit must pass a Toughness test or suffer a Wound which Ignores Armour Saves. This has no effect on Animated Constructs. In addition, all models within 6" of a Fanatic with this upgrade count as being in soft cover.

Animosity, Fear Elves, Hatred (Dwarfs)

Force of Destruction, Hide in Units, Immunity (Psychology), Out of Control, Random Movement (2D6), Release the Fanatics!, Splat!

Fanatics cannot be charged, but models can move into contact with them. Any unit that does so takes 2D6 Strength 5 Armour Piercing (1) hits. The Fanatic model is then removed, and the unit may carry on with its move.

Fanatics deploy following the rules for Hidden models. However, they are not revealed like other Hidden models, but instead follow the rules below.

A Fanatic is removed immediately as a casualty when:

  • It contacts a piece of terrain of any kind that's not open ground.

  • It contacts another Fanatic (both Fanatics are removed).

  • It moves off a table edge.

  • It rolls a double for movement. This does not apply in the turn of release and represents the Fanatic being choked by the chain, tripping or other comical, yet fatal, mishaps.

  • Any unit moves into contact with the Fanatic.

Fanatics must be released when an enemy unit comes to within 8" of the concealing unit's Line of Sight. The moving unit stops immediately (fliers land). Once the Fanatic's movement has been resolved, the unit can continue moving if the controlling player wishes, although chargers must complete their charge unless panicked. When a Fanatic is released, you may choose the direction in which it travels, and the point on the concealing unit from which it starts. Fanatics move 2D6" using the rules for Random Movement, measured from the base of its unit. After release, Fanatics are treated as individual units. In your subsequent turns they must move in the Compulsory Moves subphase using the Random Movement special rule, but they always move in a random direction.

If a Fanatic's move would bring it into contact with another unit, then he moves through rather than stopping. If the Fanatic's move would end within a unit, then he automatically bounces through it – place the Fanatic model 1" beyond the unit, in the direction he was moving. When a Fanatic moves through any unit it inflicts D6 Strength 5 Armour Piercing (1) hits.

Forest Goblins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.5 pts per model

Forest Goblin423331216
Forest Goblin Boss423331226

Unit Size: 20+

Troop Type: Infantry (Forest Goblin)

Hand weapon, shield.

  • May upgrade one Forest Goblin to a Goblin Boss (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Forest Goblin to a musician (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Forest Goblin to a standard bearer (10 pts)
    May take a magic standard worth up to 25 pts

  • The entire unit may choose one of the following:

    • Spears (½ pt per model)

    • Replace shields with shortbows (1.5 pts per model)

  • The entire unit may have Poisoned Attacks (1 pt per model)

Animosity, Fear Elves, Forest Strider

Forest Goblin Spider Riders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 pts per model

Spider Rider423331216
Spider Rider Boss423331226
Giant Spider730331312

Unit Size: 5+

Troop Type: Cavalry (Forest Goblin)

Hand weapon, shield.

  • May upgrade one Spider Rider to a Spider Rider Boss (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Spider Rider to a musician (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Spider Rider to a standard bearer (10 pts)

    • May take a magic standard worth up to 25 pts

  • The entire unit may be equipped with spears (1 pt per model)

  • The entire unit may be equipped with shortbows (1 pt per model)

  • The entire unit may have Poisoned Attacks (1 pt per model)

Animosity, Creeping Assault, Fast Cavalry, Fear Elves, Forest Strider, Obstacle Strider, Poisoned Attacks (Giant Spider only), Wall-crawler

Snotlings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 pts per base


Unit Size: 2+ bases

Troop Type: Swarm (Snotling)

Hand weapon, Explodin' Spores.

Each Snotling base can make a single shooting attack in its Shooting phases, and as a stand and shoot reaction. An Explodin' Spore is a Throwing Weapon, hitting automatically with the Ignores Armour Saves special rule.

Special Units

Orc Brutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 pts per model

Orc Brute443442227
Orc Brute Boss443442237

Unit Size: 5+

Troop Type: Infantry (Orc)

Two hand weapons, medium armour.

  • May upgrade one Orc Brute to an Orc Brute Boss (10 pts)

  • The entire unit may replace one of their hand weapons with great weapons (2 pts per model)

Animosity, Choppas, Duff Up da Big Thing, Immunity (Fear), Size Matters

Orc Brutes may re-roll failed To Hit rolls against Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Beasts, Monstrous Cavalry and Monsters.

Black Orcs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 pts per model

Black Orc443441228
Black Orc BOss443441238

Unit Size: 10+

Troop Type: Infantry (Black Orc)

Two hand weapons, great weapon, heavy armour.

  • May upgrade one Black Orc to a Black Orc Boss (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Black Orc to a musician (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Black Orc to a standard bearer (10 pts)

    • May have a magic standard worth up to 50 pts

  • The entire unit may take shields (1 pt per model)

Armed to da Teef, Choppas, Immunity (Psychology)

Goblin Nasty Skulkers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 pts per model

Nasty Skulker433331316

Unit Size: 5+

Troop Type: Infantry (Goblin)

Two hand weapons, Puffball Smoke Bombs.

At the end of any Close Combat phase in which a unit of Nasty Skulkers take part, they may choose to use their smoke bombs. On a 4+, the unit may disengage the combat by making a flee move. If they do so, the enemy cannot pursue them and they will rally automatically in their next turn.

  • The entire unit may take throwing weapons (1 pt per model)

Animosity, Fear Elves, Scouts, Skirmishers, Surprise!

Nasty Skulkers have the Always Strikes First and Armour Piercing (1) special rules in any turn they successfully charge an enemy in the flank or rear.

Night Goblin Squig Hunters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 pts per model

Squig Hunter423331315
Squig Hunters Boss423331325

Unit Size: 5+

Troop Type: Infantry (Night Goblin)

Hand weapon.

  • May upgrade one Squig Hunter to a Squig Hunter Boss (10 pts)

  • The entire unit must pick at least one of the following:

    • Nets (1 pt per model)

    • Clubs (1 pt per model)

    • Prodders (1 pt per model)

The models in a unit of Night Goblin Squig Hunters may be armed with number of different weapons. This is represented by including one or more models with that weapon in the unit. If the unit includes Nets the unit follows the rules for Netters (see Night Goblins). If the unit includes Clubs all models fight with +1 Strength in close combat. If the unit includes Prodders all models gain the Fight in Extra Ranks (1) special rule.

Animosity, Hatred (Dwarfs), Immunity (Psychology), Scouts, Skirmishers

Night Goblin Squig Herd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 pts per model

Squig Herder423331315
Cave Squig440531323

You must have at least one Squig Herder for every three Cave Squigs. Each Squig Herder costs 3 points per model.

Unit Size: 10+ Squigs

Troop Type (Squig Herder): Infantry (Night Goblin)

Troop Type (Cave Squig): War Beast

Hand weapon.

Animosity, Hatred (Dwarfs), Immunity (Psychology), Mixed Unit, Squigs Go Wild

If the unit flees, or if at any time there are only Squigs left alive in the unit with no Herders, the Squigs go wild, biting at anything nearby. All units within 2D6" (friend and foe) immediately take D6 Strength 5 hits. For every 5 Cave Squigs remaining when the Squigs Go Wild, add +1 to the number of hits caused. After damage is resolved, the Squig Herd is removed in its entirety.

Immunity (Psychology), Mixed Unit, Squigs Go Wild

Night Goblin Sneaky Snufflers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 pts per model

Sneaky Snuffler423331315

Unit Size: 5+

Troop Type: Infantry (Night Goblin)

Hand weapon.

Animosity, Hatred (Dwarfs), Immunity (Psychology), Mooncap Mushrooms, Skirmishers, Snufflesquig

At the start of your movement phase, as long as it is not in close combat or fleeing, you can say that this unit is harvesting mooncap mushrooms. If you do so, it cannot move in that movement phase, but you can roll a D6. On a 2+, pick a friendly Night Goblin unit (of any type) within 6" of this unit. This unit gains the Frenzy special rule until the start of your next turn.

Sneaky Snufflers consist of a Night Goblin and a Snufflesquig mounted on the same base. They follow the split profile rules for Cavalry.

Orc Boar Boyz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 pts per model

Orc Boar Boy433341217
Orc Boar Boy Boss433341227
Orc Boar Big 'Un443441217
Orc Boar Big 'Un Boss443441227
War Boar730341313

Unit Size: 5+

Troop Type: Cavalry (Orc)

Hand weapon, shield.

  • May upgrade one Boar Boy to a Boar Boy Boss (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Boar Boy to a musician (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Boar Boy to a standard bearer (10 pts)

    • May have a magic standard worth up to 50 pts

  • The entire unit may take spears (2 pts per model)

  • The entire unit may wear light armour (2 pts per model)

  • The entire unit may be upgraded to Big 'Uns (normal restrictions apply) (3 pts per model)

    • The entire unit may take medium armour (4 pts per model)

Animosity, Choppas, Natural Armour (6+), Size Matters, Tusker Charge

Savage Orc Boar Boyz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 pts per model

Savage Orc Boar Boy433341217
Savage Orc Boar Boss433341227
Savage Orc Boar Big 'Un443441217
Savage Orc Boar Big 'Un Boss443441227
War Boar730341313

Unit Size: 5+

Troop Type: Cavalry (Savage Orc)

Hand weapon, shield.

  • May upgrade one Savage Orc Boar Boy to a Savage Orc Boar Boy Boss (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Savage Orc Boar Boy to a musician (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Savage Orc Boar Boy to a standard bearer (10 pts)

    • May have a magic standard worth up to 50 pts

  • The entire unit may choose one of the following:

    • Replace shields with additional hand weapons free

    • Spears (1 pt per model)

  • The entire unit may be upgraded to Big 'Uns (normal restrictions apply) (3 pts per model)

Animosity, Choppas, Frenzy, Natural Armour (6+), Size Matters, Tusker Charge, Warpaint

Night Goblin Squig Hoppers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 pts per model

Squig Hopper423331315
Squig Hopper Boss423331325
Cave Squig3D640531323

Unit Size: 5+

Troop Type: Cavalry (Night Goblin)

Hand weapon.

  • May upgrade one Squig Hopper to a Squig Hopper Boss (10 pts)

  • The entire unit may be armed with spears and light armour (2 pts per model)

Hatred (Dwarfs), Immunity (Psychology), Random Movement (3D6), Skirmishers

Orc Boar Chariot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 pts per model

Boar Chariot6--554---
Orc Crew-333--217
War Boar-303--31-

Unit Size: 1 Chariot, 2 Orc Crew & 2 War Boars

Troop Type: Chariot (Armour Save 6+, Orc)

Spear, light armour, scythed wheels.

  • May add an additional Orc Crew member (5 pts)

Choppas, Natural Armour (6+), Size Matters, Tusker Charge

Goblin Wolf Chariot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 pts per model

Wolf Chariot8--543---
Goblin Crew-233--216
Giant Wolf-303--31-

Unit Size: 1-3; 1 Chariot, 2 Goblin Crew & 2 Giant Wolves

Troop Type: Chariot (Armour Save 6+, Goblin)

Spear, shorbow, light armour, scythed wheels.

  • May add an additional Goblin Crew member (3 pts)

  • May add an additional Giant Wolf (3 pts)

Fear Elves

Spear Chukka. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 pts per model

Spear Chukka----7----
Goblin Crew423331216
Orc Bully433341217

You may take 1-2 Spear Chukka's as a single special choice.

Unit Size: 1 Spear Chukka & 3 Goblin Crew

Troop Type: War Machine (Bolt Thrower, Goblin, Orc)

Hand weapon.

  • May add an Orc Bully (10 pts)

An Orc Bully counts as an extra crew member (and an extra wound) for the war machine, and is always the last model to be removed. Orc Bullies have the Choppas special rule. In addition, while the Bully is still alive, their unit gains the Size Matters special rule and is no longer subject to Fear Elves.

Fear Elves, Slipshod

If the To Hit roll for a shooting attack made by a Spear Chukka is a 1 (before any modifiers are applied), then it misfires. Roll on the Stone Thrower Misfire Chart in the Warhammer rulebook and apply the result to the Spear Chukka.

Rock Lobber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 pts per model

Rock Lobber----7----
Goblin Crew423331216
Orc Bully433341217

Unit Size: 1 Rock Lobber & 3 Goblin Crew

Troop Type: War Machine (Stone Thrower, Goblin, Orc)

Hand weapon.

  • May add an Orc Bully (10 pts)

Fear Elves

Trolls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 pts per model


Unit Size: 1+

Troop Type: Monstrous Infantry

Hand weapon.

  • The entire unit may be upgraded to one of the following:

    • River Trolls (8 pts per model)

    • Stone Trolls (8 pts per model)

River Trolls have the River Strider and Marsh Strider special rules. Additionally, enemies attempting to attack a River Troll in close combat suffer a -1 penalty on their To Hit rolls due to the stench and slime.

Stone Trolls have the Magic Resistance (2) and Natural Armour (5+) special rules.

Regeneration (4+), Stupidity, Troll Vomit

Instead of attacking normally, the whole unit can choose to vomit on the enemy. Each model inflicts one automatic Strength 5 hit which Ignores Armour Saves.

Rare Units

Orc Gore-gruntas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 pts per model

Gore-grunta Brute443442227
Gore-grunta Boss443442237

Unit Size: 3+

Troop Type: Monstrous Cavalry (Orc)

Hand weapon, medium armour, barding.

  • May upgrade one Gore-grunta Brute to a Gore-grunta Boss (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Gore-grunta Brute to a musician (10 pts)

  • May upgrade one Gore-grunta Brute to a standard bearer (10 pts)

    • May have a magic standard worth up to 50 pts

  • The entire unit may take spears (2 pts per model)

Animosity, Choppas, Duff Up da Big Thing, Natural Armour (6+), Size Matters, Tusker Charge

Doom Diver Catapult. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 pts per model

Doom Diver Catapult----7----
Goblin Crew423331216
Orc Bully433341217

Unit Size: 1 Doom Diver Catapult, & 3 Goblin Crew

Troop Type: War Machine (Stone Thrower, Goblin, Orc)

Hand weapon.

  • May add an Orc Bully (10 pts)

Doom Diver Catapult, Fear Elves

The Doom Diver Catapult is a stone thrower, but because the Doom Diver has the ability to 'glide and guide' into a target, it has some additional rules, detailed here. Fire the Doom Diver Catapult as a Stone Thrower. However, no template is used. Instead, place the flying Doom Diver Goblin model on the target point, and then roll for scatter as you would for a stone thrower. After doing this, you may roll a D6 and move the Doom Diver Goblin model by that many inches in any direction. If any units are touched by the Doom Diver's base, then each must take D6 Strength 5 hits which Ignores Armour Saves.

Should the artillery dice roll a misfire, roll a D6 and consult the Doom Diver Misfire table, below.




Destroyed! With a crack, the sinew snaps, smashing the machine and slaying the Doom Divers.

The war machine is destroyed.


Disabled. The over-anxious gobbo gets the elastic tied up in knots.

The Doom Diver Catapult cannot shoot this turn or in the controlling player's next turn.


Skidmarks. The Doom Diver badly miscalculates and does not get airborne, instead ploughing a furrow in the dirt.

The Doom Diver will hit the first thing along the path towards his chosen target point. If this is a piece of terrain he is removed immediately and inflicts no damage. If this is a unit (friend or foe) he will inflict D6 Strength 5 hits, before being removed. The catapult may be fired next turn as normal.


Wild Shot! The catapult slips on its mountings, spinning round and shooting the Doom Diver randomly into the air.

The Doom Diver is fired D6x10" in a random direction. This roll determines the impact point for the Doom Diver – he is unable to move the impact point D6" in this case. The catapult may be fired next turn as normal.

Snotling Pump Wagon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 pts per model

Pump Wagon*--443---
Snotling Crew-202--354

You may take 1-2 Snotling Pump Wagons as a single Rare choice.

Unit Size: 1 Pump Wagon & a mass of Snotlings

Troop Type: Chariot (Armour Save 6+, Snotling)

Hand weapon.

  • A Snotling Pump Wagon may take any of the following:

    • Spiky Roller (15 pts)

    • Out-rigga (10 pts)

    • Flappas (5 pts)

    • Giant Explodin' Spores (15 pts)

A Pump Wagon fitted with flappas only has to take Dangerous Terrain tests if they end their move in Dangerous Terrain.

If a Pump Wagon has giant explodin' spores, the first set of Impact Hits it inflicts in the game Ignores Armour Saves.

If a Pump Wagon has an out-rigga then its Movement characteristic is increased to 3D6. Note that this means that if the crew decide to pump harder then you must roll 4D6 for the Pump Wagon's random movement.

If a Pump Wagon has a spiky roller then all its Impact Hits have +1 Strength.

Impact Hits (2D6), Pump Harder Ladz!, Random Movement (2D6), Too Pumped Up, Unstable

Before moving a Pump Wagon you may declare that the crew are 'pumping harder'. If you do so, you must roll 3D6 for its Random Movement.

Any time a Pump Wagon rolls two or more l's for its movement, it will not move as normal but instead veers out of control. Re-roll the Random Movement distance (including the extra dice if you were 'pumping harder'), but this time the Pump Wagon will move in a random direction. If the re-rolled movement also includes two or more ls, then the Pump Wagon has crashed – remove it as a casualty. Otherwise, all Random Movement rules apply, except that a Pump Wagon halted by a friendly unit will inflict 2D6 Impact Hits on the unit that blocks its move.

Mangler Squigs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 pts per model

Mangler Squigs3D6--6463*3

Unit Size: 1

Troop Type: Monstrous Beast (Night Goblin)

Completely Out of Control, Force of Total Destruction, Gone Crazy!, Immunity (Psychology), Ker-splat!, Random Movement (3D6), Watch Out!

Mangler Squigs are removed as a casualty when:

  • They contact other Mangler Squigs (both Mangler Squigs are removed as casualties).

  • They have gone crazy and rolled a triple for movement. This represents the Great Squigs ripping themselves to pieces or some other comic, yet fatal mishap.

  • Any unit moves into contact with the Mangler Squigs – see the Force of Total Destruction rule.

Mangler Squigs cannot be charged, but models can move into contact with them. Any unit that moves into contact with Mangler Squigs takes 2D6 Strength 6 hits for moving into the Squigs and a further D6 Strength 6 hits due to the Mangler Squigs' death throes. The Mangler Squig model is then removed, and the unit may carry on with its move.

Mangler Squigs that make a Ker-Splat! attack Go Crazy, their Night Goblin crew being either pulped to death or too busy holding on to even attempt to control the Squigs' direction. Once Mangler Squigs have Gone Crazy they will move in a random direction when they move in the Compulsory Moves sub-phase.

If the Mangler Squigs' move would bring them into contact with another unit, then they move through rather than stopping. If the Mangler Squigs' move would end within a unit, then they automatically bounce through it – place the Mangler Squigs 1" beyond the unit, in the direction in which they were moving.

When Mangler Squigs move through a unit (friend or foe) they inflict 2D6 Strength 6 hits.

Mangler Squigs must take a Dangerous Terrain test if they move over any of the following types of terrain: Forests, Marshland, Obstacles or Mystical Monuments. If their move would take them into contact with a Building, Impassable Terrain or off a table edge then they must take a Dangerous Terrain test and will stop 1" short of the obstruction.

Night Goblin Squig Gobba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 pts per model

Squig Gobba-40643333
Night Goblin Tenders423331315

Unit Size: 1 Great Squig & 4 Night Goblin Tenders

Troop Type: Monstrous Beast (Night Goblin)


Hatred (Dwarfs) (Night Goblin Tenders only), Mixed Unit, Squig Gobba, Tied Down

The Squig Gobba may fire in the Shooting Phase as long as as least one Night Goblin Tender remains and it is not in close combat. When firing the Squig Gobba, roll 3D6 and consult the table below:




Acid Guts: The Great Squig swallows the lesser Squigs jammed into its maw, causing it to belch out a truly horrendous cloud of stinking gas as a result.

Every model within 6" of the Squig Gobba (including the Night Goblin Tenders) takes a Strength 2 Hit which Ignores Armour Saves.


Stomach Rumblings: The Great Squig emits a troubling rumbling sound, either the precursor to an impressive volley of angry Squigs, or the beginnings of a truly spectacular intestinal explosion.

Nothing happens this turn, but you must instead roll 4D6 when firing the Squig Gobba next shooting phase.


Squig Torrent: With a relieved groan, the Great Squig vomits forth, sending the irate volley of slime-covered cave Squigs over the battlefield.

This is resolved as a shot from a Stone Thrower that uses the large template with a range of 36". Any model covered by the template suffers a Strength 4 hit. If a misfire is rolled, the Squig Gobba suffers D3 Wounds and the shot is wasted.


Intestinal Explosion: The Great Squig swallows its mouthful of goo-smeared cave Squigs. Unfortunately, the Night Goblins’ potent concoctions they are slicked with react badly with its stomach acids and the Great Squig burps forth a horrific stream of burning bile.

The Squig Gobba immediately makes a Breath Weapon Attack at Strength 6. After the attack has been resolved, the Squig Gobba suffers D3 Wounds.

The Squig Gobba cannot move after it has been deployed except pivoting on the spot. It may not pursue an enemy it defeats in combat. If the Squig Gobba breaks from combat, it is automatically destroyed.

Colossal Squig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175 pts per model

Colossal Squig4D640756363

Unit Size: 1

Troop Type: Monster (Night Goblin)

Dinner's Dinner!, Falls Apart, Immunity (Psychology), Random Movement (4D6)

When the Colossal Squig's Random Movement special rule brings it into contact with a unit, either friend or foe, it will attack it normally as if it were an enemy, and counts as charging that unit. This combat will continue until resolved normally. These appalling creatures are too dull-witted and hungry to care otherwise!

When a Colossal Squig is removed as a casualty, every model in base contact with it suffers an automatic Strength 3 hit.

Dankhold Troll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215 pts per model

Dankhold Troll631766166

Unit Size: 1

Troop Type: Monster (Night Goblin)

Bone, club or bit of tree (hand weapon).

Copious Troll Vomit, Magic Resistance (3), Regeneration (4+), Stupidity

Instead of attacking normally, this model can choose to vomit on the enemy. It inflicts D6 automatic Strength 6 hits which Ignores Armour Saves.

Arachnarok Spider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .260 pts per model

Arachnarok Spider740568483
Forest Goblin Crew4233--216

Unit Size: 1 Arachnarok Spider & 8 Forest Goblins Crew

Troop Type: Monster (Forest Goblin)

Spear, shortbow.

  • The Arachnarok Spider may take a Flinger (20 pts)

The Flinger is a Stone Thrower with the profile shown below. It can fire even if the Arachnarok Spider moves, but not if it marches.

RangeStrengthSpecial Rules

Any unit hit by a Flinger is covered in a mass of sticky webs, and suffer -1 to its M, WS, BS, S and I until the end of its next turn. The Flinger does not use the Stone Thrower Misfire table – a misfire result simply means that the Flinger may not shoot this turn.

Catchweb Spidershrine, Forest Strider, Immunity (Psychology), Natural Armour (4+), Obstacle Strider, Poisoned Attacks (Arachnarok Spider only), Stubborn, Venom Surge, Wall-crawler

A Forest Goblin Great Shaman mounted on an Arachnarok Spider with a Catchweb Spidershrine has the Loremaster (Spells of da Spider God) special rule. In addition, he and any other friendly Wizard within 12" of the Arachnarok Spider adds +1 to their channelling attempts.

When fighting Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Beasts, Monstrous Cavalry or Monsters; before rolling to hit, nominate one of the Arachnarok's attacks to be made with the Venom Surge, and roll it separately. This is a Poisoned Attack with the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule.

Rogue Idol of Gork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .245 pts per model

Rogue Idol6307710148

Unit Size: 1

Troop Type: Monster

Animated Construct, Da Big Un, Impact Hits (D6), Unstable, Ward Save (6+)

If it is possible for a Rogue Idol to charge an enemy it must do so (however if multiple targets are within charge range, its player may pick which to attack). At the start of any turn that a Rogue Idol is not able to charge or is not already in combat, its player must roll a D6. On a roll of a 1 it must instead charge a friendly unit if one is available to charge, and a single round of combat is fought as normal, after which the Rogue Idol is pushed 1" back if the charged unit does not break. If no friendly units are available to charge the Rogue Idol bellows and stomps, but otherwise may do nothing this turn.

Giant River Troll Hag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 pts per model

Giant River Troll Hag5316561*6

See Giant River Troll Special Attacks for detailed special rules.

Unit Size: 1

Troop Type: Monster

Magic: Giant River Troll Hag is a Level 1 Wizard who uses spells from the Lore of Death.

Gnarled Tree Stump and Net of Dead-things (hand weapon).

Marsh Strider, Regeneration (4+), River Strider, Slimy Shanks, Swamp Breath, Troll Hag Special Attacks, Water Wise

Enemies attempting to attack a Giant River Troll Hag in close combat suffer a -1 penalty to their To Hit rolls.

This is a Strength 3 Breath Weapon with the Ignores Armour Saves special rule. A unit that takes casualties from to this attack suffers -2 to its Leadership until the start of your next turn.

Unless she is within a water feature of any type (including rivers, marshes, swamps, etc), the Giant River Troll Hag has the Stupidity special rule. If the test is failed and there is one or more water features on the table, the Troll Hag moves towards the closest of these instead of straight forwards.

Giant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175 pts per model


See Giant Special Rules for detailed special rules.

Unit Size: 1

Troop Type: Monster

A tree-trunk or other impressively large blunt implement (hand weapon).

  • If the army contains at least one Savage Orc Wizard, then any Giant may have Warpaint (20 pts)

Fall Over, Giant Special Attacks, Immunity (Psychology), Stubborn

Special Characters - Lords

Gorbad Ironclaw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335 pts

Gorbad Ironclaw4735535410

Troop Type: Cavalry (Special Character, Orc)

Heavy armour.

Magic Items / Abilities: Morglor the Mangler

When using Morglor the Mangler Gorbad gains the Always Strikes First, Multiple Wounds (D3) and Ignores Armour Saves special rules.

Choppas, Da Boss 'as a Plan!, Da Great Leader, Natural Armour (6+), Orcs are da Best, Size Matters, Tusker Charge, Waaagh!

Gorbad must be army's General, and he also has the Hold Your Ground! ability like a Battle Standard. In addition, the range of Gorbad's Inspiring Presence and Hold Your Ground! Abilities is increased from 12" to 18". Note that you may not choose a separate Battle Standard in an army that includes Gorbad.

Friendly units within 18" of Gorbad that fail an Animosity test add Gorbad's current number of Wounds to their roll on the Animosity Table.

An Orc & Goblin army that includes Gorbad may upgrade any number of units of Orc Boyz and/or Orc Boar Boyz to Big 'Uns.

Azhag the Slaughterer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .460 pts

Azhag the Slaughterer473553549

Troop Type: Monster (Special Character, Orc)

Magic Items / Abilities: Slagga's Slashas, Azhag's 'Ard Armour, Daemon Staff, The Crown of Sorcery

Two hand weapons. The Slashas allow Azhag to re-roll failed To Hit rolls in the first round of combat.

Medium armour. The 'Ard Armour gives Azhag the Ward Save (5+) special rule.

The Daemon Staff gives Azhag +1 to cast spells.

The crown makes Azhag a Level 2 Wizard who uses spells from the Lore of Death. In addition, Azhag suffers from Stupidity.

Choppas, Fly (8), Get on Wiv it!, Natural Armour (4+), Poisoned Attacks (Skullmuncha only), Size Matters, Waaagh!

Any unit within range of Azhag's Inspiring Presence that fails an Animosity test must immediately re-roll the dice.

Gorfang Rotgut Chieftain of Black Crag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .190 pts

Gorfang Rotgut461553449

Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character, Orc)

Magic Items / Abilities: The Red Fang, Evil Sun Armour

The Red Fang gives the wielder +1 Attack and +1 To Hit in close combat.

Heavy armour and shield. This armour gives Gorfang the Magic Resistance (2) special rule.

Choppas, Hatred (Dwarfs), Size Matters, Waaagh!

Gordrakk The Fist of Gork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500 pts


Troop Type: Monster (Special Character, Orc)

Heavy armour.

Magic Items / Abilities: Smasha and Kunnin'

Two hand weapons. When targeting a Wizard in close combat, Gordrakk may re-roll failed rolls To Hit and gains the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. When targeting a Character that is not a Wizard in close combat, Gordrakk may re-roll failed rolls To Wound and gains the Killing Blow special rule.

Choppas, Fly (5), Impact Hits (2D6), Natural Armour (3+), Size Matters, Voice of Gork, Waaagh!

All friendly units within 12" of Gordrakk gain the Devastating Charge special rule.

Grumlok & Gazbag Warboss of the Bloody Sun Boyz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335 pts


Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character, Orc)

Gazbag is a Level 2 Wizard who uses the Spells of da Bad Moon.

Great weapon, medium armour.

Magic Items / Abilities: Malekith's Amulet

This amulet gives Grumlok +1 Strength and Gazbag +1 to cast spells.

Choppas, Size Matters, Waaagh!

Wurrzag Ud Ura Zahubu The Great Green Prophet, Great Shaman of the Bone Nose Tribe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330 pts


Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character, Savage Orc)

Wurrzag is a Level 4 Savage Orc Shaman. He uses the Spells of da Savage Waaagh! Additionally, Wurrzag always knows Wurrzag's Revenge as well as his other spells.

Wurrzag's Revenge is a hex spell, which targets all enemy Wizards within 12" of Wurrzag. Roll a D6 for each Wizard that is affected. On a roll of 1-5 they shake off the spell, but on a roll of 6 they are turned into a Squiggly Beast and removed as a casualty, along with any mount they have, with no saves of any kind allowed. In addition, you may store one extra dice in Wizzbang the Power Squig for each Wizard that is transformed.

May be mounted on Spleenrippa (War Boar) (24 pts)

Magic Items / Abilities: Bonewood Staff, Wizzbang the Power Squig, Baleful Mask

Bound Spell (power level 5). The Bonewood Staff contains the Wurrzag's Revenge spell.

At the end of either player's Magic phase, you can store one unused dice from your pool in the Power Squig. At the start of the next Magic phase, you must add this extra dice to your power or dispel pool as appropriate.

Bound Spell (power level 3). The Baleful Mask contains the Gaze of Mork spell from Spells of da Big Waaagh!

Choppas, Frenzy, Greenskin Races (Savage Orc), Mork's Favourite, Size Matters, Warpaint of Wurrzag

Being Mork's current favourite, Wurrzag adds +1 to cast spells, and may re-roll miscast results.

Wurrzag's Warpaint gives him a Ward Save (5+).

Grimgor Ironhide The Green Slaughterer, Harbinger of Gork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .320 pts

Grimgor Ironhide481553559

If Grimgor is taken, then you must include at least one unit of Black Orcs in the army, chosen at additional cost from the Special Units section of the army list. This unit must be upgraded to da Immortulz for 1 point per model.

Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character, Black Orc)

Magic Items / Abilities: Gitsnik, Blood-Forged Armour, Mork's All-Seeing Eye

Close combat attacks made with Gitsnik are resolved at +2 Strength. In addition, the axe grants Grimgor the Always Strikes First special rule.

The Blood-forged Armour gives Grimgor a 1+ Armour Save and a Ward Save (5+).

The Eye gives Grimgor the Magic Resistance (1) special rule.

Choppas, Da Immortulz, Hatred, He's da Boss, Immunity (Psychology), Quell Animosity, Waaagh!

Grimgor must always be accompanied by his grizzled Black Orc bodyguard, and may join no other unit. The Immortulz are a unit of Black Orcs with an additional +1 Weapon Skill. Grimgor must deploy with this unit and may not leave it. No other character may join the unit. As long as Grimgor is alive, the Immortulz have the Hatred special rule.

If your army includes Grimgor, he must be the Army General.

Morglum Necksnapper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .260 pts

Morglum Necksnapper473553459
War Boar730341313

Troop Type: Cavalry (Special Character, Black Orc)

Magic Items / Abilities: The Humie Hewers, Bulak's Bloody Armour

Two hand weapons. Whenever Morglum's To Hit roll on a D6 is higher than his target's Weapon Skill, the attack will not only hit regardless of the score normally needed to hit, but will also be multipled into 2 Hits.

Heavy armour. This armour gives Morglum the Ward Save (4+) special rule. However, if he rolls a 1 when rolling his ward save the number of Wounds suffered is doubled as the bitter spirit of Bulak takes his revenge!

Choppas, Hatred, Immunity (Psychology), Natural Armour (6+), Natural Leader, Quell Animosity, Tusker Charge, Waaagh!

If your army includes Morglum, he must be the Army General.

Grom the Paunch Warlord of the Misty Mountain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240 pts

Grom the Paunch-53443448
Grom's Chariot8--543---
Giant Wolf-303--31-

Unit Size: Grom, Grom's Chariot, Niblet & Giant Wolves

Troop Type: Chariot (Armour Save 5+, Special Character, Goblin)

Light armour.

Magic Items / Abilities: Axe of Grom, Lucky Banner

Great weapon. Attacks made with this axe have the Killing Blow special rule. In addition, against Elves, Grom's Axe will cause a Killing Blow on the To Wound roll of 5+.

The Lucky Banner allows Grom to re-roll failed armour and Ward Saves.

Eats Elves for Breakfast, Goblin General, Grom's Chariot, Grom's Waaagh!, Niblet, Regeneration (4+)

As long as Grom is alive, all units in his army ignore the Fear Elves special rule.

If your army includes Grom, he must be the Army General. In addition, Grom would never tolerate the presence of anybody who might threaten his command. You may not include any Orc, Savage Orc or Black Orc Lords if Grom is your General. An army containing Grom must include at least one unit of Goblins.

This large chariot is pulled by three Giant Wolves and has scythed wheels. It has room to carry only Grom and Niblet.

Grom has the Waaagh! special rule. When Grom calls a Waaagh!, in addition to the units that would normally be affected, every unit of five or more Goblins, Goblin Wolf Riders, Night Goblins, Forest Goblins and Forest Goblin Spider Riders in the army adds +1 to its combat resolution for the rest of the player turn.

Niblet counts as the army's Battle Standard Bearer. Niblet is part of the chariot model and, although he can attack, he can never be engaged separately or issue or accept challenges.

Skarsnik Warlord of the Eight Peaks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .245 pts


Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character, Night Goblin)

Light armour.

Magic Items / Abilities: Skarsnik's Prodder

Polearm. The Prodder contains a Bound Spell (power level 5). The spell is a magic missile with a range of 24". It causes D3 Strength 6 hits which Ignores Armour Saves. The number of hits is increased to D6 if Skarsnik is within a Night Goblin unit with at least 5 models, not including Skarsnik.

Fear Elves, Gobbla, Hatred (Dwarfs), Killing Blow (Gobbla only), Sneaky Schemes, Tricksy Traps

Skarsnik and Gobbla are treated as a single infantry model with a single set of wounds. Gobbla's profile is used only when he attacks.

At the start of the game, before deployment, roll a D6 for each enemy unit. On a roll of 6, that unit has been delayed by a Wild Squig strike or some other happening. Affected units do not deploy as normal, but instead enter play as reinforcements in the Movement phase of their first turn.

Any friendly Night Goblin unit that chooses to flee as a charge reaction and subsequently rallies at the beginning of its next turn may reform as normal, but is then also free to move during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. The unit is also free to shoot as normal (but it always counts as having moved).

The Black Gobbo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170 pts

The Black Gobbo463443547

Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character, Night Goblin)

Light armour.

Magic Items / Abilities: Thagi Az, Belt Buckle of Durzik Al Drazh, Gotkid's Beard, Hood of Night

If the Black Gobbo scores a hit against an enemy who has a magic weapon, the enemy's magic weapon is destroyed on the roll of a 4+. In addition, the axe confers +1 Strength and +1 Attack to the wielder.

Forged with runes of good fortune, the wearer of the belt may reroll any single D6 roll once per game that affects him directly.

The protective runes within the beard confer a Ward Save (6+) to the Black Gobbo.

This hood causes units of Night Goblins to treat the Black Gobbo as if he had Leadership 9.

Fear Elves, Really Hates Dwarfs, Surprise!

The Black Gobbo may re-roll all failed rolls To Hit when fighting Dwarfs. In addition, the Black Gobbo and any unit he accompanies are Stubborn when they are in base contact with any Dwarf.

Skragrott The Moon King. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335 pts


Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character, Night Goblin)

Magic: Skragrott is a Level 4 Wizard who uses spells from Spells of da Bad Moon.

Magic Items / Abilities: Da Moon Onna Stikk, Moon King's Crown, Babbling Wand

If an enemy model suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from Da Moon Onna Stikk, they must pass a Toughness test at the start of each Movement phase or suffer 1 additional Wound with no saves allowed.

The Moon King's Crown gives Skragrott +1 to cast spells and the Ward Save (4+) special rule.

The Babbling Wand allows Skragrott to re-roll any failed Channelling rolls.

Fear Elves, Hatred (Dwarfs), Magic Mushrooms, The Moon King's Entreaty

Skragrott can always choose to re-roll any number of dice when determining how far the template from the Curse of da Bad Moon spell moves.

Special Characters - Heroes

Bigfeed Bonehead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 pts

Bigfeed Bonehead453452338

Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character, Savage Orc)

Magic Items / Abilities: Bonehead's Whacker

Great weapon. The Whacker gives Bigfeet the Always Strikes First special rule and allows him to re-roll failed To Wound rolls.

Choppas, Frenzy, Hatred (The Empire), Size Matters, Warpaint

Borgut Facebeater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 pts

Borgut Facebeater463552349

Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character, Black Orc)

Magic Items / Abilities: 'Ardlad's Axe o' Doom, Drog's Dead 'Ard Armour

Two hand weapons. This massive axe adds +1 to Borgut's Strength and allows him to re-roll failed armour saves.

This armour gives Borgut a 1+ Armour save that cannot be improved.

Choppas, Do as I say and wot I do, The Facebeater, Immunity (Psychology), Keep Your Enemies Closer, Quell Animosity

If Borgut is included in your army, then you may upgrade one additional units of Orc Boyz into Big 'Uns. Borgut must deploy and remain with this unit for the entirety of the battle.

If Borgut fights in a challenge, then at the beginning of the first Close Combat phase of the challenge, he can smash his thick Orc skull into the face of his opponent or any monstrous mount they may be riding. This is in addition to his normal attacks, and is resolved before any other attacks in the challenge. If this attack inflicts an unsaved Wound, the target is reduced to Weapon Skill 1 and gains the Always Strikes Last special rule for the rest of the Close Combat phase. If this mighty 'eadbutt kills his opponent, Borgut can still make his remaining attacks to calculate Overkill for the purposes of combat resolution.

If your army includes Grimgor, then you may never deploy Borgut further than 6" from him when setting up your army.

Badruk 'Eadsplitta Scourge of the Grey Dwarfs of Karak-Norn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 pts

Badruk 'Eadsplitta463552348

Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character, Black Orc)

Great weapon, heavy armour.

Magic Items / Abilities: Dwarf Trinket

One use only. Once per battle, Badruk can cause one enemy model fighting him in close combat to miss with all his normal attacks. He may wait until after the enemy has rolled to hit to decide to use it, but must choose before he rolls To Wound.

Choppas, Executioner's Strike, Immunity (Psychology), Quell Animosity

Badruk has the Killing Blow special rule. In addition, he causes a Killing Blow on the To Wound roll of a 5+ rather than a 6.

Gitilla da Hunter Big Boss of da Drippin' Fangs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 pts

Gitilla da Hunter444442437
Ulda the Great Wolf930331323

If Gitilla da Hunter is taken, then you must include a unit of Goblin Wolf Riders in the army, chosen at additional cost from the Core Units section of the army list. This unit must be upgraded to da Howlerz at a cost of 1 point per model.

Troop Type: Cavalry (Special Character, Goblin)

Spear, Stinky Pelt.

The Stinky Pelt grants Gitilla the Natural Armour (5+) special rule.

Magic Items / Abilities: Bone Bow

Bow. The Bone Bow has the following profile:

RangeStrengthSpecial Rules

Da Howlerz, Fast Cavalry, Fear Elves

Da Howlerz are a unit of Goblin Wolf Riders with an additional +1 Ballistic Skill and the Quick to Fire special rule. Gitilla must set up with this unit and may not leave it. No other character may join the unit.

Snagla Grobspit Leader of the Deff Creepers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 pts

Snagla Grobspit443442437
Giant Spider730331312

If Snagla Grobspit is taken, then you must include one unit of Forest Goblin Spider Riders in the army, chosen at additional cost from the Core Units section of the army list. This unit must be upgraded to the Deff Creepers at a cost of 1 point per model.

Troop Type: Cavalry (Special Character, Forest Goblin)

Sting of Snagla

One use only. The Sting is a missile weapon with the following profile:

RangeStrengthSpecial Rules

Magic Items / Abilities: Fangspike

The Fangspike has the Poisoned Attacks and Multiple Wounds (D3) special rules.

Creeping Assault, Deff Creepers, Fast Cavalry, Fear Elves, Forest Strider, Hatred (The Empire), Obstacle Strider, Poisoned Attacks (Giant Spider only), Wall-crawler

The Deff Creepers are a unit of Forest Goblin Spider Riders with the Ambushers, Devastating Charge and Hatred (Empire) special rules. In addition, they cause Fear in any turn that they successfully charge into combat. Snagla must set up with this unit and may not leave it. No other character may join the unit.

Shiny Stuff

This section contains the rules and background for some of the most infamous, powerful and iconic sorcerous items ever used by the greenskins. These may be used in addition to the magic items found in the Warhammer rulebook.

Magic Weapons

Roll a D6 at the start of each round of combat - the wielder of this weapon adds that number to both his Attacks and Strength in that round. However, the more attacks the wielder makes, the more difficult the axe is to control. Because of this, the bearer's Weapon Skill is lowered by an amount equal to half the dice roll (i.e. 1-2 = -1 Weapon Skill, 3-4 = -2 Weapon Skill, and 5-6 = -3 Weapon Skill).

The wielder of this weapon has the Armour Piercing (1) special rule, and adds +1 to both his Attacks and Strength in close combat. This bonus is doubled if the wielder is in base contact with a model from the Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs. In addition, the wielder causes Fear in models from Warhammer Armies: Dwarf.

Magic Armour

Medium armour. The wearer has +D3 Toughness. Roll to determine the armour's effectiveness the first time the wearer is hit each turn, and use the result for the rest of the turn. In addition, the wearer has the Impact Hits (D6) special rule.


War Beasts, Monstrous Beasts, Monsters, Cavalry mounts, Monstrous Cavalry mounts and beasts pulling Chariots require 6's to hit the bearer. In addition, the wearer can attempt to take control of any one creature belonging to the above Troop Types at the start of each close combat phase. Each player roll a D6 and add the unmodified Leadership of the wearer of the Collar and the beast he is trying to control. If the Orc player scores equal or higher, he takes control of the beast who will now attack any friendly models in base contact for the remainder of the close combat phase. If the Orc player scores lower, the beast may act normally this turn.

Arcane Items

The Skull Wand unleashes a curse on a single enemy model that is in base contact with the bearer at the start of the Close Combat phase. The victim must pass a Leadership test (using its own, unmodified, Leadership) or be slain instantly, with no save of any kind allowed. In addition, the bearer of the Skull Wand causes Terror.

Savage Orc Shamans and Savage Orc Great Shamans only. Any unit joined by the bearer of the Lucky Shrunken head may re-roll failed Ward saves from their Warpaint special rule.

Enchanted Items

One use only. The horn can be used at the start of any of your turns. When this horn is sounded, all friendly units within 24" receive +1 Leadership and all enemy units within 24" suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership until the end of the turn.

Magic Standards

A unit with Mork's Spirit Totem has Magic Resistance (D6). Roll to determine the effectiveness of the banner every time a spell is cast on the unit carrying it. For example, if a 5 is rolled, the unit with have Magic Resistance (5) against that spell. In addition, all magic items belonging to enemy models that are in base contact with the bearer of Mork's Spirit Totem do not work and will count as mundane versions of the same type.

Forest Goblin Big Boss only. Models in a unit with the Spider Banner, including the bearer, have Poisoned Attacks. Models that already have Poisoned Attacks will also automatically wound on To Hit rolls of 6.

Night Goblin Big Boss only. Night Goblin models in a unit with the Bad Moon banner are Stubborn. In addition, the banner shrouds the unit in darkness. Enemies suffer -1 To Hit with missile weapons against the bearer and any unit he joins. In addition, any enemy model that charges into base contact with the bearer or the unit must take a Dangerous Terrain test.

Magic Items Expansion

Magic Weapons

Common Orcs only. All hits from Warboss Ironclaw's Waaagh! Cleava Wound automatically with the Ignores Armour Saves special rule.

Common Orcs on foot only. The wielder of Basha's Bloodaxe gains the Frenzy rule. However, they get +D6 Attacks (rolled before making their Attacks) rather than +1 and can never lose their Frenzy.

Shaga's Screaming Sword gives the wielder +1 Strength and +1 Attack for each enemy character model within 12".

Fumpa's Club of Fumpin' gives the wielder +1 Strength and the Quell Animosity special rule.

Basha's Big Axe of Bashin' gives wielder +1 Strength and Attacks.

All hits with Kleeva's Cleaver of Cleavage Wound automatically. Armour saves are modified by the Strength of the bearer.

Martog's Best Basha gives the wielder +1 Weapon Skill, +1 Strength and +1 Initiative.

Goblins (of any type) only. The Sneaky Skewerer gives the wielder +1 To Hit and the Killing Blow special rule.

Duffa's Club of Duffin' gives the wielder +3 Attacks in the first round of close combat.

Hacka's Sword of Hackin' makes the wielder always Hit any opponent on roll of a 2+.

Great weapon. Krumpa's Club of Crumpin' gives the wielder the Ignores Armour Saves special rule.

Orcs (of any type) only. Mounted characters only. Spear. On any turn that they charge, Porko's Pigstikka gives the wielder +1 Attack for each rank that the unit they are attacking has.

Ulag's Ak'rit Axes allows the wielder to re-roll any failed To Hit rolls.

Any model Wounded (but not slain) by Kurbog's Curmudgeonly Clobbera may not attack this close combat phase. If they have already attacked this close combat phase, they may not attack in the next close combat phase.

Goblins (of any type) only. The Backstabber's Blade gives the wielder the Poisoned Attacks special rule. In addition, they get +1 Strength if they attack the enemy to their flank, or +2 Strength if they attack the enemy in their rear.

Goblins (of any type) only. Lucky's Dirk gives the wielder +1 Strength for each enemy Magic Item in base contact.

Any unit joined by the bearer of the Sword of Bork that fails their Animosity test may roll 2D6 on the Animosity Table and discard the lowest result.

One use only. Wollopa's One Hit Wunda may be used at the start of any close combat phase when it is the wielder's turn to attack. The wielder may replace all their normal Attacks with a special attack that is resolved at +3 Strength with the Heroic Killing Blow special rule.

An Infantry Character model which suffers an unsaved Wound (but is not slain) by Owzat's Club of Smackin' is immediately knocked clean out of combat and suffers a Strength 4 Hit. Move the model D6" backwards, stopping at least 1" away from other units or impassable terrain.

Magic Armour

Shield. The Ironskin Shield gives the bearer the Ward Save (5+) special rule.

Medium armour. The Armour of Mork gives the wearer the Magic Resistance (2) special rule.

Medium armour. The Armour of Protectyness gives the wearer the Regeneration (5+) special rule.

Orcs only. Medium armour. Drog's Dead 'Ard Armour gives the wearer a 1+ Armour Save.

Goblins only. Nobbla's Helmet gives the wearer a 6+ Armour Save and the Ward Save (6+) special rule.

Shield. Ugbrag's Lucky Shield enables the wearer to ignore the first Wounding Hit (after saves) suffered in the game.

Shield. For each To Hit roll of a 1 against the bearer in close combat, the Spiteful Shield inflicts a Strength 5 Hit against the model that struck the blow.


Whenever the bearer of the Amulet of Protectyness suffers a Wound, they count as having the same armour and Ward save as the model that caused the Wound.

Sizzla's Shiny Baubles can be used against any successfully cast enemy spell that targets the bearer or the unit they are with. Roll a D6; on 1-3 nothing happens; on a 4+ the spell is reflected back at the caster and their unit and affects them instead, following all the normal rules for the spell. The original caster may then attempt to dispel their own spell using any remaining power dice.

Warboss Umm's Best Big Boss's 'At gives the wearer the Ward Save (4+) special rule. However, if the wearer fails its Ward save at any point, it will no longer have any effect from the start of the next player turn.

Savage Orcs only. The wearer of the Magical Warpaint may re-roll failed Ward Saves.

Instead of making a normal dispel attempt, the wearer of the Glowy Green Amulet may attempt to nullify any enemy spell cast at the bearer or the unit they are with by a rolling a number of dice equal to the number of dice used to cast the spell. As long as no 1's are rolled, the spell is dispelled. However, if one or more 1's are rolled, the spell gets through as the Amulet overloads and explodes, killing the wearer outright (with no saves of any kind allowed).

Arcane Items

Goblins (of any type) only. At the start of each of your Magic phases, the Staff of Sneaky Stealin' allows you to remove one dice from the opponent's Dispel dice pool and add it to your own Power dice pool.

Orcs (of any type) only. At the start of your magic phase, the Idol of Mork adds one power dice to your power pool for every friendly Orc unit (any type) with 10 or more Unit Strength in combat within 24" if the bearer. However, it removes one power dice from your power pool for every friendly fleeing Orc (any type) with 10 or more Unit Strength unit within 24" of the bearer.

One use only. When casting a spell, the bearer of the Dangly Wotnotz may use it to add +1 to the result of one of the dice rolled. This may cause Ultimate Power or prevent a Miscast.

The bearer of Ditto's Double Doin' Doodahs may choose to attempt to cast one of their spells twice per Magic phase.

Buzgob's Knobbly Staff allows the wielder to re-roll all power dice used to cast a spell once per Magic phase (before rolling any Ultimate Power dice). This cannot be used if a miscast is rolled.

The Staff of Baduum gives the bearer a +1 bonus to the result of their spell casting attempts. However, in case a Miscast is rolled, add 1 to the result rolled on the Miscast table.

Savage Orc only. If the wearer of the Waaagh! Paint is in close combat at the start of your Magic phase, they receive +2 to the result of their spell casting attempts.

Enchanted Items

Night Goblins only. The Pipes of Doom can be used the start of the Shooting Phase. All enemy War Beasts (including Mixed Units), Cavalry, Monstrous Beasts, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariots (except those that do not have any mounts pulling them) and Monsters within 12" must take a Panic test.

Orcs (of any type) on foot only. The wearer of Bigged's 'Ed Kickin' Boots gains the Stomp special rule.

Common Orcs and Black Orcs only. War Boar. The Ironback Boar has Strength 4 and the Impact Hits (D3) special rule.

Orcs (of any type) only. The 'Eadbuttin' 'At gives the wearer +1 Attack with the Always Strikes First and Killing Blow special rules in challenges. This attack does not benefit from any other weapon rules the wearer might have.

Savage Orcs only. All close combat attacks made against the bearer of the Effigy of Mork suffer -1 To Hit.

Goblins (of any type) only. No units in base contact with the wearer of the Tricksy Trinket may take normal Ward Saves (Dodge, Regeneration and Parry are unaffected).

Night Goblins only. One use only. If the model bearing the Mad Cap Mushrooms is in a unit containing one or more Night Goblin Fanatics, they may choose to give them each Mad Cap Mushroom before they are released. Each Fanatic from this unit inflicts an additional D6 Hits on any unit they move into base contact with this turn.

Bound Spell, Power Level 4. Nibbla's 'Itty Ring contains the 'Eadbutt spell from the Spells of da Big Waaagh! Roll a D6 each time it has successfully been cast; on the roll of a 1, the spell is resolved against the caster itself.

Common Orcs and Black Orcs only. The model wearing Imbad's Iron Gnashas gains +1 Attack with the Killing Blow special rule. This attack does not benefit from any other weapon rules the wearer might have.

Goblins only. If the bearer of the Brimstone Bauble is slain in close combat, all units (friends and foe) in base contact suffer D6 Strength 6 Hits, distributed as Hits from shooting. Any Wounds caused count towards combat resolution.

Roll a D6 for the bearer of Guzzla's Battle Brew at the start of the game and consult the table below to see what effect it has:




The model gains the Stupidity special rule.


The model gains the Hatred special rule.


The model gains the Hatred and Frenzy special rules.

Model on foot only. Before deployment, roll a D6. On 4+, the bearer of Maad's Map and one unit they must join gains the Scouts special rule. On a 1-3, the unit has gotten lost and gains the Ambushers special rule instead.

Magic Standards

Orcs (of any type) only. The unit carrying Gork's Waaagh! Banner adds D6" to its charge distance. If the charge is failed, the unit will move forward its normal failed charge distance.

Common Goblins only. All Common Goblins within 12" of Rowdy Grott's Big Red Raggedy Banner may roll 3D6 for their Break Tests and Panic tests and discard the highest result.

The unit carrying Guff's Flag has the Immunity (Psychology) special rule.

One use only. Nogg's Banner of Butchery may be used at the start of any close combat phase. All models in the unit (except mounts) carrying the Banner of Butchery gain +1 Attack for the remainder of the close combat phase.

The unit carrying the Evil Sun Banner may re-roll any failed Animosity tests.

The carrying the Bashin' Flag of Bork ignores their first failed Animosity roll of the game - it passes the test instead.

Spells of da Big Waaagh!

For each friendly Orc unit (of any type) with a Unit Strength of 10+ in close combat within 24" of the Wizard, they add +1 to cast. Conversely, for each friendly Orc unit (of any type) with a Unit Strength of 10+ fleeing within 24" of the Wizard, they suffer -1 to cast.

Gaze of Mork is a direct damage spell. Extend a straight line, 18" in length, within the caster's forward arc and directly away from his base. Any model whose base falls under the line suffers a Strength 4 hit. The caster can choose to extend the range of the spell to 36". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 10+.

Wrath of Gork is a magic missile with a range of 18" that inflicts D6 Strength 5 hits for every friendly unit of 5 or more Orc models (of any type) within 6" of the caster. The caster can extend the range of this spell to 36". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 10+.

Fists of Gork is an augment spell with a range of 24". The target unit gains +1 Strength until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. The caster can choose to instead have their spell target all friendly units within 12". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 16+.

'Eadbutt is a direct damage spell with a range of 12". One enemy Wizard within range suffers a Strength 4 hit that inflicts Multiple Wounds (D3), which Ignores Armour Saves. The caster can extend the range of this spell to 24". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 13+.

'Ere We Go! is an augment spell with a range of 12" and targets all Orc units (of any type) that are in range, including the caster itself. The target units may re-roll To Hit rolls in close combat until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.

WAAAGH! is an augment spell that targets all friendly Orc units (of any type) with 5 or more models within 12". The target units will immediately make a move using the Random Movement (2D6) special rule towards the nearest enemy unit within Line of Sight - if no enemy units are within Line of Sight, they will move directly forward instead. Note that no unit may be moved more than once per Magic phase with this spell.

Foot of Gork is a direct damage spell. Place the small template within 36" of the caster. It then scatters D6", maintaining the same facing. All models hit by the template suffer a Strength 6 hit with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. The caster can choose to intensify Gork's involvement in the battle to a full warpath of stomping. If they do so the casting value is increased to 18+, but after resolving the effects of the spell, roll a dice and consult the following table:




Gork slips and stomps one of your own units!

Your opponent places the template anywhere on the table. It then scatters and inflicts damage exactly as described above. The spell then ends.


Gork gets bored and wanders off.

The spell ends without further effect.


Gork stomps another enemy unit (or the same one - when Gork wants something stomped, he stomps it!).

Place the template again, as described above. After resolving the effects of this stomp, roll again on this table.

Spells of da Savage Waaagh!

For each friendly Orc unit (of any type) with a Unit Strength of 10+ in close combat within 24" of the Wizard, they add +1 to cast. Conversely, for each friendly Orc unit (of any type) with a Unit Strength of 10+ fleeing within 24" of the Wizard, they suffer -1 to cast.

Brutal Beast Spirits is an augment spell with a range of 24" that targets Orcs (of any type). The unit gains +1 To Hit in close combat and may re-roll their pursuit distance until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. The caster can choose to instead have their spell target all friendly units of Orcs (of any type) within 12". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 12+.

Bone Krusha is a magic missile spell with a range of 24". The closer the target is to the caster, the more powerful the attack will be: if the target is within 12" of the caster, it suffers 2D6 Strength 5 Hits; if the target is between 12" and 18" away, it instead suffers D6 Strength 5 Hits; if the target is more than 18" away, it only suffers D3 Strength 5 Hits.

Kunnin' Beast Spirits is an augment spell with a range of 24" that targets Orcs (of any type). Your opponent must re-roll all To Hit rolls of 6 that target the unit with missile attacks and in close combat until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. The caster can choose to instead have their spell target all friendly units of Orcs (of any type) within 12". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 10+.

Breath of Mork is an augment spell with a range of 18" that targets an unengaged unit. This unit may immediately make a normal Fly (10) move (not march) as if it was the Remaining Moves phase. The caster can extend the range of this spell to 36". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 10+.

Squiggly Curse is a direct damage spell with a range of 12" and targets a single enemy model (even a character in a unit). Roll a D6; on a 1 it has no effect, on a 2 to 3 that model suffers one Wound, on a 4 to 5 it suffers D3 Wounds and on a 6 it suffers D6 Wounds. These Wounds have the Ignores Armour Saves special rule. Each time a model is slain by Squiggly Curse, you can add +D3 to any further casting attempts made by the caster this Magic Phase. The caster can extend the range of this spell to 24". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 13+.

Gork's War Cry is a direct damage spell with a range of 18". The target unit suffers D6 Strength 5 which Ignores Armour Saves and is stunned by the deafening roar. The target unit halves all their Movement and is subject to the Always Strikes Last special rule until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.

Remains in play. The Evil Sun is a magical vortex that uses the small round template. Once the template is placed, the player then nominates the direction in which The Evil Sun will move. To determine how many inches the template moves, roll an artillery dice and multiply the result by 3. If the result on the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster and roll a scatter dice. The template then moves D6" in the direction shown (if you roll a Hit! use the little arrow shown on the Hit! symbol). Any model under or passed over by the template suffers a Strength 5 hit. In subsequent turns, The Evil Sun travels in a random direction and moves a number of inches equal to the roll on an artillery dice. If a misfire is rolled in subsequent turns, The Evil Sun swallows itself and is removed.

Spells of da Little Waaagh!

When a spell is successfully cast, and after its effects have been resolved, roll a D6. On a roll of 1-4 nothing happens, but on a roll of 5-6 you may take one dispel dice from the opponent's dispel pool and add it to your power pool. If there are no dice left in the opponent's dispel pool, then this lore attribute has no effect.

Sneaky Stabbin' is an augment spell with a range of 24" that targets Goblins (of any type). The target unit's close combat attacks have the Armour Piercing (1) special rule and can re-roll all failed To Hit and To Wound rolls when attacking in close combat against an enemy's flank or rear until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. The caster can choose to instead have their spell target all friendly units of Goblins (of any type) within 12". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 12+.

Brain Bursta is a direct damage spell with a range of 18" and targets a single enemy model (even a character in a unit). The target suffers a Strength 5 hit. The caster can extend the range of this spell to 36". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 9+.

Mork Save Uz! is an augment spell with a range of 24". The target unit may re-roll all failed Armour Saves and Ward Saves until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. The caster can choose to instead have their spell target all friendly units within 12". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 14+.

Gork'll Fix It is a hex spell with a range of 24". The target unit must re-roll any of its To Hit, To Wound and armour save rolls of 6 (in shooting and close combat) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. The caster can extend the range of this spell to 48". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 10+.

The Hand of Gork is an augment spell with a range of 24" that targets a single unengaged friendly unit. Remove a model from the front rank of the unit and place it anywhere within 3D6" of its original position, facing in any direction. Remove the remainder of the unit from the battlefield and form them up around the first model so that the unit keeps its original formation and the first model maintains its original position in the unit (if the unit comprised just one model, such as a chariot or character, then this step is unnecessary). Models from the unit cannot be placed in impassable terrain, nor may they be placed within 1" of any other unit. The caster can choose to extend the distance that the target unit moves to 6D6". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 18+.

Nikkit! Nikkit! is a direct damage spell with a range of 12" and targets a single enemy character (even a character in a unit). The target suffers D3 Strength 4 Hits which Ignores Armour Saves. If the target has one or more magic items, randomly select one of them - that item is stolen on the roll of 3+. If the caster does not already have a magic item of this type they can now use it, otherwise it is destroyed. The caster can extend the range of this spell to 24". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 15+.

Mork Wants Ya! is a direct damage spell with a range of 12" that targets a single enemy model (even a character in a unit). The target must pass an Initiative test or suffer D6 Strength 10 hits. The caster can extend the range of this spell to 24". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 17+.

Spells of da Bad Moon

When a spell is successfully cast, and after its effects have been resolved, roll a D6. On a roll of 1-4 nothing happens, but on a roll of 5-6 you may take one dispel dice from the opponent's dispel pool and add it to your power pool. If there are no dice left in the opponent's dispel pool, then this lore attribute has no effect.

Vindictive Glare is a magic missilemissile with a range of 24" and causes 2D6 Strength 3 hits. The caster can choose to boost the power of the spell so that it inflicts 3D6 Strength 3 hits. If they do so, the casting value is increased to 9+.

Squig Lure is an augment spell with a range of 24" that targets any unit of Squigs. The target unit immediately makes a Random Move (2D6); and all Squigs (but not their riders or handlers) in the unit gain the Frenzy special rule until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. The caster can choose to have the Squig Lure target all friendly units within 12". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 10+.

Itchy Nuisance is a hex spell with a range of 24". Roll a D6. The target unit immediately reduces its Movement and Initiative by this number (to a minimum of 1), until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. Troops with Random Movement reduce the number of dice they roll by D3 (to a minimum of 1D6), and their Initiative by D6.

The Great Green Spite is a direct damage spell with a range of 24". Pick one friendly Goblin unit (of any type) within 12" of the caster; the target unit suffers D6 Strength 4 Hits if this friendly unit has a lower Unit Strength than 20, 2D6 Strength 4 Hits if the friendly unit has Unit Strength of 20 to 30, and 3D6 Strength 4 Hits if the friendly unit has a Unit Strength over 30. These Hits have the Armour Piercing (1) special rule.

Night Shroud is an augment spell that targets all friendly units within 6". Until the beginning of the caster's next Magic phase, enemies suffer -1 To Hit with missile weapons against these units. All models in any enemy unit that charges into base contact with the Shaman or the unit he is with while the spell is in effect must take a Dangerous Terrain test. The caster can choose to have the Night Shroud target all friendly units within 12". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 18+.

Call da Moon is a direct damage spell with a range of 18". Place the small template with the centre anywhere within this range; it scatters and inflicts damage like a Stone Thrower. If a misfire is rolled, centre the template over the caster instead.

Remains in play. Curse of da Bad Moon is a magical vortex that uses the small round template. Once the template is placed, the caster nominates the direction in which it will move. Roll 4D6 to determine how many inches the template moves. In subsequent turns the template will move 3D6" in a random direction. Any model under or passed over by the template is cursed, and must pass a characteristic test or take a wound which Ignores Armour Saves. The type of characteristic test is determined by rolling on the following chart. Roll once each Magic phase, just before moving the template, and apply the result to all models affected by the curse in that Magic phase.


Characteristic Test







The caster can boost the Curse of da Bad Moon so that it uses the large round template instead. If they do so, the casting value of the spell is increased to 25+.

Spells of da Spider God

When a spell is successfully cast, and after its effects have been resolved, roll a D6. On a roll of 1-4 nothing happens, but on a roll of 5-6 you may take one dispel dice from the opponent's dispel pool and add it to your power pool. If there are no dice left in the opponent's dispel pool, then this lore attribute has no effect.

Venomous Spiderlings is a direct damage spell with a range of 24". The target unit suffers 3D6 Strength 1 Hits with the Poisoned Attacks special rule. The caster can extend the range of this spell to 48". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 8+.

Deadly Webbing can be any terrain feature within 24". Until the start of the caster's next Magic phase, the target counts as Dangerous Terrain for all non-flying movement and in addition, units cannot march while within it. This spell has no effect on Forest Goblins. The caster can extend the range of this spell to 48". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 8+.

Chitinous Armour is an augment spell with a range of 24" that targets Goblins (of any type). The target unit gains the Natural Armour (6+) special rule until the start of the caster's next magic phase. The caster can choose to have this spell target all friendly units of Goblins (of any type) within 12". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 12+.

Scuttling Terrors is an augment spell with a range of 24" that targets Goblins (of any type). The target unit may immediately make a Move as if it were the Remaining Moves phase. The caster can extend the range of this spell to 48". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 11+.

Sneaky Distraction is a hex spell that targets all enemy units within 12" of the caster. The target units suffer -1 To Hit with missile attacks and in close combat until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. This spell has no effect on models with Immunity (Psychology). The caster can choose to instead have their spell target all enemy units within 18". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 12+.

Curse of da Spider God is a hex spell with a range of 24". The target unit must re-roll successful To Hit rolls (in shooting and close combat) and armour saves until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. The caster can extend the range of this spell to 48". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 12+.

Gift of da Spider God is an augment spell with a range of 24" that targets Goblins (of any type). The target unit gains the Poisoned Attacks and Regeneration (6+) special rules until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. If the unit already has Poisoned Attacks, the spell will boost its venom so that they Wound automatically on a To Hit roll of 6. The caster can choose to instead have their spell target all friendly units of Goblins (of any type) within 12". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 24+.

Giant River Troll Special Attacks

To determine what happens in each Close Combat phase, pick a unit in base contact with the Troll Hag and roll a D6 on one of the following tables. Which table you use depends on the size of the Troll Hag's victim. If no suitable target is in base contact, roll again on the chart until you get another result.

Tiddlers Table

Use this chart when fighting Infantry, Cavalry, War Beasts or Swarms.




Suck Out its Marrow


Pick Up and...


Crush with Stump


Grind its Bones

Whoppers Table

Use this chart when fighting Monsters, Monstrous Beasts, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariots, War Machines, and Shrines.









The unit suffers D6 Strength 5 hits. For every wound the target loses, the Troll Hag gains one, up to its starting number.

The Troll Hag stoops down and grabs a single Character in base contact from the target unit (Troll Hag's choice). The Troll Hag grabs the model and the player rolls a D6 to see what happens next:




Stuff into Net. The Troll Hag crams the victim into her net, to be eaten (or worse) later on at her leisure.

The model is effectively removed as a casualty and can do nothing whilst in the bag, but if the Troll Hag should be slain, any enemy trapped in its bag are freed at the end of the battle, and no longer counts as casualties.


Toss Back. The Troll Hag eyes the writhing morsel sceptically, before deciding to toss it back where it came from like a living missile.

The victim suffers D3 Strength 6 Hits which Ignores Armour saves, and D6 Strength 3 hits are inflicted on the unit (save as normal).


Send Packing. The Troll Hag picks her victim up and hurls it towards the nearest body of water, there to serve in her watery lair as her slave for the rest of its mercifully short existence.

The Troll Hag will attempt to throw the victim in the nearest water feature (such as a river, marsh or swamp) within 12". The victim is automatically removed as a casualty unless they have the Aquatic special rule in which case the model lands unharmed in the water. If no water feature is in range, treat this as a Toss Back result instead.


Squish. The victim is squished to a pulp in the Troll Hag’s clammy grasp.

The model is removed as a casualty.


Gobble. The Troll Hag stuffs her victim into her slobbering mouth, its muffled cries terminated with a hideous crunch.

The model is removed as a casualty.


Pick Another. The Giant River Troll Hag stuffs her victim into her net to be consumed later.

Treat the attack as if the Troll Hag had rolled the Stuff into Net result, and then choose another victim. Roll again on this table to see what the Troll Hag does with it.

All models in base contact, friend or foe, suffer a Strength 6 hit.

The Troll Hag may target a single model in base contact. This model suffers a single Strength 6 hit with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule.

The target suffers D3 Wounds which Ignores Armour Saves. This has no effect on Animated Constructs. In addition, the target may not make any attacks until the Troll Hag is either slain or rolls a different result on its special attack table.

The target takes a single Strength 6 hit with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. If the target survives the attack, it may not attack until the start of your next turn.

Neither the Troll Hag nor the target actually fight if they have not already done so this round. The Troll Hag automatically wins the combat by 2 points or more. In addition, the target has its Weapon Skill reduced to 1 until the end of the next turn. This result has no effect against Animated Constructs.

Giant Special Rules

A Giant must test to see whether it falls over if any of the following apply:

  • If it is beaten in close combat. Test once results are established but before taking a Break test.

  • If it is fleeing at the start of the Movement phase.

  • When it crosses an obstacle. Test when the obstacle is reached.

  • If the Giant decides to Jump Up and Down on an enemy. Test immediately beforehand.

To see if a Giant falls over roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the Giant falls over. A slain Giant falls over automatically.

To determine in which direction the Giant falls, roll a scatter dice. Place the small template in base contact with the Giant in the direction of the scatter dice, measured from the centre of the Giant's base. A model hit by a falling Giant suffers a Strength 6 Hit with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. If the unit is in combat and the Giant has fallen over whilst attempting to Jump Up and Down, wounds inflicted by a falling Giant count towards the combat result.

A Giant that falls over automatically suffers 1 wound. If the Giant is in combat then this wound counts towards combat resolution.

Once on the ground, a Giant may get up in his following Movement phase, but may not move in the Movement phase that turn. Whilst on the ground a Giant may not attack, but he can still defend himself after a fashion so the enemy must still roll to score hits on him. If forced to flee whilst on the ground the Giant is slain. If the Giant gets the opportunity to pursue his foes whilst he's on the ground he stands up instead. A Giant may attack in close combat as usual on the turn he stands up.

To determine what a Giant does in each Close Combat phase, pick a unit in base contact with the Giant and roll a D6 on one of the following tables. Which table you use depends on the size of the Giant's victim. If no suitable target is in base contact, roll again on the chart until you get another result.

Man-sized Things Chart

Use this chart when fighting Infantry, Cavalry, War Beasts or Swarms.




Yell and Bawl


Jump Up and Down


Pick Up and...


Swing with Club

Big Things Chart

Use this chart when fighting Monsters, Monstrous Beasts, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariots, War Machines, and Shrines.




Yell and Bawl


Thump with Club



Neither the Giant nor models in contact with it fight if they have not already done so this round. The Giant automatically wins the combat by 2 points or more (if both sides have a Giant that Yells and Bawls, the combat is a draw). This result has no effect against Animated Constructs.

The Giant must test to determine if it falls over. If it falls over, work out where it falls and calculate damage as already described. Any wounds caused by the fall count towards the combat result. Otherwise, it will inflict two Stomp attacks. A Giant that starts to Jump Up and Down will therefore continue to do so on the same target until it falls over, the target is destroyed, or the combat ends.

The Giant stoops down and grabs a single Character in base contact from the target unit (Giant player's choice). The Giant grabs the model and the player rolls a D6 to see what happens next:




Stuff into Bag: The model is effectively removed as a casualty and can do nothing whilst in the bag, but if the Giant should be slain, any enemy trapped in its bag are freed at the end of the battle, and no longer counts as casualties.


Throw Back into Combat: The victim is hurled into its own unit like a living missile. The victim suffers D3 Strength 6 Hits which Ignores Armour Saves, and D6 Strength 3 hits are inflicted on the unit (save as normal).


Hurl: The victim is hurled into an enemy unit within 12" of the Giant – randomly determine which. The victim is removed as a casualty, and the unit takes D6 Strength 3 hits. Unsaved Wounds from these hits count towards the Giant's combat result. If no enemy units are in range, treat this as a Throw Back into Combat result instead.


Squash or Eat: The model is removed as a casualty.


Pick Another: Treat the attack as if the Giant had rolled the Stuff into Bag result above, and then choose another victim. Roll again on this table to see what the Giant does with it.

The Giant fights using the Random Attacks (2D6) special rule this round.

The Giant chooses a single model from the target unit that is in base contact. The target may attempt to avoid the blow by passing an Initiative test (use the lowest if the model has several different values). If the test is failed, the model takes 2D3 wounds which Ignores Armour Saves. If a double is rolled the Giant cannot attack at all in the following round of the same combat.

The Giant automatically inflicts D3 wounds which Ignores Armour Saves. If the victim is wounded but not slain, then it loses all of its following attacks. If the target has not yet attacked in that combat round, it loses those attacks; if it has already attacked, then it loses the next round's attacks.

Reference Chart

Unit Name

Troop Type

Base Size (mm)

Arachnarok Spider



Azhag the Slaughterer


50x50 or 100x150

Badruk ’Eadsplitta



Bigfeet Bonehead



Black Orc Big Boss



Black Orc Warboss



Black Orcs



Borgut Facebeater



Cave Squig



Colossal Squig



Dankhold Troll



Forest Goblin Big Boss



Forest Goblin Great Shaman



Forest Goblin Shaman



Forest Goblin Spider Riders



Forest Goblin Warboss



Forest Goblins





50x50 or 50x75

Giant River Troll Hag



Giant Spider



Giant Wolf



Gigantic Spider

Monstrous Beast


Gitilla Da Hunter



Goblin Big Boss



Goblin Doom Diver

War Machine


Goblin Great Shaman



Goblin Nasty Skulker



Goblin Shaman



Goblin Warboss



Goblin Wolf Chariot



Goblin Wolf Riders






Gorbad Ironclaw







Monstrous Beast


Gorfang Rotgut



Great Cave Squig

Monstrous Beast


Grimgor Ironhide



Grom The Paunch



Grumlok & Gazbag



Mangler Squigs

Monstrous Beast

60 or 80




Morglum Necksnapper



Night Goblin Big Boss



Night Goblin Fanatic



Night Goblin Great Shaman



Night Goblin Shaman



Night Goblin Sneaky Snufflers



Night Goblin Squig Gobba

Monstrous Beast


Night Goblin Squig Herder



Night Goblin Squig Hoppers


20x20 or 25x25

Night Goblin Squig Hunters



Night Goblin Tenders



Night Goblin Warboss



Night Goblins



Orc Arrer Boyz



Orc Big Boss



Orc Boar Boyz



Orc Boar Chariot



Orc Boyz



Orc Brutes


30x30 or 40x40

Orc Gore-Gruntas

Monstrous Cavalry


Orc Great Shaman



Orc Shaman



Orc Warboss



Orc Warchanter



Rock Lobber

War Machine


Rogue Idol of Gork



Savage Orc Big Boss



Savage Orc Boar Boyz



Savage Orc Great Shaman



Savage Orc Shaman



Savage Orc Warboss



Savage Orcs









Snagla Grobspit



Snotling Pump Wagon


50x50 or 50x75




Spear Chukka

War Machine


The Black Gobbo




Monstrous Infantry


War Boar



Wurrzag Ud Ura Zabuhu





50x50 or 50x100