Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Cube of Darkness
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Arcane Item30 points

Found in the metal ark beneath Xhotl, the Cube of Darkness is as alien as it is powerful. Viewed up close, this small black cube contains millions of tiny pin-pricks of blinking light, each circling a sphere of pure darkness. By implementing the correct pattern of thoughts, the cube may be opened for a fraction of a second, inexplicably drawing the very Winds of Magic into its depths.

One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard with the Cube of Darkness can use it instead of attempting to dispel the spell using dispel dice. If he does so, roll a D6; on the roll of a 2+ the spell is automatically dispelled - otherwise the spell is resolved as normal. In either case, roll a separate D6 for every Remains in Play spell currently in effect; on a 2+ that spell automatically ends.