Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Ochain, The Ear of Beauty
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Magic Armour50 points

Ochain, the Ear of Beauty, is a magnificent shield with its four ears of gold and its four bracings of red gold. It once belonged to King Conchobar. Conchobar challenged his rival, Fergus Mac Roig, in single combat, and bade him attempt to strike him. Fergus gave three stout blows on the shield, so that it rang aloud. Whenever Conchobar's shield rang out, the shields of all the Albionites did so as well. However great the strength and power with which Fergus smote Conchobar's shield, so great also was the might and valour wherewith Conchobar held the shield, so that the ear of the shield did not even touch the ear of Conchobar. Since that time, the shield has been passed around to many great heroes of Albion.

Shield. The wielder gains the Ward Save (4+) special rule from his Parry save. For every successful save the wielder makes in close combat, he may make an extra attack back immediately against the model/unit that struck the blow.