Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Storm Daemon
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Magic Weapon

Storm-daemon is warpstone powered tall halberd-like weapon created by the Warlock Engineers. It is wrapped with coils of copper wire, set with glowing chunks of warpstone and crackling with barely contained energies as it draws power from the warp generator to hurl dark bolts of warp lightning.

Polearm. Attacks with this weapon have the Lightning Attacks special rule. In addition, the Storm Daemon can project bolts of dark lightning from its tip. Storm Daemon contains a Bound Spell (power level 6). This is a magic missile with a range of 24" that causes an artillery dice worth of Strength 5 hits with the Lightning Attacks special rule. In the case of a misfire, no shots are fired, but instead, roll a D6 and consult the Storm Daemon Misfire Chart:




ZZZzark! Storm Daemon overloads.

Ikit Claw and every model in base contact with him suffer a Strength 5 hit.


Disruption. Minor malfunctions and cursed tangles.

Ikit may not cast spells for the rest of this Skaven Magic phase while he sorts his power cables out.


Full Power. The warp generator absorbs untold power for Ikit's use.

Ikit may immediately add D3 power dice to the pool for the current Magic phase.