Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Incantation of Xetlipocutzl
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The Incantation of Xetlipocutzl is, according to legend, the last recorded thought of Mage Lord Zltep of Tlaxtlan before he finally spoke no more and was duly mummified to join his predecessors in the great vaults of the pyramid temple of that city. Itzi-Bitzi was the only one of his servants to hear the words of the incantation and realising their awesome power, kept them secret. The words are merely the first part of a prophecy of utter dread for all enemies of the Lizardmen. Lord Zltep never completed the prophecy, but the first words were enough to instil indescribable despair into the enemy, even though they cannot understand them. In order to keep the incantation secret. Itzi-Bitzi has vowed before the great altar stone of Sotek never to utter the incantation more than once in battle. He therefore chooses his moment well and then utters the words as loudly as he can, directing them in all their spite at the foe.

One use only. Itzi-Bitzi can use the incantation at any time in the Lizardman turn. All enemy units within 8" must immedieately take a Panic test rolling 3D6, discarding the lowest result.