Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Swaying Spear
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Magic Weapon55 points

The Swaying Spear was crafted from the sacred ash of the so-called World Tree by the master smith Valder in ages past. Its entire shaft covered in magical runes, this magical spear is said to always hit its mark and always kill. Once thrown, it always swiftly returns to the hand of its wielder, covered in the blood of its target. The records of the Skalds tell that the Swaying Spear killed the Dragon Nidhogg in a single strike long ago. It is the bane of Dragons and other large beasts.

Spear/javelin. All close combat and missile attack made with the Swaying Spear Hit always Hit on a 2+ and have the Heroic Killing Blow special rule.