Crafted with the deformed scales of a Warpfire Dragon, the eerily worked talismans are the product not of twisted Skaven ingenuity as some suspect but rather of some unseen agency believed to be connected to the ruling cabals of the Tilean cities-states. Ensorcelled to protect the wearer against weapons fuelled by warpstone, many Skaven wizards covet such items as a measure against assassination by their own kind - though the fear Warpfire Dragons cause amongst the warpstone-laden holds of the Skaven keeps them rare.
Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)
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Talisman15 points
The Warpscale Pendant gives the bearer the Immunity (Flaming Attacks, Lightning Attacks) and Magic Resistance (2) special rules. However, at the beginning of the game, the bearer must pass a Toughness test or suffer a wound with no saves allowed.