Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Disciplines of the Old Ones
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Slann Mage-Priests are impossibly ancient beings, and many, in particular those of the earlier spawnings, are possessed of prodigious abilities. Such powers are not merely spells or other temporary effects, but intrinsic states of mind attained over countless years of contemplating the hidden truths of the universe.

A Slann Mage-Priest can purchase Disciplines of the Old Ones as detailed in the Lizardmen Army List. Each Discipline of the Old Ones can only be taken once in each army.

So deep are the Mage-Priest's thoughts that his physical body becomes a ghostly image as it slips further away from this reality.

The Slann Mage-Priest has the Ethereal special rule, but cannot join units.

Focus of Mystery(Ability)30 points

Through millennia of study, the Mage-Priest has gained total mastery over one aspect of the art of High Magic.

The Slann Mage-Priest has the Loremaster (Lore of High Magic) special rule. This discipline cannot be combined with the Wandering Deliberations discipline.

Harmonic Convergence(Ability)30 points

Inhaling deeply, the Slann draws the Winds of Magic to him.

The Slann Mage-Priest rolls two additional dice whenever he attempts to channel power or dispel dice.

Transcendent Healing(Ability)30 points

The Slann's sheer force of will alone allows him to reconstitute his body.

If this model is alive at the end of any friendly Magic phase, roll a number of D6 equal to the difference between the Slann Mage-Priest's starting number of Wounds and its current number of Wounds. For each roll of a 6, the Slann Mage-Priest immediately recovers a single Wound lost earlier in the battle.

Wandering Deliberations(Ability)30 points

The Slann's wandering mind pierces the entire spectrum of magic.

Instead of choosing spells normally, the Slann Mage-Priest knows the signature spell for each of the eight lores of Battle Magic from the Warhammer rulebook. This discipline cannot be combined with the Focus of Mystery discipline.

Becalming Cogitation(Ability)25 points

The Slann Mage-Priest is able to reach out with his prodigious mind, and smother the spells of a puny warm-blooded wizard with a belching croak.

The Slann Mage-Priest re-rolls its first failed dispel attempt in each Magic phase.

The Focused Rumination(Ability)25 points

So attuned is the Slann's mind that he is able to focus power as an extension of his normal bodily processes.

Once per Magic phase, the Slann may add an additional 'free' Power dice to the casting attempt. This can cause Ultimate Power as normal, and can cause the Mage-Priest to roll more dice than normally allowed.

Soul of Stone(Ability)25 points

The Slann Mage-Priest's spirit is hardened against the ill effects of magic.

When rolling on the Miscast table, the Slann Mage-Priest can choose to subtract one from the result (to a minimum of 2), or add one to the result (to a maximum of 12), instead of accepting the original result.

The Harrowing Scrutiny(Ability)20 points

Within the Slann's gaze shines the cold-blooded scrutiny of the Old Ones.

The Slann Mage-Priest has the Terror special rule.

With a prodigious gulp, the Slann swallows a portion of the Winds of Magic, storing them until needed.

At the end of the opponent's Magic phase, the Slann Mage-Priest can store a single unused dispel dice remaining in your pool. At the beginning of your next Magic phase, roll a D6; on a 2+ you can add that dice to your power pool (this cannot take your power pool beyond the normal limit). On the roll of a 1, that bonus dice is lost. If the Slann is slain before his next Magic phase, the bonus dice is lost.

Unfathomable Presence(Ability)20 points

The Mage-Priest is a bulwark of magical defences. So alien are his thought patterns that enemy wizards cannot perceive him to engage him in magical duels.

Roll a D3 at the start of each enemy Magic phase; the Slann Mage-Priest has the Magic Resistance (*) special rule until the end of that phase, where the result of 1 gives Magic Resistance (1), a result of 2 gives Magic Resistance (2) and a result of 3 gives Magic Resistance (3).

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