Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Hell-Forged Artefacts
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This section contains the rules and background for some of the most iconic and powerful magical artefacts used by the Chaos Dwarfs. These may be used in addition to the magic items found in the Warhammer rulebook.

Magic Weapons

Dark Mace of Death(Magic Weapon)60 points

The origins of this strange weapon have been lost to myth and legend, but it is known to have served many masters down the years. The weapon smoulders with a dark power that seems to eat the light around it and devours the warmth of its victims, leaving them withered husks. The Dark Mace of Death is made of black iron carved with evil runes, and contains a powerful and destructive curse.

Close combat attacks made with this weapon have the Killing Blow special rule. In addition, once per game, the bearer can inflict an automatic wound on every model in base contact, including their own mount, with the Ignores Armour Saves special rule.

Blade of Malice(Magic Weapon)25 points

A blade carved from volcanic crystal, the Blade of Malice is black and its surface dark and glassy. Said to have been found in an ancient barrow near the Plain of Bones, this curved blade whispers thoughts of murder and violence to any that grasp its hilt. Its edge has never dulled, no matter how many lives it has taken.

Magic Armour

The Mask of the Furnace(Magic Armour)55 points

This brazen, Daemon faced mask is no mere adornment, but contains bound within it the essence and agonies of all those who have perished before its snarling visage in the forge-fires of sacrifice. The power of these tormented souls guards the wearer while the echoes of their torment are reflected for all to see.

Armour of Bazherak the Cruel(Magic Armour)50 points

Legend has it that Bazherak was an infamous Castellan-commander of the Tower of Gorgoth during the wars against the Great Empire of Nehekhara at its height, long before Nagash doomed its people. A general and slave-lord without peer, he threatened the dominance of the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers and he had this armour fashioned in secret to shield him from his rivals. It failed him however when his army was Cut oft-by a vast Orc horde in the tidal flats on the edge of the Bitter Sea, where he drowned under its weight after being driven into the surf. The armour was later recovered in plunder from the Orcs and repaired, and stands as a testament to arrogant warriors of the price of hubris.


Stone Mantle(Talisman)30 points

Said to have been created from the flayed greying flesh of those apprentice sorcerers who have failed Astragoth Ironhand, the Stone Mantle both preserves the Sorcerer-Lord's chosen acolyte and reminds them of the price of failure.

Sorcerer-Prophet, Overlord, Daemonsmith or Despot only. The bearer's Toughness is increased by +1, while their Initiative is lowered by -1 (to a minimum of 1).

Arcane Items

Chalice of Blood and Darkness(Arcane Item)50 points

Filled with boiling blood and cinder ash, this gem-encrusted chalice contains a powerful curse which can be unleashed to destabilise the winds of magic across the battlefield, drawing their power into its swirling depths.

In any Magic phase the bearer may, if they wish, reduce the number of dice held in both sides' dice pools by D3 each. Roll these dice separately declaring before rolling which applies to which side. If a double '1' is rolled between the dice then the bearer suffers a wound with no armour saves allowed. If they roll a double '6' then the bearer may recover a wound previously lost in the game.

Enchanted Items

Daemon Flask of Ashak(Enchanted Item)100 points

This infamous iron vessel holds within itself a raging daemonic entity of phenomenal power. When unleashed its screams can shatter stone and cause the ground to split asunder as it flees into the Ether.

One use only. This effect takes place at the start of the player's Movement phase before charges are declared. All enemy units within 18" suffer a Panic test. Buildings, Chariots and War Machines within this range suffer D6 automatic wounds.

Black Gem of Gnar(Enchanted Item)25 points

The Black Gem of Gnar contains the secrets of time itself and can trap its wearer and his adversary in a temporal stasis.

One use only. This item can be activated at the beginning of either player's Close Combat phase, after challenges are issued and accepted. The bearer and one model in base contact (bearer's choice) may not attack or be attacked for the duration of that phase. Work out combat resolution as normal.

Gauntlets of Gazrakh(Enchanted Item)20 points

The gauntlets were made by the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Gazrakh the Maleficent and are made of stone, endowing its wearer with great strength.

The wearer gains +1 Strength. If the wearer rolls a 1 to hit, this blow strikes a random friendly model in base contact instead.

Magic Standards

Banner of Slavery(Magic Standard)30 points

This mighty standard carries the emblem of the ziggurat of the great Temple of Zharr, and is richly embellished by runes of tyranny and destruction. Fire and ash bleed from it casting a pall of shadow, and those under its influence have no choice but acknowledge their' subjugation to their dark masters and their inevitable victory.

All friendly models with the Animosity rule (as well as Spear Chukkas) within 12" gain the Immunity (Panic) special rule.