Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Magic Items Expansion (High Elves)
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Magic Weapons

Sword of Ages(Magic Weapon)60 points

This ancient and powerful blade is said to have been forged by the crippled god Vaul the Maker. It guides the arm of its wielder, striking at the enemy with unerring skill and power.

The Sword of Ages gives the wielder +1 To Hit, +2 Strength and +1 Attack.

Blade of the Phoenix(Magic Weapon)50 points

This sacred blade is housed within the Shrine of Asuryan. In times of particular strife, the keepers of the Shrine will present the blade to a warrior of purity and honour, to wield in the name of the great god Asuryan.

The Blade of the Phoenix gives the wielder the Ignores Armour Saves special rule. Once per battle, at the start of any close combat phase the wielder can unleash the full power of the sword. For the remainder of that close combat phase, they get the Always Strikes First special rule and +D6 Attacks.

The Sword of Hoeth(Magic Weapon)30 points

Normally this fine blade lies wrapped in silk in the armoury of the White Tower, but in time of war it is given to a great hero to wield in the name of the Loremasters.

All hits with the Sword of Hoeth wound automatically. Armour saves are modified by the Strength of the bearer.

The White Sword(Magic Weapon)30 points

A legendary blade forged for Aren, one of the first Sword Masters of Hoeth, it is as tall as an Elf as light as a willow switch.

Blade of Darting Steel(Magic Weapon)25 points

Bright blue steel can be enchanted to hold spells of great speed and deadly accuracy, and the Elves of Ulthuan are masters of such magic.

Dragonblade Lance(Magic Weapon)20 points

The Lance is fashioned from the Dragonblade ram of Finubar the Seafarer's Dragonship.

Lance. During turns in which the wielder of the Dragonblade Lance charges, it automatically Hits all models in one file that is in base contact rather than fighting normally. Hits are resolved as that from a Bolt Thrower.

Bow of Tor Alessi(Magic Weapon)10 points

This powerful white bow was once captured by the Dwarfs at the fall of the mighty Elf city of Tor Alessi before finding its way back to Ulthuan. The bow's accuracy is beyond compare and quickens the bearer's reaction so they can fire as soon as they spot a threat.

Magic Armour

Armour of Protection(Magic Armour)45 points

This simple suit of ithilmar armour is adorned by a single Sarathat rune on the breastplate. The World Dragon itself is said to protect the wearer.

Golden Shield(Magic Armour)30 points

A highly polished shield of blessed legend, inlaid with swirling patterns in many types of gold, its glory dazzles the foe and confuses their aim.

Shield. Enemies must re-roll all successful To Hit rolls against the bearer of the Golden Shield.

Helm of Fortune(Magic Armour)30 points

A helm of ithilmar and sea gold, bordered with tiny letters of intertwining runic script. These form a prayer to invoke Asuryan's protection upon the wearer.

The Helm of Fortune gives the wearer a 6+ armour save. The wearer may re-roll failed armour saves.

Temakador's Gauntlets(Magic Armour)30 points

Prince Temakador disliked harming fellow nobles in a duel, but he hated even more to be harmed himself.

Dragonscale Shield(Magic Armour)25 points

Although battered and scarred, this shield is a treasured heirloom of the days when Dragons roamed the skies.

Shield. The Dragonscale Shield adds an additional +1 to the bearer's armour save as well as the Ward Save (6+) special rule.

Armour of Heroes(Magic Armour)15 points

This finely wrought suit of armour is made in a most unusual style, not seen since before the Sundering. The wearer of this armour seems to shine with an inner light and the untold glories of the gods.

Heavy armour. In order to allocate close combat attacks against the wearer, each enemy model must first pass a Leadership test at the start of each close combat phase. If the test is failed, the model may not attack at all this round.

Armour of Stars(Magic Armour)10 points

Mage-forged plate decorated with hundreds of glittering gems on a background of deepest blue lacquer, the Armour of Stars is a wonder to behold.

Infantry only. Light armour. If the wearer of the Armour of Stars suffers an unsaved wound (but is not slain) they can choose to instantly teleport 3D6" in a random direction (placing it at least 1" away from other units or impassable terrain) with its front arc in a direction of your choosing. If the model teleports off the table, then treat this as it having pursued off the table.

Wyrmscale Armour of the Deep(Magic Armour)10 points

A glistering coat of Merwyrm scales, the enchantment on this armour keeps it coated with a shimmering layer of briny sea water. Not only do the iron-hard scales deflect swords and arrows, but the scales still recall their home in the icy deeps of the ocean and grants their wearer passage through water and foil fiery assaults upon him.


The Pinion of the Phoenix(Talisman)60 points

These ephemeral feathers, plucked from the burning wings of a Flamespyre Phoenix and woven into a talisman, are preserved by the art of ancient elf magic. Handed down through generations of high elf nobility, they are borne into the direst battles as badge of honour, swiftly burning away to dust once removed from their protective cases. While they last they protect their bearer from harm, and should he fall grant him a fiery reprieve from death.

Model on foot only. The Pinion of the Phoenix gives the wearer the Ward Save (5+) special rule. If the bearer is slain, the item is destroyed but restores the bearer to their starting Wound total and inflicts a Strength 5 Hit with the Flaming Attacks special rule on all models in base contact.

Vambraces of Defence(Talisman)60 points

These filigreed golden bracers are fabled to have been found on the shores of distant Lustria. The glyphs inscribed upon them writhe with untold power.

The Vambraces of Defence gives the wearer a Ward Save (4+). In addition, they may re-roll failed armour saves.

Guardian Phoenix(Talisman)30 points

A spark font the sacred flame at the temple of Asuryan is held in this ornate casket.

Loremaster's Cloak(Talisman)30 points

Wrapped in this pale grey cloak, the wearer seems somehow insubstantial and almost illusory.

Sacred Incense(Talisman)25 points

Incense is often used in Elven rituals and this bundle of incense sticks has been blessed by the wardens of the Shrine of Asuryan. It will burn for days, wreathing the bearer with the scented smoke of the temples.

All missile attacks targeted at the bearer of the Sacred Incense or the unit they are with suffer -1 To Hit.

Talisman of Saphery(Talisman)20 points

The tiny size of this powerful artefact belies its true power.

The Talisman of Saphery causes all Magic Weapons of enemy models in base contact to lose all their effects; treat them as mundane weapons of their type.

Amulet of Fire(Talisman)10 points

Though the Amulet constantly flickers with pale flames, the wearer is never burned.

Arcane Items

Annulian Crystal(Arcane Item)50 points

Dug from beneath the Annuli Mountains, this crystal has been shaped by the magical vortex that swathes Ulthuan, so that it draws magical energy towards it.

During the enemy's Magic phase, the Annulian Crystal allows you to remove one dice from the opponent's Power dice pool and add it to your own Dispel dice pool.

Sigil of Asuryan(Arcane Item)50 points

The sigil is tattooed on the hand of the mage using inks prepared in the sacred flame of Asuryan itself. After use it quickly fades away until it is renewed in the sacred flames once again.

One use only. When an enemy cast a spell, the bearer may immediately counter its effects by reading the Sigil of Asuryan to release the spell written upon it instead of attempting to dispel the spell by using dispel dice. This gives them 6 free dice to attempt to dispel the spell, which cannot be combined with any other dispel dice. In addition, the spell is destroyed and the enemy caster loses access to the spell for the rest of the game (note that this has no effect on Innate Bound spells).

Ring of Corin(Arcane Item)40 points

The origins of this ring are steeped in mystery, and no other artefacts of this powerful mage survive. However, few are the loremasters, wizards or warlocks that have not heard of it!

The Vortex Shard(Arcane Item)30 points

Hewn from the same rock that forms the waystones all over Ulthuan, the Vortex Shard has the power to becalm the Winds of Magic, if only for a moment.

One use only. The bearer may use the Vortex Shard at the start of any enemy Magic phase. Your opponent must remove D6 power dice from their power pool.

Staff of Solidity(Arcane Item)25 points

The Staff earths the malign energies of the Unseen Realm, dissipating any harm caused by unstable magic before it touches the mage.

One use only. The Staff of Solidity makes the Wizard immune to the effects of their first Miscast.

Starwood Staff(Arcane Item)25 points

This gnarled and twisted staff looks out of place among the refined and delicately made possessions of the Elves. However, it is one of the most highly valued items a wizard can possess.

The Starwood staff gives the bearer a +1 bonus to the result of their spell casting attempts. In addition, they may re-roll one failed channelling roll per turn.

Jewel of the Dusk(Arcane Item)20 points

This fine ruby glows blood red with a sorcerous energy that even the least magically adept can clearly see.

The Jewel of the Dusk gives the bearer +1 Power dice in each of your Magic phases. Only they may use this extra dice.

The Trickster's Pendant(Arcane Item)20 points

Few Elf Mages are devotees of Loec – the study of magic requires a less capricious patron. All those who seek favour of the Trickster wear a small pendant in his honour and such simple looking trinkets have unseen powers.

If an enemy Wizard suffers a Miscast, the bearer of the Trickster's Pendant can choose to make the Wizard re-roll the result on the Miscast Table.

The Seerstaff of Saphery(Arcane Item)10 points

Made from Starwood and crackling with powerful enchantments, the Seerstaff focuses the bearer's mind, allowing him to recall even the smallest details more clearly.

The Seerstaff of Saphery allows the bearer to choose one more spell than normal from their chosen Lore of Magic.

Silver Wand(Arcane Item)10 points

This slender wand is covered with many lines of winding runes of the ancient script.

The bearer of the Silver Wand may pick a spell one level higher than they are normally allowed.

Enchanted Items

Null Stone(Enchanted Item)50 points

The Null Stone is a plain black rock, rough-hewn and undecorated. Those with the witch-sight see it as a dark void, an unsealing patch of nothingness in the world of magic.

No model in base contact with the bearer of the Null Stone may cast spells, and all Magic Items lose their effects; treat them as mundane versions of the same type.

Radiant Gem of Hoeth(Enchanted Item)50 points

The gem is normally kept in a black velvet bag, carefully hiding its brilliance from prying eyes.

Folariath's Robe(Enchanted Item)40 points

This ancient vestment, that shimmers with the twinkling light of a thousand stars, was enchanted by the eccentric mage Folariath, who some say could walk between worlds.

Pendant of Vengeance(Enchanted Item)35 points

Enraged by the cowardly Dwarf Runesmiths whose Anvils of Doom wrought such ruination upon the High Elves in the War of the Beard, Aeoliss Loremaster of Hoeth created his masterpiece – the Pendant of Vengeance.

The bearer of the Pendant of Vengeance may cause any successful casting roll (except Miscasts) on the Anvil of Doom to be rerolled.

Blessed Tome(Enchanted Item)25 points

The tales in this book give heart to all High Elves that hear them: tales of ancient valour and glory, stories of nobility and self-sacrifice.

The model gains the Inspiring Presence rule with a range of 6". If given to the Army General, their Inspiring Presence range is instead increased by 6".

The Skeinsliver(Enchanted Item)25 points

A fragment from the fabled Crown of Stars, this glittering metal splinter can give the bearer some small knowledge of the future, and thus the ability to shape destiny.

The Skeinsliver allows the controlling player to add +1 to the roll to determine which player can decide whether to take the first turn or not.

Sky Arrow of Naloer(Enchanted Item)25 points

This Elven arrow was made by Naloer, a great artisan of the High Elves who wrought it by the ruddy fires of Vaul's anvil in the time of Phoenix King Caledor I.

Model with non-magical Elven Longbow only. One use only. The Sky Arrow of Naloer has the following profile:

RangeStrengthSpecial Rules

The Amulet of Light(Enchanted Item)20 points

A small brooch first worn by Kadin Silverhair during the wars against the Daemons.

All close combat attacks made by the bearer of the Amulet of Light and any unit they are with gain the Magical Attacks special rule. In addition, enemies must re-roll 6's when taking Ward saves .

Amulet of the Purifying Flame(Enchanted Item)15 points

This delicate silver amulet is unadorned and plain in appearance, though it is potent in its protective powers.

Enemy spells that target the character or the unit they are with suffer a -3 penalty to the result of the spell casting attempt.

The Gem of Courage(Enchanted Item)10 points

Enchanted by Celaer in the reign of Bel-Korhadris, these small gems are frequently awarded by the Phoenix King for acts of incredible bravery.

One use only. The bearer of the Gem of Courage and any unit they are with may take any one Leadership test on 3D6, discarding the highest result.

Talisman of Loec(Enchanted Item)10 points

Loec the Trickster is seldom worshipped on the battlefield by the High Elves, for his help always comes at a price.

One use only. The Talisman of Loec may be used at the start of any close combat phase. Until the end of the phase, the bearer may re-roll all failed rolls To Hit and wound, and any model wounded by their attacks must re-roll all successful Armour Saves, Ward Saves and Regeneration saves. However, at the end of the phase, the bearer loses half of their remaining Wounds (rounding down) with no saves of any kind allowed.

Magic Standards

Banner of Sorcery(Magic Standard)50 points

The Loremasters of Saphery presented this banner to King Finubar the Seafarer upon his coronation.

The Banner of Sorcery adds +D3 Power dice to your power pool in each of your own Magic phases.

Standard of Balance(Magic Standard)45 points

Troubling shadows and flickering patches of light play across this banner as it flutters in the wind.

Banner of Ellyrion(Magic Standard)25 points

This small pennant of Korhandir, the father of all horses, imbues steeds with tireless energy to traverse the densest terrain.

Cavalry only. The unit gains the Strider special rule and may re-roll failed Pursuit distances.

Lion Standard(Magic Standard)10 points

An aura of courage fills the hearts of those who serve under this banner, making them each as fierce as a lion!

The unit carrying the Lion Standard gains the Immunity (Terror) special rule.

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