Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Lore of High Magic (High Elves)
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Qhaysh, True Magic

As the Mage bends the Winds of Magic to his will, a shroud of glittering magical energy descends upon his allies, protecting them from all harm. Arrows and bolts wash harmlessly past the Elves, while sword blows and spear thrusts become enfeebled, robbed of all strength at the Mage's command.

Each time a spell from this lore is successfully cast, the caster and their unit immediately gain a Ward save (6+) (which can then be increased by further castings thanks to this lore attribute) until the beginning of the caster's next Magic phase.

The wizard conjures a vortex of anti-magic to calm the battlefield.

Drain Magic can be cast on any unit (friend or foe) and has a range of 24". If the target is a friendly unit, Drain Magic is an augment spell. If the target is an enemy unit, Drain Magic is a hex spell. In either case, all Remains in Play spells affecting the unit are immediately dispelled, and the effects of all other spells on the target unit immediately come to an end. The Wizard can choose to have this spell target all units (friend and foe) within 12". If he does so, the casting value is increased to 14+.

White light bursts forth, banishing the spirits of those it touches.

Soul Quench is a magic missile with a range of 18" that causes 2D6 Strength 4 hits. The caster can choose for this spell to instead inflict 3D6 Strength 4 hits. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 12+.

1. ApotheosisCasting Value: 5+

Waves of pure magic infuse the caster's ally.

Apotheosis is an augment spell that targets a single model within 18". The target immediately regains a single lost Wound. The Wizard can choose to cast a more powerful version of Apotheosis. If he does so, the target instead immediately regains D3 lost Wounds, in which case the casting value is increased to 10+. Regardless of how many lost Wounds (if any) are recovered, the target also gains the Fear special rule until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.

2. Hand of GloryCasting Value: 5+

With a simple sign, the wizard grants his allies the might of old.

Hand of Glory is an augment spell with a range of 18". The target unit's Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Initiative or Movement (you choose which) is increased by D3 until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. The Wizard can choose to cast a more powerful version of this spell that instead increases all four characteristics (don't roll a separate D3 for each — make one roll and apply it to all four characteristics). If he does so, the casting value is increased to 10+.

3. Walk Between WorldsCasting Value: 8+

For a moment, the wizard's allies tread immortal pathways.

Walk Between Worlds is an augment spell that targets a single unengaged unit within 24". The target gains the Ethereal special rule until the end of the phase and can immediately move up to 10" as if it were the Remaining Moves sub-phase. The Wizard can choose to cast a more powerful version of this spell, in which case the target instead gains the Ethereal special rule until the end of the phase and can immediately move up to 20" as if it were the Remaining Moves sub-phase. If he chooses to do so, the casting value is increased to 16+.

4. TempestCasting Value: 12+

Suddenly, an eight-winded storm breaks about the foe.

Tempest is a direct damage spell. Place the large round template anywhere within 30" of the Wizard — it then scatters D6". All models hit by the template suffer a Strength 3 hit (models with the Fly special rule suffer a Strength 4 hit instead). If a unit suffers any unsaved Wounds from this spell, it suffers a -1 modifier to all To Hit rolls (both shooting and close combat) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase (shooting attacks that do not use Ballistic Skill must roll 4+ on a D6 before firing, or the shot(s) area lost).

5. Arcane UnforgingCasting Value: 13+

The magic of unmaking flies true from outstretched hands.

Arcane Unforging is a direct damage spell with a range of 24" that targets a single enemy model (even a character in a unit). The target suffers a single Wound on a dice roll greater than or equal to the model's unmodified armour save (excluding Natural Armour, models without an armour save cannot be wounded). No armour saves are permitted against a Wound caused by this spell. The owning player must then reveal to the caster all the magic items possessed by the target (if any). If the target has one or more magic items, randomly select one of them — on the roll of 2+, that item is immediately destroyed and cannot be used for the rest of the game. Note that this spell has no effect on magic items that are mounts, magic items that contain bound spells that have miscast during the game, and any magic items labelled as 'one use only' that have already been used during the game – do not include these when randomly selecting a magic item.

6. Fiery ConvocationCasting Value: 19+

With a single secret word, fire rages and flesh burns.

Remains in play. Fiery Convocation is a direct damage spell with a range of 24". Every model in the target unit takes a Strength 4 hit with the Flaming Attacks special rule. At the end of every subsequent Magic phase, every model in the target unit suffers a Strength 4 hit with the Flaming Attacks special rule

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