Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Spoils of War
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This section contains the rules and background for some of the most iconic and powerful magical artefacts used by the Dogs of War. These may be used in addition to the magic items found in the Warhammer rulebook.

Magic Weapons

Hurcio's Club(Magic Weapon)60 points

This ancient club is made from the hardest oak, and was carried by the great Tilean hero Hurcio, who defended the legendary Justintine's paychest from Orcs. The strength of the mighty Hurcio has remained in the club since the hero's death. The bearer can hew his way with ferocious blows through scores of foes, never tiring, as the strength of Hurcio himself drives him forward.

Requires Two Hands. The wielder of this club adds +1 to his Strength and Attacks at the start of each close combat phase (up to a maximum of +3), for as long as he remains in combat.

Cathayan Dragonsword(Magic Weapon)50 points

A glimmering sword ornamented with golden flowers on its handle and Cathayan characters inscribed on the blade, and ending with the head of a Celestial Dragon on its hilt, this exceptional sword war brought back from mysterious Cathay by Ricco and Robbio, and whose shimmer reflects the magic of that land.

Domingo's Arbalest(Magic Weapon)45 points

Domingo da Sparana of Trantio was obsessed with the refinement of the crossbow, and worked day and night to improve its basic function. His most magnificent creation was his Arbalest, a large crossbow that is pleasing to the eye, perfectly balanced, and more powerful than any others known in the land.

Crossbow. Domingo's Arbalest uses the following profile:

RangeStrengthSpecial Rules

Hits are resolved using the rules for Bolt Throwers.

Pike of Remas(Magic Weapon)30 points

This enchanted pike has long been wielded by many heroes of Remas. During the Dark Elf raid of 1487, it singlehandedly managed to halt the charge of the cruel Cold One Knights, skewering them as they charged straight into the tip. It is the bane of mounted soldiers, and can kill even the largest mount in a single stab.

Pike. This weapon inflicts D3 Strength 5 Impact Hits when the wielder is charged. In addition, it has the Heroic Killing Blow special rule against Cavalry and Monstrous Cavalry. This weapon may be taken by a Mercenary General or Captain on foot only, despite not normally being allowed to take pikes.

Magic Armour

Helm of Myrmidia(Magic Armour)45 points

The priests of the temple of Myrmidia originally made this helm for the Grand Master of the Blazing Sun for his service to the temple. Unfortunately, a Halfling thief raided the caravan when it was travelling to the Empire to give it to him. It has been sold and bought by many Generals and Merchant Princes over the years, with few knowing of its intended purpose. Enemies attempting to attack the wearer will find themselves blinded by its holy sheen, and it is the bane of Undead.

6+ armour save. Enemies attacking the wearer in Close Combat suffer -1 to Hit and lose 1 Attack, down to a minimum of 1. In addition, the wearer gains the Hatred (Undead) special rule.

Mambrinio's Golden Armour(Magic Armour)20 points

This set of armour was made on the order of Prince Mambrinio of Verezzo, known for his haughtiness and vanity. He ordered the best Dwarfen smiths in Tilea to create him an armour that shone like gold, was impenetrable to attack, and that should be as light as a feather. Unfortunately, the Dwarfs only succeeded in fulfilling his first two wishes, and Mambrinio ended up drowning in a shallow river during his first battle wearing it.


Guido's Lucky Coin(Talisman)5 points

This coin had brought Guido much fortune during his youth. Unfortunately for him, he gave it to a particularly lovely girl in Tobaro just before his ill-fated expedition to the Southlands. The girl married into a rich merchant family and the coin has been in the hands of several mercenary captains since.

One use only. Once per game, the model may re-roll one dice when rolling To Hit, To Wound, or when taking Armour and Ward Saves.

Arcane Items

Staff of Fickle Fortune(Arcane Item)35 points

A relic from the crusades, this staff once belonged to an Arabyan sorcerer slain during the siege of Tobaro. It has since passed throughout Tilea and beyond, and is much sought after as a tool in casting spells. Its user should take care though, for the staff might just absorb the very power it is meant to give for itself.

At the beginning of each of your magic phases, roll a D6; on a roll of 1 the bearer suffers -D3 to his casting rolls (roll for each spell) for the remainder of the turn; on a roll of 2 nothing happens; on a 3+ however, the wizard gains +D3 to all his casting attempts (roll for each spell) for the remainder of the turn.

Enchanted Items

Justintine's Paychest (Enchanted Item)35 points

A Tilean relic known by all mercenaries, this paychest is supposedly the same one that Justintine brought to battle against the Orcs so many years ago, when mercenaries gathered from all across Tilea to take part of its treasure, Still pristine after countless battles, this paychest stirs the hearts of those fighting for its riches, urging them to fight on no matter the odds.

Paymaster with Paychest only. The Paymaster and any unit they are with always roll 3D6 when taking Leadership tests, and discard the highest result.

Magic Standards

Banner of Venni(Magic Standard)45 points

This standard was painted the day before the battle of Venni, when the captain of the regiment decided to improve it by painting the figure of Myrmidia on it. Gossipa Lotta, the army's advisor, posed for the painting wearing nothing but a helmet and a bit of silk. The regiment marched out to battle the next day, proudly waving their banner, as the bravest unit in the whole army. The figure of the beautiful nude of Gossipa Lotta painted onto the banner in the image of Myrmidia inspires the men to outperform their peers in battle, charging with unprecedented vigour.

Eagle Banner (Dogs of War)(Magic Standard)25 points

Nearly four centuries ago, a Tilean commander named Lisabetta held an outpost on the edge of the Border Princes against an Orc horde for twenty-two days. Supported by just fifteen soldiers, they achieved the impossible. Legend holds that Lisabetta was a devout follower of Myrmidia and that, through her prayers, the banner she carried filled her allies with hope. The tragedy of this tale is that although they managed to rout the Orc enemies, they all later succumbed to the plague that had bloomed amongst the corpses of their dead.

Enemies can never get the Outnumber, Flank or Rear combat resolution bonus against the unit carrying this banner.

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