Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Art of War
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These are Stratagems that can be bought for your Magistrates. You cannot buy multiplies of the same Stratagem for a single Magistrate, but different Magistrate in the army can have the same Stratagems if you wish. You can freely combine Stratagems providing you do not exceed the points total allowed in the army list.

A Magistrate may attempt to use each of their Stratagems once per turn. In order to use a Stratagem, pick a friendly unit with the Ying or Yang special rule within 12". This unit must pass a Leadership test; if failed, the unit has misheard the order and the Stratagem has no effect this turn. Stratagems that are used before the start of the first round are activated automatically.

The Cunning Fox(Ability)30 points

Activate after deployment. One unit may re-deploy up to 6" away from its placed position. It must still deploy within the allowed deployment zone as normal.

The Swift Feline(Ability)30 points

Activate in the Remaining Moves phase. The unit may Reform without suffering movement penalties this turn.

The Swooping Hawk(Ability)30 points

Activate after deployment. The Cathayan player may add +1 to the roll of deciding who goes first.

The Sleeping Crocodile(Ability)25 points

Activate as a Charge Reaction. If charged in the flank, the unit may perform a swift reform (following the normal rules) to face the enemy to the front, provided that they are not already in combat.

The Stinging Scorpion(Ability)25 points

Activate in the Close Combat phase. If the unit charged this turn, it receives +1 To Hit this close combat phase. This does not affect any characters in the unit. Multiples of this Stratagem on the same unit have no additional effect.

The Stoic Porcupine(Ability)25 points

Activate as Charge Reaction. The unit has no flanks or rear while in this formation.

The Rain of Death(Ability)20 points

Activate in the Shooting phase. The unit may fire even if they have marched this turn.

The Running Rabbit(Ability)20 points

Activate in the Movement phase. Until the start of its next turn, the unit ignores Panic caused by friendly units fleeing through them, as well as friendly units breaking from combat.

The All-seeing Eagle(Ability)15 points

Activate before deployment. The Cathayan player may add +1 to the roll of choosing sides. Multiples of this Stratagem have no additional effect.

The Blinding Light(Ability)15 points

Activate as a Charge Reaction. Infantry with shields only. Any enemy unit charging the unit with the Blinding Light lose all charging bonuses in the ensuing combat phase.

The Impregnable Tortoise(Ability)15 points

Activate in the Remaining Moves phase. Infantry with shields only. The unit may form the Tortoise formation as a reform. The unit adds an additional +1 to their armour saves against missile attacks from any direction, but may not march. Multiples of this Stratagem on the same unit have no additional effect.

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