Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Magic Items (Grand Cathay)
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This section contains the rules and background for some of the most iconic and powerful magical artefacts used by the Cathayans. These may be used in addition to the magic items found in the Warhammer rulebook.

Magic Weapons

Jade Blade of the Great Fleet(Magic Weapon)35 points
Nuku Cho's Crossbow(Magic Weapon)35 points
Silver Moon Bow(Magic Weapon)30 points
Spirit Qilin Spear(Magic Weapon)30 points
Vorpal Shard(Magic Weapon)30 points

The wielder of this weapon always Wounds on 2+.

Dawn Glaive(Magic Weapon)25 points

Polearm. All enemy attacks against the wielder of this weapon suffer -1 To Hit in close combat.

Ascendant Celestial Blade(Magic Weapon)20 points
Blade of Xen Wu(Magic Weapon)20 points

The wielder of this weapon gains +1 Strength and +1 Attack. However, any unit joined by them cannot use their Leadership.

Serpent Fang(Magic Weapon)20 points
Vermillion Blade(Magic Weapon)20 points

The wielder of this weapon gains +1 To Hit and the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Magic Armour

Quicksilver Armour(Magic Armour)30 points
Scales of the Celestial Court(Magic Armour)25 points
Shield of the Nan Gau(Magic Armour)20 points

Shield. If the bearer of this shield has not moved in their last turn, they and any unit they have joined gain a 6+ armour save against all attacks to the unit's front.

Ascendant Celestial Armour(Magic Armour)15 points

Heavy armour. The wearer of this armour is immune to penalties to any of their characteristics and automatically passes all characteristics tests.

Laminate Shield(Magic Armour)10 points

Shield. Every time the bearer of this shield makes a successful Parry save, they may immediately make an additional Attack back against the model that struck the blow.


Robes of Shang Yang(Talisman)40 points
Celestial Silk Robe(Talisman)25 points
Crystal of Kunlan(Talisman)25 points

The bearer of this item gains a Ward Save (6+). In addition, all models that successfully Hits them in close combat immediately suffer a Strength 3 Hit.

Jet Amulet(Talisman)25 points

The bearer of this item gains the Magic Resistance (2) special rule. In addition, they may re-roll any failed dispel attempts against spells directly targeting them or their unit.

Jade Blood Pendant(Talisman)20 points

Whenever the bearer kills one or more enemy models in close combat, roll a D6 at the end of the Close Combat phase. On the roll of a 5+, the bearer recovers a single Wound lost earlier in the battle.

Jar of All Souls(Talisman)20 points

One use only. If the bearer of this item is killed, immediately roll a D6. On a 2+, they come back to life with 1 Wound remaining.

Arcane Items

Scrolls of Astromancy(Arcane Item)60 points

The bearer can re-roll all of the dice rolled to cast or dispel a spell. This can effectively cancel a miscast result, and cause Ultimate Power or a miscast.

Staff of Wu Xing(Arcane Item)45 points

The bearer of this staff can choose to re-roll all the Winds of Magic dice each Magic phase.

Cloak of Po Mei(Arcane Item)40 points

The bearer of this item gains +1 to cast and dispel.

Jade Amulet (Grand Cathay)(Arcane Item)35 points

The bearer of this item may re-roll failed channelling attempts.

Maw Shard(Arcane Item)15 points

One use only. The Maw Shard may be used in any of your Magic phases. Once used, any double (except double 1's) rolled when the bearer casts spells counts towards Ultimate Power this turn.

Enchanted Items

Alchemist's Mask(Enchanted Item)35 points
Icon of the Spirit Dragon(Enchanted Item)35 points
Kite of the Uttermost Airs(Enchanted Item)35 points

The bearer can use this item in the Shooting phase. Choose one enemy unit with the Fly special rule within 12" that is not in close combat; they suffer D6 Strength 4 automatic Hits.

Cleansing Water(Enchanted Item)30 points

The bearer of this item and unit they join gains the Strength Bonus (1) special rule in turns that they charge.

Crackleblaze(Enchanted Item)30 points

One use only. This item can be used in the Shooting phase. Place the small 3" template with the hole anywhere within 6". It scatters D3". Any model under the template suffer a Strength 4 hits with the Flaming Attacks and Ignores Armour Saves special rule.

Catalytic Kiln(Enchanted Item)25 points

All enemy models in base contact with the bearer of this item suffer a Strength 3 Hit with the Flaming Attacks special rule at the start of each close combat phase. Models with Immunity (Flaming Attacks) suffer a Strength 2 Hit.

Astromancer's Spyglass(Enchanted Item)20 points

The bearer of this item gives you +1 to choose which side of the table to deploy on, choosing the first turn and rolling for Ambushers to arrive.

Fan of the Magister(Enchanted Item)20 points

Lord Magistrate or Magistrate only. The bearer allows any friendly unit to re-roll failed Leadership tests when using their Stratagems. In addition, enemy units within 12" must re-roll successful tests to march, redirect, restrain from pursuit and reform.

Alchemist's Elixir of Iron Skin(Enchanted Item)10 points

One use only. This item can be used at the start of any phase. The character gains the Natural Armour (3+) special rule until the end of the turn.

Alchemist's Elixir of Puissance(Enchanted Item)10 points

One use only. This item can be used at the start of any phase. The character gains +1 Strength and Attacks until the end of the turn.

Cloak of the Moon Wind(Enchanted Item)10 points

Model on foot only. The bearer of this item gains the Scouts special rule.

Alchemist's Elixir of Venom(Enchanted Item)5 points

One use only. This item can be used at the start of any phase. The character gains the Poisoned Attacks special rule until the end of the turn.

Magic Standards

Flag of Grand Cathay(Magic Standard)85 points

The range of the Battle Standard Bearer's Hold Your Ground! ability is increased by 6". All friendly units within 18" gain the Immunity (Panic) special rule.

The Great Celestial Banner(Magic Standard)50 points
Standard of Wei Jin(Magic Standard)30 points

The unit carrying this banner gains +1 to their Leadership, and enemy units in base contact suffer -1 to their Leadership.

Banner of Feng Shi(Magic Standard)25 points
Banner of the Empress' Eye(Magic Standard)25 points

The unit carrying this banner gains +1 to Hit with missile weapons.

Banner of the Moon Empress(Magic Standard)25 points

Infantry only. The unit carrying this banner gains the Scouts special rule.

Revered Banner of the Ancestors(Magic Standard)25 points

The unit carrying this banner gains +1 Weapon Skill.

Serene Cloud Prayer Flag(Magic Standard)25 points

The unit carrying this banner roll 3D6 for all Leadership tests and discard the highest result.

Standard of Shang Yang(Magic Standard)20 points

The unit carrying this banner may re-roll 1's when taking armour saves.

Bastion Standard(Magic Standard)15 points

The unit carrying this banner only suffer half (rounding up) their normal Leadership penalty when taking Break tests and may re-roll failed Break tests.

Standard of Nan Gau(Magic Standard)10 points

The unit carrying this banner gains 6" to the range of their missile weapons.

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