Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Choosing Spells
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Before you deploy your Wizards, you need to determine which spells they know. When you chose your army, you must also select which Lore of Magic each of your Wizards is going to use. This will sometimes be one of the Lores of Battle Magic – the eight most commonly used sorcerous disciplines included in this rulebook, but many Wizards have race-specific spell lores to choose from as well, as described in the appropriate Warhammer Armies book.

The spells a Wizard knows are determined by their Wizard Level and consulting the Lore of Magic in question. This is done openly, so both you and your opponent will be aware of the spells each Wizard has chosen. If your army includes more than one Wizard, you can choose the order in which you choose their spells.

Regardless of the Lore of Magic your Wizard has chosen to use, you'll notice that the spells are numbered between 1 and 6, with 1 generally being easier to cast, and 6 being more powerful and more difficult to cast. Only true masters of magic can cast these higher ranking spells, which requires a higher Wizard Level.

To determine the Wizard's spells, consult the chosen lore and the table below to see what spells are available to each Wizard, then choose the spells you want for your Wizard.

Wizard LevelSpell Level

Ordinarily, each spell can only be known once in the same army. If you have more than one Wizard using the same Lore, you must choose different spells for them. The only exceptions are:

  • If it is a Signature Spell.

  • If a model has no choice over which spell(s) it knows, either because it is fixed by the model's rules, or because it has 'bought' a specific spell as part of army selection (such as Bound Spells).

  • If the army book or spell lore clearly states that a model can exchange another spell for the spell in question.

  • If all the spells from the same lore are already used by other wizards in the army. Note that in this case, you must distribute any duplicate spells out as evenly as possibly between your wizards.

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