Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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During the Shooting phase, your army lets fly with the missile weapons at its disposal, be they bows, cannons or fantastical war machines. Most armies will have a unit or two of archers, crossbowmen or mighty war machines, and use these missile units to thin the enemy ranks before the bloody press of melee begins in later turns. Other armies will field masses and masses of missile units, intending to seize victory in the Shooting phase by obliterating the enemy at long range.

This section covers the shooting rules for common weapons and the majority of troop types. War machines and other, more peculiar, devices of destruction are covered in their own chapter. However, even the most colossal trebuchet is governed by many of the same rules as the humble bow and arrow, so it's worth reading through this section before unlimbering your cannon or organ gun.

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