Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Roll To Hit (Shooting)
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Roll a D6 for each shot fired. The model's Ballistic Skill determines what score they must equal or beat to hit their target after any modifiers have been applied.

Not all shots have the same chance of hitting. Some warriors are simply better at aiming than others, as reflected in a higher Ballistic Skill (BS). The higher the individual's BS, the greater their chance of hitting.

To determine whether you hit, you must make a roll to hit, i.e. you roll a D6 for each model that is shooting. Note that the number of Attacks a model has will not affect the number of shots – each model can shoot only once, unless otherwise specified.

Count how many models in your unit are shooting and roll that number of dice. It is easiest to roll all the dice at once, although you don't have to. If there are a lot of models shooting, you might need to roll several batches of dice. The following table shows the minimum score you will need to hit.

Balistic Skill12345678910
To Hit Score6543210-1-2-3

Each dice that rolls a number equal to or greater than the value required has scored a hit. Each dice that rolls less is a miss.

Troops with a high BS have a To Hit score of 1, 0 or even a negative number (as shown above). Of course, you cannot roll less than 1 on a D6 so in Warhammer a To Hit roll of 1 on a D6 always fails, regardless of the dice modifiers and Ballistic Skill of the model.

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