Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Druidic Rites
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Albionite Druids can call upon Danu to grant them temporary powers over nature.

A unit of Druid Neophytes is considered to be a Level 2 Wizard that knows the spells Awakening of the Wood and Shield of Thorns from the Lore of Life. This doesn't stop other Wizards from knowing those same spells. The unit receives an additional +1 to cast for For every 5 models of Druid Neophytes in the unit, to a maximum of +3. Each time the unit casts a spell, you must nominate one Druid Neophyte or Draidecht as the caster for the purposes of line of sight, range, etc. In the event that a Druid Neophyte unit rolls a miscast, do not roll on the Miscast table. Instead, the unit suffers D3 Wounds which Ignores Armour Saves. If the unit is targeted by a rule that affects a Wizard, your opponent must choose one Druid Neophyte or Draidecht as the target.

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