Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Favour of the Ruinous Powers
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The Shrinemaster prays to the Dark Gods to bless his followers with the Favour of Chaos.

Innate bound spell (power level 3). Favour of the Ruinous Powers is an augment spell with a range of 18". However, if the Warshrine has been dedicated to a particular Chaos God, the Shrinemaster instead prays to their patron for their favour.

  • Favour of Chaos: The Shrinemaster carves the symbol of Chaos into their chest, urging their followers to redouble their efforts and kill in the name of the Dark Gods.
    Until the start of your next magic phase, the target unit can re-roll To Hit and To Wound rolls of 1.

  • Favour of Khorne: Raising an axe in a white-knuckled fist, the Shrinemaster leads their kin in a howl of battle-lust, urging them onward to spill the enemy’s blood.
    Warshrine with Mark of Khorne only. Until the start of your next magic phase, the target unit can re-roll all failed To Hit rolls.

  • Favour of Nurgle: Cracking a rotting head open on the altar and feasting on the viscid matter within, the blades of the Shrinemaster's followers begin to ooze with foul contagions.
    Warshrine with Mark of Nurgle only. Until the start of your next magic phase, the target unit can re-roll all failed To Wound rolls.

  • Favour of Tzeentch: The Shrinemaster recites passages from a forbidden tome and the air turns thick with magical energy that deflects fatal blows.
    Warshrine with Mark of Tzeentch only. Until the start of your next magic phase, the target unit gains the Ward Save (6+) special rule, and may re-roll 1's when taking Ward saves.

  • Favour of Slaanesh: The Shrinemaster casts sickly-sweet incense into the shrine’s braziers and lets out a sensuous cry, driving those nearby into frenzied, ecstatic bliss.
    Warshrine with Mark of Slaanesh only. Until the start of your next magic phase, the target gains Immunity (Psychology) (units with Mark of Slaanesh becomes Unbreakable) and re-rolls failed charge and pursuit distances.

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