Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Herald of Cosmic Events
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Tetto'eko's appearance on the battlefield heralds events of such importance that heavenly bodies realign in his favour as battle commences. Those sensitive to the skeins of destiny can feel its precarious balance as well as sense Tetto'eko's uncanny ability to shift the winds of fate his own way. Time pauses and fate itself is held in the balance as be completes his astromantic calculations.

Roll a D6 at the start of each friendly Magic phase. On a roll of 2-6, Tetto'Eko's calculations are correct and the cosmic event occurs; all friendly Wizards within 12" must re-roll power dice rolls of a 1 this phase. However, on a roll of 1, the Chaos Moon has corrupted Tetto'eko's calculations and all friendly Wizards within 12" casting a spell must re-roll any of the power dice that roll a 6 this phase.

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