Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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A Skald counts as a Musician, and may not be the army's General. At the start of the Norse turn, the Skald may choose one of the following songs or tales to tell his unit. Each song can only be sung once per battle by the same Skald, and any unit can only be affected by it once per battle, and only one per turn. Each effect lasts until the start of the next Norse turn.

  • The Ballad of Three Heroes: All models in the unit gain +1 Attack.

  • The Tale of Beowulf: All models in the unit gain the Stubborn and Immunity (Psychology) special rules.

  • The War Chant of Olric: All models in the unit gain +1 To Wound in close combat.

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