Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Squig Gobba
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The Night Goblins accompanying the Squig Gobba follow a simple, but endlessly entertaining routine during a battle. Throughout the course of the conflict they stuff smaller Squigs smeared with various foul concoctions into the maw of the Great Squig, all the while betting on when it will vomit forth its mouthful of enraged, spit-covered squigs onto the enemy.

The Squig Gobba may fire in the Shooting Phase as long as as least one Night Goblin Tender remains and it is not in close combat. When firing the Squig Gobba, roll 3D6 and consult the table below:




Acid Guts: The Great Squig swallows the lesser Squigs jammed into its maw, causing it to belch out a truly horrendous cloud of stinking gas as a result.

Every model within 6" of the Squig Gobba (including the Night Goblin Tenders) takes a Strength 2 Hit which Ignores Armour Saves.


Stomach Rumblings: The Great Squig emits a troubling rumbling sound, either the precursor to an impressive volley of angry Squigs, or the beginnings of a truly spectacular intestinal explosion.

Nothing happens this turn, but you must instead roll 4D6 when firing the Squig Gobba next shooting phase.


Squig Torrent: With a relieved groan, the Great Squig vomits forth, sending the irate volley of slime-covered cave Squigs over the battlefield.

This is resolved as a shot from a Stone Thrower that uses the large template with a range of 36". Any model covered by the template suffers a Strength 4 hit. If a misfire is rolled, the Squig Gobba suffers D3 Wounds and the shot is wasted.


Intestinal Explosion: The Great Squig swallows its mouthful of goo-smeared cave Squigs. Unfortunately, the Night Goblins’ potent concoctions they are slicked with react badly with its stomach acids and the Great Squig burps forth a horrific stream of burning bile.

The Squig Gobba immediately makes a Breath Weapon Attack at Strength 6. After the attack has been resolved, the Squig Gobba suffers D3 Wounds.

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