Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Mist Magic
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The Mistweavers of Yvresse specialise in powerful magics, calling upon the primal magical aspect of the deep oceans.

The Mistweaver twists the perceptions of her victims with ever more horrific illusions, sending them into a panicked frenzy of violent self-destruction.

Illusory Assault is a hex spell with a range of 24". The target unit must pass a Leadership test; if failed each model in the unit must fight a round of combat against itself. Any casualties inflicted counts as having been made with shooting attacks and may cause Panic.

1. The Writhing MistsCasting Value: 7+

A salt-scented mist rolls in across the battlefield, shrouding the Asur with its ethereal caress.

Remains in Play. The Writhing Mists is an augment spell with a range of 24". Any enemy attacks targeted at the unit will suffer a -1 to hit penalty.

2. Mistress of the DeepCasting Value: 9+

Even amidst the clamour of pitched battle, the enemies of the Elves are distracted by the mind-twistingly haunting tones of the Oceanid's song, and beguiled by a vision of ominous beauty unique to each beholder.

Remains in Play. Place an appropriate marker no larger than 1" in diameter to represent the Oceanid within 6" of the Wizard. Whenever an enemy unit wishes to fire upon or declare a charge against a unit in the High Elf army, it must first measure the distance to the Oceanid. If the Oceanid is closer than the target unit, it must make a Leadership test.

If the test is failed, the enemy unit is distracted by the Oceanid's haunting song, and the attack/charge is not performed. If the test is passed, no Oceanid will have any effect against that unit for the rest of the game. This spell has no effect against units with Immunity (Psychology).

Next - The Lore of High Magic (High Elves)