Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Lore of Metal
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Gold Magic, Alchemy, Transmutancy

The Lore of Metal is based around the manipulation and transformation of metals. As you might expect, enemies that rely heavily on armour should beware the Lore of Metal, as its spells either ignore armour, or turn it against its wearer with horrendous consequences.

Chamon is attracted to dense materials and particularly metals. The heavier and denser the element, the greater Chamon’s attraction is to it.

The casting value for a Lore of Metal spell is lowered by 1 if the majority of the models in the target unit have a close combat armour save of 4+ to 6+, or lowered by 2 to if the majority have a close combat armour save of 1+ to 3+ (excluding Natural Armour). Roll a D6 in case of a tie.

A scintillating spray of sizzling silver slivers skips from the Wizard's outstretched fingers, and under their commands, plates, links and rivets turn molten, searing their wearer.

Searing Doom is a magic missile with a range of 24" and causes D6 hits with the Ignores Armour Saves and Flaming Attacks special rules. The To Wound score is equal to the unmodified close comabt armour save of the target (excluding Natural Armour). Models without an armour save cannot be wounded. The Wizard can choose to have the spell instead inflict 2D6 hits. If they do so, the casting value is increased to 20+.

1. Plague of RustCasting Value: 7+

At the Wizard's command, the armour of the enemy begins to rot, shedding away in clouds of tiny flakes.

Plague of Rust is a hex with a range of 24". The target's armour save (excluding Natural Armour) is lowered by one point for the rest of the game (e.g. a model with light armour and shield will only have a 6+ save). Plague of Rust can be repeatedly cast on the same target, reducing its armour save by a further -1 each time. The Wizard can choose to extend the range of this spell to 48". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 9+.

The Wizard sends powerful magic coursing over their allies' weapons, making them infinitely stronger and sharper than before.

Enchanted Blades of Aiban is an augment spell with a range of 24". Until the start of the caster's next Magic phase, the target unit (except mounts) gains +1 To Hit, Armour Piercing (1) and the Magical Attacks special rules with all shooting and close combat attacks. The Wizard can choose to extend the range of this spell to 48". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 11+.

3. Glittering RobeCasting Value: 9+

Shaping a sigil of power, the Wizard conjures a gaudy (but effective) cloak of shimmering scale to protect their allies.

Glittering Robe is an augment spell with a range of 12". The target unit gains +2 to its armour save until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. The Wizard can choose to extend the range of this spell to 24". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 13+.

Blowing on a glimmering golden whistle, the Wizard summons a massive pair of clockwork hounds, which bound after their chosen prey and drag it screaming to its doom.

Gehenna's Golden Hounds is a direct damage spell with a range of 12". Choose a single enemy model within range – it suffers D6 Strength 5 hits (even a character in a unit, "Look Out, Sir!" cannot be used). The Wizard can choose to extend the range of this spell to 24". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 13+.

5. Transmutation of LeadCasting Value: 12+

As the Wizard gestures at their foes, their weapons become much heavier and cumbersome – twice the burden they were but moments before.

Transmutation of Lead is a hex with a range of 24". The target suffers a -1 penalty to Hit in close combat and with missile weapons, -1 Initiative and -1 to its armour saves until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. The Wizard can choose to extend the range of this spell to 48". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 14+.

6. Final TransmutationCasting Value: 15+

The Wizard unleashes a hail of magical energy, transmuting the flesh of their foes to unliving golden statues.

Final Transmutation is a direct damage spell with a range of 18". Roll a D6 for every model in the target unit – on a 5+ they suffer a Wound using the Multiple Wounds (D3) and Ignores Armour Saves special rules as well as ignoring Regeneration.

In addition, any enemy unit within 12" of the target at the start of their following turn (including the target itself) must test for Stupidity in order to overcome the lure of the riches that have appeared in their vicinity. This does not apply to models with Immunity (Psychology), War Beasts, Monstrous Beasts or Monsters.

The Wizard can choose to extend the range of this spell to 36". If they do so, the casting value of the Final Transmutation is increased to 18+.

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