Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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If your Army General is Taurox, a Doombull or a Gorebull, then one unit of Minotaurs may be taken as a Core unit.

Cost: 39 points per model
Unit Category: Special
Troop Type: Monstrous Infantry
Unit Size: 3+

Hand weapon, shield.

  • May upgrade one Minotaur to a Bloodkine (10 points)

  • May upgrade one Minotaur to a musician (10 points)

  • May upgrade one Minotaur to a standard bearer (10 points)

    • May take a magic standard worth up to 50 points

  • The entire unit may replace shields with one of the following:

    • Additional hand weapon (free)

    • Great weapon (3 points per model)

  • The entire unit may wear light armour (3 points per model)

  • The entire unit may have one of the following Marks:

    • Mark of Khorne (6 points per model)

    • Mark of Nurgle (6 points per model)

    • Mark of Slaanesh (6 points per model)

    • Mark of Tzeentch (6 points per model)

Army Lists: Beastmen