Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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Wolf Brother443431328
Cost: 9 points per model
Unit Category: Special
Troop Type: InfantryHuman
Unit Size: 10+

Hand weapon.

  • May take bucklers (½ point/model), additional hand weapons (+1 point/model) or great weapons (+2 points/model).

  • May take light armour (+1 point/model).

  • May upgrade one Warrior of Ulric to a Son of Ulric (+10 points).

  • May upgrade one Warrior of Ulric to a Musician (+10 points).

  • May upgrade one Warrior of Ulric to a Standard Bearer (+10 points).
    May take a Magic Standard worth up to 25 points.

Army Lists: Cult of Ulric