Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Magic Items (Vampire Counts)
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This section contains the rules for some of the most iconic and powerful magical artefacts used by the Vampire Counts. These may be used in addition to the magic items found in the Warhammer rulebook.

Magic Weapons

Frostblade(Magic Weapon)75 points

The wielder gains the Ice Attacks special rule. If a model suffers one or more Wounds from the Frostblade (after saves) they are slain outright and lose all remaining Wounds.

The Balefire Spike(Magic Weapon)51 points
Skabscrath(Magic Weapon)40 points
Slaking Blade(Magic Weapon)40 points

The wielder of this weapon gains +1 Strength and Attacks at the end of each close combat phase in which they have inflicted at least 1 unsaved Wound (up to a maximum of +3). This bonus lasts for the remainder of the game.

Dreadlance(Magic Weapon)35 points

Lance. All attacks with this item hit automatically.

Asp Bow(Magic Weapon)25 points
Slitter(Magic Weapon)25 points

Additional hand weapon. This adds one special attack. Roll a D3; if the result is higher than the Wound value of the target, the target is instantly slain with no saves allowed.

Keening Bone(Magic Weapon)20 points

Strigoi only. Throwing weapon. All shots with this weapon automatically Hits. Characters may take this item despite not normally being allowed to take throwing weapons.

Sword of Kings(Magic Weapon)15 points

Wight Kings only. This item makes the model's Killing Blow special rule take effect on a 5+.

Reaper of Sorrows(Magic Weapon)10 points

Wraith only. Great weapon. All enemy units in base contact with the wielder must pass a Leadership test at the start of each round of close combat. If failed, the wielder gains the Ignores Armour Saves special rule against that unit for the duration of the turn.

Shadow's Edge(Magic Weapon)10 points

Magic Armour

Armour of Night(Magic Armour)30 points

Model on foot only. Heavy armour. This item causes any missile attacks targeted at the wearer or any unit they are with to suffer -2 To Hit.

Helm of Commandment(Magic Armour)25 points

This item gives the wearer a 6+ armour save. In addition, if the wearer is not in combat this round, one friendly Undead unit within 12" may use their unmodified Weapon Skill instead of their own in close combat.

The Scabbing Plate(Magic Armour)25 points

Heavy armour. The wearer of this armour automatically restores 1 Wound lost during the battle at the end of each round of close combat in which it has inflicted one or more unsaved Wounds.

The Flayed Hauberk(Magic Armour)20 points

Heavy armour. This item gives the wearer a 2+ armour save that cannot be improved by any means.

Wailing Helm(Magic Armour)20 points

This item gives the wearer a 6+ armour save and the Terror special rule.

The Accursed Armour(Magic Armour)15 points

Heavy armour. This item gives the wearer +1 Toughness, but makes them suffer -1 Weapon Skill and Initiative.

Armour of Bone(Magic Armour)15 points

Medium armour. When the wearer fails their first armour save (or if they are wounded by an attack which ignores armour saves), the Armour of Bone crumbles to dust and is destroyed, but the Wound is ignored.

The Cadaverous Cuirass(Magic Armour)15 points
The Cursed Shield of Mousillon(Magic Armour)10 points

Shield. This item causes one enemy model in base contact of your choice to lose 1 Attack. In addition, the bearer gains the Hatred (Bretonnia) special rule, and all models in Warhammer: Bretonnia have the Hatred special rule against the bearer.

The Red Casket(Magic Armour)10 points

Blood Dragon only. Heavy armour. The wearer of this armour gains the Frenzy special rule.

Shard of Night(Magic Armour)10 points

Von Carstein only. Light armour. The wearer cannot suffer negative modifiers to their armour save.


Nightshroud(Talisman)50 points

Enemy models in base contact with the wearer lose all Strength bonuses conferred from normal and magical weapons, and are subject to the Always Strikes Last special rule.

Cloak of the Waxing Moon(Talisman)25 points

Wraith only. The wearer of this item does not suffer any penalties to its Ward save from Magical Attacks.

The Gem of Blood(Talisman)25 points

Vampires only. One use only. The Gem of Blood activates when the bearer of the Gem of Blood suffers their first Wound in close combat (before saves). Roll a D6; on a roll of a 1 the wearer suffers the Wound as normal, and an additional Wound with no armour save allowed. On a 2+ the Wound is saved, and is rebounded onto the model that caused it with the Ignores Armour Saves special rule.

Splintervane Broach(Talisman)25 points

Strigoi only. All enemy Wizards within 18" of the bearer of this item suffer -1 to cast spells.

Ring of the Night(Talisman)20 points

All missile attacks targeted at the bearer of the Ring of the Night or the unit they are with suffer -1 To Hit.

Wristbands of Black Gold(Talisman)20 points
Chiropteran Cloak(Talisman)15 points

Von Carstein only. If a model attacking the wearer of this item rolls a natural 1 To Hit in close combat, they suffer a Strength 4 Hit.

Arcane Items

The Dermal Robe(Arcane Item)80 points

The wearer gains +1 to cast, dispel and channelling rolls.

Staff of Damnation(Arcane Item)45 points

Bound Spell (Power Level 5). If cast successfully, this item casts an augment spell. All Undead models in friendly units within 6" of the bearer gain +1 Attack until the start of the bearer's next Magic phase.

Staff of Raukhamon(Arcane Item)45 points

Necrarch only. Bound Spell, power level 4. This staff contains the Hellish Vigour spell from the Lore of Necromancy. Roll a D6 each time the Staff is used. On a roll of 1, the Staff is temporarily exhausted and cannot cast this bound spell for the rest of the battle. In addition, all enemy units within 6" of the Staff's bearer suffer a -1 penalty on their rolls to hit in close combat.

Sceptre de Noirot(Arcane Item)40 points
Carrion Wand(Arcane Item)35 points

Strigoi only. The wielder counts their Wizard level as being 1 higher than normal.

The Cursed Book(Arcane Item)35 points

At the beginning of the bearer's Magic phase, the bearer may choose to sacrifice one power dice from the pool. If they do so, roll a D6 on the following chart. Assuming there is a viable target for the indicated spell, that spell is automatically cast at its minimum casting value, requiring no power dice. A dispel attempt can be made as normal.

Amulet of Screams(Arcane Item)30 points

Lahmian only. Roll a D6 every time an enemy Wizard within 18" successfully casts a spell. On a 1, that Wizard suffer 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves.

Black Periapt(Arcane Item)30 points

The Black Periapt allows the bearer to save up to two of his army's unused power dice or dispel dice at the end of any Magic phase, and then add them to his side's power or dispel dice pool at the start of the next Magic phase.

Book of Arkhan(Arcane Item)30 points
Wychlight Lantern(Arcane Item)30 points

One use only. This item can be used during any of your Magic phases. Once used, it allows the bearer to cast one of their spells automatically without using any power dice, at its minimum casting value.

Crimson Gem of Lahmia(Arcane Item)20 points

Lahmian only. Once per magic phase, while casting spells, the bearer of the Crimson Gem of Lahmia can choose to take a Toughness test. If passed, they may re-roll a single power dice of their choice. If failed, they suffer a Wound with no saves allowed.

Morbheg's Claw(Arcane Item)20 points

Von Carstein only. The wearer of this item gains +2 to cast spells if they have not moved that turn or are not engaged in close combat.

Midnight Tome(Arcane Item)10 points

One use only. This item can be used when the wearer successfully casts a spell with a casting value of 10 or less. When used, the opponent cannot attempt to dispel it.

Enchanted Items

Midnight Amulet(Enchanted Item)40 points

One use only. This item can be used in any of your Magic phases. Pick one enemy unit within 12"; that unit suffers D6 Strength 4 Hits multiplied by the number of the current game turn.

Talon of Death(Enchanted Item)35 points

All enemy models in base contact with the bearer must pass a Toughness test or suffer a Wound which Ignores Armour Saves at the start of each round of combat.

Dreadbolt Ring(Enchanted Item)30 points

If the bearer of this item inflicts one or more unsaved Wounds in close combat, one enemy unit in base contact suffer D6 Strength 3 Attacks with the Flaming Attacks special rule after they have resolved their normal attacks.

Blood River Chalice(Enchanted Item)25 points

Vampire only. One use only. This item can be used at the start of the controlling player's turn. The model immediately recovers all lost Wounds (ignoring any additional Wounds from mounts) up to their starting value.

Breath of the Void Maw(Enchanted Item)25 points

Necrarch only. One use only. This item can be used at the start of any Magic phase. Once used, pick one enemy unit within 6" that is not engaged in close combat. Roll a D6; on a 2+ the target unit suffer a number of Strength 5 Hits equal to the roll.

The Casket of Ages(Enchanted Item)25 points

Bound Spell, Power Level 3. The Casket of Ages contains a direct damage spell that targets one enemy model in base contact. The target model suffers one Wound which Ignores Armour Saves. If the Wound is not saved, the victim must pass a Toughness test or get removed as a casualty, with no saves of any kind allowed.

Fragment of the Keep(Enchanted Item)25 points
The Grim Garland(Enchanted Item)25 points

Strigoi only. Enemy units in base contact with the bearer must roll 3D6 for their Leadership tests and discard the lowest result.

Lightshard of the Harvest Moon(Enchanted Item)25 points

One use only. This item can be used at the start of any close combat phase. The bearer and any unit they are with may re-roll failed rolls To Hit for the duration of the turn.

Pendant of the Fell Wind(Enchanted Item)25 points

The character and any unit they are with gain +1 Movement.

The Saccharine Goblet(Enchanted Item)25 points

Vampire only. This item can be used at the start of any round of close combat. When used, the bearer gains +1 To Hit and To Wound. However, if the bearer fails to inflict any unsaved Wound this phase, they suffer D3 Wounds with no saves allowed the end of the combat (before Break tests are taken).

Sigil of the Sanguine Throne(Enchanted Item)25 points

Von Carstein only. The bearer and any friendly Vampire unit within 12" may re-roll one of their charge distance dice.

The Furious Crown(Enchanted Item)20 points

In any turn in which the bearer of this item makes a successful charge, they gain +1 Attack for every enemy model in base contact, up to a maximum of +3.

Grave-sand Shard(Enchanted Item)20 points

Blood Dragon only. One use only. This item can be used in any of your Magic phases. Once used, it automatically restores Wounds to the bearer and any unit they are with following the rules for Invocation of Nehek from the Lore of Necromancy.

Medal of Madness(Enchanted Item)20 points

Strigoi only. The bearer gains the Inspiring Presence ability with a 6" range. If taken by the Army General, it increases their Inspiring Presence range with 6" instead.

Soulfire Ring(Enchanted Item)20 points

Wraith only. For every unsaved Wound caused in close combat by bearer, they and/or their unit regain 1 Wound following the rules for Resurrecting Fallen Warriors.

Nathmar's Skull(Enchanted Item)15 points

Master Necromancer or Necromancer only. All friendly units of Skeletons and Zombies within 12" of the bearer may March despite being Undead.

Ruby Vial(Enchanted Item)15 points

Vampire only. One use only. This item can be used at the start of any of your turns. Until the start of your next turn, all enemy units within 18" of the bearer suffer -1 to their Movement.

Signet of the First Court(Enchanted Item)15 points

Strigoi only. The bearer of this item gains the Killing Blow special rule.

The Bilious Decanter(Enchanted Item)10 points

Ghoul only. One use only. This item can be used at the start of any close combat phase. The bearer gains the Frenzy special rule for the remainder of the game.

Heart of the Giant Feast(Enchanted Item)10 points

Vampire only. One use only. This item can be used at the start of any close combat phase. The bearer can re-roll failed To Wound rolls for the duration of the turn.

Orb of Enchantment(Enchanted Item)10 points

Lahmian only. One enemy model in base contact (chosen by the bearer) must take a Leadership test at the start of each round of close combat. If failed, they may not attack this turn.

Talisman of the Lycni(Enchanted Item)10 points

Vampire only. Model on foot only. The bearer of this item gains +4 to their Movement value and the Swiftstride special rule. In addition, they may join units of Dire Wolves.

Magic Standards

The Drakenhof Banner(Magic Standard)75 points

May only be taken if your army includes a von Carstein Vampire Character. All Undead models in the unit carrying this standard gain the Regeneration (4+) special rule.

The Flag of Blood Keep(Magic Standard)50 points
Banner of the Barrows(Magic Standard)40 points

All Wights in the same unit as this standard receive +1 To Hit in close combat. This does not apply to mounts.

Hell Banner(Magic Standard)40 points
Cursed Pennant of Mousillon(Magic Standard)35 points

May only be taken if your army includes a Blood Dragon Vampire Character. Any enemy unit that is in base contact with the unit carrying this standard must re-roll 6's when rolling To Hit, To Wound and when taking armour saves.

Banner of Doom(Magic Standard)25 points
Banner of the Dead Legion(Magic Standard)25 points

The unit carrying this standard counts as having twice its actual Unit Strength in close combat.

The Flayed Pennant(Magic Standard)25 points

Crypt Guard only. The unit carrying this standard gains the Frenzy special rule.

Royal Standard of Strigos(Magic Standard)25 points

May only be taken if your army includes a Strigoi Vampire Character. Ghouls only. The unit carrying this standard gains the Hatred special rule.

The Screaming Banner(Magic Standard)25 points

Enemy units on base contact with the unit carrying this standard must pass a Leadership test at the start of each close combat phase. If failed, they require 6's To Hit for the duration of the phase.

Standard of Hellish Vigour(Magic Standard)15 points

May only be taken if your army includes a Necrarch Vampire Character. Undead only. The unit carrying this standard may March despite being Animated Constructs.

Banner of Hellfire(Magic Standard)10 points
Banner of the Endless Nightmare(Magic Standard)10 points

The unit carrying this standard counts as having one more rank than normal for the purpose of combat resolution, up to a maximum of +4. Note that the unit still needs to have at least one complete rank of 5 or more models for this rule to have any affect.

Standard of Everlasting Death(Magic Standard)10 points

The unit carrying this standard suffers one fewer Wound than they normally would due to the Unstable special rule.

Next - Vampiric Powers