Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Lore of Ruin
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Vermin Magic, Warpmancy, Horned Rat's Lore

As the Lore of Ruin siphons the Winds of Magic, an unholy despair takes hold of the surface-dwellers. The rats lurk in the shadows...

Whenever a spell from the Lore of Ruin is cast, all enemy units within 6" of the caster suffer -1 to their Leadership (to a minimum of 1) until the start of the caster's next magic phase.

The Skaven raises its arms and intones some shrill enchantments, summoning a cursed energy that crackles around him. With a triumphant scream, the sorcerer points its flesh claw forward and casts bolts of greenish-black lightning towards his enemies.

Warp Lightning is a magic missile with a range of 24" that causes D6 Strength 5 hits with the Lightning Attacks special rule. If the number of hits rolled is a natural 1, then the caster suffers a Strength 5 hit instead of the target. The caster can choose to increase the power of this spell to cause 2D6 Strength 5 hits instead. If they do so, the casting value is increased to 16+.

1. Howling WarpgaleCasting Value: 7+

The caster gestures twitchingly to the skies and fierce hurricane gales begin to build until it swirls around the entire battlefield, making flight impossible.

Howling Warpgale is cast on the wizard itself. Until the start of the caster's next Magic phase, no units within 18" of the caster may use the Fly special rule, and all non-magical missile attacks suffer -1 To Hit. The caster can choose to increase the power of this spell to affect all units within 36". If they do so, the casting value is increased to 14+.

2. Death FrenzyCasting Value: 8+

Gesticulating wildly the caster gifts a unit with a rabid and frothing urge to kill and consume the foe. The caster fills his allies with a horrible ravenous hunger, causing foam to fleck their mouths and their eyes to roll madly in their head.

Death Frenzy is an augment spell with a range of 24". The target unit will immediately be affected by the Frenzy special rule. If the wizard casts this spell on a unit that already has the Frenzy special rule, the unit will be subject to Death Frenzy, giving them 2 extra attacks rather than the normal 1 from Frenzy. Units that are Death Frenzied suffer D6 automatic Wounds with the Ignores Armour Saves special rule at the end of each friendly turn. A unit that is Death Frenzied will go back to having normal Frenzy once they lose a round of close combat.

3. WarpstormCasting Value: 10+

Clouds roil overhead angrily discharging greenish-black bolts of warp lightning.

Warpstorm is a direct damage spell that targets all units within 12". Roll a D6 for each unit within range, including units in close combat. On a 4+, enemy units suffer D6 Strength 5 hits with the Lightning Attacks special rule. Friendly units are only affected on a 6.

4. Flensing RuinCasting Value: 10+

Green ribbons of warp-energy tear the flesh from the target's bones.

Flensing Ruin is a direct damage spell with a range of 12" that targets a single model (even a character in a unit). The target suffers D3 Strength 6 Hits with the Lightning Attacks special rule. The caster can choose to increase the range of this spell to 24" instead. If they do so, the casting value is increased to 14+.

5. ScorchCasting Value: 13+

The Skaven Sorcerer thrusts his paws into the ground while chittering fiery incantations, summoning a gout of flame to blast out of the earth.

Scorch is a direct damage spell. Place the small round template anywhere within 24" - it then scatters D6". All models underneath the template suffer a Flaming Strength 4 hit. Any unit that suffers an unsaved wound must take a Panic test. The caster can choose to increase the power of this spell to use the large round template instead. If they do so, the casting value is increased to 16+ and the template scatters 2D6" rather than D6".

6. Cracks CallCasting Value: 14+

The sorcerer bows and touches the soil. A rift appears on it, growing and moving forward towards his enemies like a lightning bolt. With the arcane incantation invoked, the Skaven ends by stamping his horrible pinkish rat-like foot, causing the very ground to split asunder.

Cracks Call is a direct damage spell with a range of 4D6". Trace a straight line from the base of the caster the number of inches rolled. All models in its path must pass an Initiative test to leap out of the way, or be removed as casualties with no saves except Magic Resistance allowed. Instead of taking an Initiative test, War Machines and Chariots must instead roll a 5+ or be destroyed. A building (or single section of a multi-part building) affected by the spell will collapse on a roll of 5+. If the building collapses, any models garrisoning it must pass an Initiative test, or be removed as a casualty with no armour save allowed. Any survivors are placed outside the building, as described for a unit abandoning a building. Then replace the building with an area of dangerous terrain of equal size. The caster can choose to increase the range of this spell by doubling the result of the 4D6" rolled. If they do so, the casting value is increased to 18+.

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