Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Exalted Daemon
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Exalted Daemon675554748
Cost: 170 points
Unit Category: Hero
Troop Type: Monstrous InfantryCharacterDaemon

Hand weapon.

  • May take up to two Wizard Levels (+35 points/level) unless they are a Daemon of Khorne.

  • May wear light armour (+4 points) or medium armour (+12 points).

  • May be upgraded with the Fly special rule (+25 points).

  • May be upgraded to a Daemon of Khorne (+15 points), a Daemon of Tzeentch (+15 points), a Daemon of Nurgle (+15 points) or a Daemon of Slaanesh (+5 points).

  • May take Magic Items and/or Daemonic Gifts up to a total of 50 points (a Daemon of Khorne may take up to 75 points).

  • One Exalted Daemon in the army may carry the Battle Standard for +25 points. The Battle Standard Bearer can have a magic banner with no points limit. However, a model carrying a magic standard can only carry other Magic Items and/or Daemonic Gifts up to a total of 25 points.

Army Lists: Daemons of Chaos