Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Magic Items (Hobgoblins)
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This section contains the rules for some of the most iconic and powerful magical artefacts used by the Hobgoblins. These may be used in addition to the magic items found in the Warhammer rulebook.

Magic Weapons

Lightning Spear(Magic Weapon)50 points

Spear. All attacks made with this weapon has the Lightning Attacks special rule. On the round that the wielder of the Lightning Spear charges, for each successful Wound made with this weapon the spear strikes the model behind the hit model with an attack at -1 Strength. If this attack wounds, then the model behind the second wounded model is struck with an attack at an additional -1 Strength. This will continue until you fail to wound a model.

Axe Headroom(Magic Weapon)35 points
The Black Bow(Magic Weapon)35 points

Bow. This weapon gives the wielder the Sniper special rule. Any model hit by the Black Bow must re-roll successful armour saves.

Comet Bow(Magic Weapon)25 points

Bow. Each time the wielder of this bow Hits their target, all other friendly units targeting the same unit this Shooting phase receive +1 To Hit.

Serpent's Fang(Magic Weapon)25 points

All attacks made with this weapon are considered to be made at 1 Strength higher than the target’s Toughness. This also affects armour saves.

Warpstone Scimitar(Magic Weapon)25 points

This weapon gives the wielder Poisoned Attacks. In addition, any enemy model in base contact with the wielder at the end of the close combat phase must pass a Toughness test or suffer a single Wound which Ignores Armour save. However, the wielder must roll a D6 at the start of each of their turns. On a roll of 1 they suffer a Wound which Ignores Armour saves.

Zanzill's Three-Section Staff(Magic Weapon)25 points

Polearm. This weapon gives the wielder +2 Attacks. However, if a 1 is rolled To Hit, the hit is resolved against the wielder rather than the opponent.

Outrider's Mace(Magic Weapon)20 points

Attacks made with this weapon have the Strength Bonus (1) and Armour Piercing (1) special rules, and their effects are doubled on turns during which the wielder successfully charges an enemy in the flank or rear.

Magic Armour

Wolf-Howl Helm(Magic Armour)45 points

The Helm gives the bearer a 6+ armour save and the Fear special rule. If the model already causes Fear, it now causes Terror. In addition, enemies must re-roll successful To Hit roll against the wearer in close combat.

Armour of the Wind Fortress (Magic Armour)30 points

Medium armour. Once each turn, at any time during the turn, including before or after moving, the wearer of the Armour of the Wind Fortress may be placed anywhere within 6" of their initial position. The model may be placed facing any direction at its new location. This ability may not be used to enter or leave combat.

Shield of the Inhospitable Steppes(Magic Armour)30 points

Shield. Enemy models attempting to strike the bearer in close combat suffer a -1 penalty to their Weapon Skill and Strength.

Hide of the Fallen Tyrant(Magic Armour)20 points

Light armour. The wearer of this armour gains +1 to their Toughness.

Scorpion Shield(Magic Armour)15 points
Sabretusk Claw Gauntlets(Magic Armour)10 points


Lucky's Paw(Talisman)45 points
Crimson Jade Pendant(Talisman)30 points

All enemies targeting the wearer in close combat suffer -D3 to their Attacks.

Wyrdstone Crown(Talisman)25 points

The Wyrdstone Crown grants the wearer a 4+ Ward Save. If the result is a 1 when rolling the save, the bearer suffers a permanent -1 penalty to his Leadership.

Spirit Amulet(Talisman)20 points

The wearer of this amulet gains Ward Save (5+) after suffering their first Wound. This has no effect against Attacks that would instantly kill the wearer.

Spider Silk Shirt(Talisman)10 points

Arcane Items

Fendrizz' Orb of Theft(Arcane Item)50 points

The bearer of this Orb can remove 1 of the enemy's Power dice and add it to their own Dispel dice pool.

Spirit Totem Staff(Arcane Item)40 points

The bearer may re-roll failed channelling rolls.

Cloak of Sorcery(Arcane Item)35 points

The wearer of the Cloak of Sorcery gains +1 Power Dice. In addition, there is no limit on the maximum amount of dice they are allowed to use to cast spells.

Stealer of Thunder(Arcane Item)25 points

Whenever the Wizard carrying this item successfully dispels a spell, they may immediately attempt to channel Dispel Dice equal to the number of dice used to cast the spell (including any bonus dice used).

Vazzak's Staff of Procrastination(Arcane Item)20 points

At the end of each Magic phase the wielder can choose to save 1 unused Power or Dispel dice and use in the next turn.

Telling Bones(Arcane Item)10 points

One use only. The wizard can reroll a single dice when casting or dispelling a spell.

Enchanted Items

Evershifting Map(Enchanted Item)30 points

The model carrying the Evershifting Map and one unit they must be assigned to can deploy as Scouts.

Deathseeker Gem(Enchanted Item)25 points

The model carrying this item gains the Frenzy special rule. They can never lose their Frenzy, and gain +D3 Attacks rather than just 1.

Scroll of Taunts(Enchanted Item)25 points

One use only. This item can be used in the enemy's Charge sub-phase. When used, all enemy units within charge range of the bearer must pass a Leadership test or be forced to declare charge against them.

Bag O' Sneaky Tricks(Enchanted Item)20 points

At the start of the game, roll a D6 and consult the following chart to determine what the item retrieved for that battle actually does:




Worthless Scrap: The item does nothing.


Red Gem: The item grants the bearer Flaming Attacks and Immunity (Flaming Attacks) special rule.


Protective Amulet: The item grants a Ward save (6+).


Obsidian Bracelet: The item grants the Magic Resistance (2) special rule.


Trollbone Torc: The item grants the Regeneration (4+) special rule.


Daemon Skull: The item grants the bearer +1 Strength, a Ward save (5+) and the Magical Attacks special rule.

The Hidden Sheath(Enchanted Item)20 points

On any turn that the model equipped with the Hidden Sheath enters a challenge, they get to make one extra round of attacks against their opponent before all other attacks are made.

Yatzsup's Thumb Ring(Enchanted Item)10 points

The wearer ignores all To Hit penalties with missile weapons.

Blood Debt Token(Enchanted Item)5 points

One use only. This item may be used whenever the bearer and any unit they are with fails a Treacherous Gits test. Roll a D6; on a 2+ they pass the Treacherous Gits test.

Magic Standards

Standard of the Great Khan(Magic Standard)55 points

The unit carrying this standard gains +D3 to its combat resolution. In addition, all Hobgoblins within 12" of this banner may re-roll failed Treacherous Gits tests.

Spirit Banner(Magic Standard)50 points

One use only. The banner may be activated at the start of any of your turns. For the remainder of the turn, all models in the unit gains the Ethereal special rule.

Laughing Skull Banner(Magic Standard)40 points

All enemy units within 8" of this standard suffer -1 to their Leadership.

War Banner of Begtsethulu(Magic Standard)40 points

A unit carrying this magic standard has the Hatred and Fear special rules.

Taunting Effigy(Magic Standard)35 points

All enemy units within charge range of this unit at the start of their Compulsory Moves sub-phase must pass a Leadership test or be forced to declare a charge against it. This has no effect on models with Immunity (Psychology).

Standard of the Devouring Wolf(Magic Standard)30 points
Windrider Banner(Magic Standard)30 points
Banner of the Great Wolf(Magic Standard)25 points

All mounts in a unit carrying this banner gain +1 to their Strength.

Standard of the Open Steppe(Magic Standard)25 points

The unit carrying this standard may add +D6" to their charge range.

Craven Banner(Magic Standard)10 points

The unit carrying this standard may re-roll its Flee distance (before your opponent rolls their Charge/Pursuit distance).